By Raquel Soares De Almeida|October 23, 2013
This tutorial shows you how to add ASP.NET Identity (the new membership system for ASP.NET) to an ASP.NET application.
When you create a new Web Forms or MVC project in Visual Studio 2013 RTM with Individual Accounts, Visual Studio will install all the required packages and add all necessary classes for you. This tutorial will illustrate the steps to add ASP.NET Identity support to your existing Web Forms project or a new empty project. I will outline all the NuGet packages you need to install, and classes you need to add. I will go over sample Web Forms for registering new users and logging in while highlighting all main entry point APIs for user management and authentication. This sample will use the ASP.NET Identity default implementation for SQL data storage which is built on Entity Framework. This tutorial, we will use LocalDB for the SQL database.
This tutorial was written by Raquel Soares De Almeida and Rick Anderson ( @RickAndMSFT ).
原文 http://www.asp.net/identity/overview/getting-started/adding-aspnet-identity-to-an-empty-or-existing-web-forms-project
Adding ASP.NET Identity to an Empty or Existing Web Forms Project