1. To find your project URL inside GitHub:
2. Go to your eclipse, assume that you already install the EGIT, if not please refer to http://blog.csdn.net/yaominhua/article/details/38390449
Open the GIT Repositories view:
3. Click the Clone a Git respository inside the opened view:
4. A new window will popup, fill the url find at step 1, the others will auto filled:
click next button:
then click Finish button:
so far, you shall see the git repository show like below:
5. import the project to your workspace:
my project is a maven project, so i select the existing maven project:转载请注明出处!
Browser to select the project and then click the Finish button:
Finally, you can see the project imported into your workspace:
EGit with eclipse to clone project from GitHub(Step by step)