create database ZK_Test go use zk_test go create table Student ( ID int identity(1,1) primary key, Name varchar(20) not null, Sex char(2) not null, Birthday datetime, Height int ) select * from student insert into student (Name, Sex, Birthday, Height) values ( ‘张三‘,‘男‘,‘1988-08-12‘, 172 ), ( ‘张三1‘,‘女‘,‘1986-08-12‘, 168 ), ( ‘我就‘,‘男‘,‘1988-08-12‘, 122 ), ( ‘kk‘,‘男‘,‘1988-12-19‘, 132 ), ( ‘吗看‘,‘男‘,‘1958-9-12‘, 152 ), ( ‘咯跑‘,‘男‘,‘1976-8-12‘, 102 ), ( ‘用额‘,‘男‘,‘1988-8-12‘, 192 ), ( ‘离开‘,‘男‘,‘1988-8-1‘, 152 ) select distinct * from student select top 3 * from student select top 30 percent * from student declare @count int = 5 select top (@count) * from student select Name as 姓名 from student select Name + ‘zk‘ as 姓名 from student select Name + ‘zk‘ + convert(varchar(20), birthday, 112) as Name from student select datediff(year, birthday, getdate()) age from student --group by操作用by的字段生成了临时表,在其后进行的操作 --只能用临时表有的字段,否则需要使用max、min等对原表进行操作组合成新表 select name,max(sex) as sex,max(height) as height from student where height >= 151 group by name having max(sex) = ‘男‘ order by name desc select * from student where height = 172 select * from student where sex = ‘男‘ select * from student where height >= 150 and height <= 175 select * from student where height between 150 and 178 select * from student where height in(176, 172, 180) select * from student where height not in(176, 172, 180) select * from student where height like ‘1_2‘ select * from student where height like ‘17%‘ select * from student where height like ‘1[67][012345]‘ select * from student where height is null update student set height = null where id = 8 select * from student where height is not null --将null值转换为0 select * from student where isnull(height, 0) < 180 select * from student where exists ( select 1 ) --判断某个数据是否有 if exists ( select * from student where id=12 ) print ‘exist‘ else print ‘not exists‘ select * from student where exists ( select * from student where id=9 ) select * from student as t1 where exists ( select * from student where id = t1.id and height > 173 ) select * from student where charindex(‘张‘, name, 1) >= 1 select * from student where patindex(‘张_‘, name) >= 1 select * from student order by name desc alter table student add class int default(null) --循环赋值 declare @no int set @no =1 while @no < 30 begin update student set class =@no where id=@no set @no = @no + 1 end select * from student order by sex,class select class,year(birthday),count(id),avg(height),max(birthday) from student group by class,birthday select class,year(birthday),count(id),avg(height),max(birthday) from student group by class,birthday having class=1 select class,year(birthday),count(id),avg(height),max(birthday) from student group by class,birthday having avg(height) > 165 select class,sum(isnull(height,0)) from student group by class select class,avg(height) from student group by class select class,count(height) from student group by class select class,max(height) from student group by class select class,min(height) from student group by class select class,count(distinct(height)) from student group by class