/* * \File * main.c * \Descript * father-process reads input file and sends to child-process by anonymous-pipe * client-process transform and write into output file */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> FILE* fp_in = NULL; FILE* fp_out = NULL; #define TESTF_IN "test.dat" #define TESTF_OUT "out.dat" #define MAX_LINE 512 #define OP_LEN 100 /* * \File * trans.h * \Descript * */ #ifndef __TRANS_H__ #define __TRANS_H__ int trans_lower2upper(char* buf_in, char* buf_out, int len); #endif /* * \Func * main * \Descript * */ int main(char argc, char* argv[]) { int pidstatus; int fdfile_in, fdfile_out; int fdpipe_a[2]; int fdpipe_b[2]; int pid_trans = -1, pid_write = -1; /* Create anonymous-pipe */ if( (pipe(fdpipe_a) < 0) || (pipe(fdpipe_b) < 0)) //创建两个管道 { printf("open pipe failed.\n"); exit(1); } if ( (fp_in = fopen(TESTF_IN, "r")) < 0 ) //打开test.dat文件,用于读 { printf("open input file failed: %s\n", TESTF_IN); exit(1); } if ( (fp_out = fopen(TESTF_OUT, "w")) < 0 ) //新建out.dat文件,用于写 { printf("open input file failed: %s\n", TESTF_OUT); exit(1); } if ( (pid_trans = fork()) && (pid_write = fork()) ) //创建两个子进程,父进程工作内容 { /* * PARENT_PROCESS: * read data from in-file, write it into anonymos-pipe. */ int s_read = 0, s_write; char bufparent[512]; while((s_read = fread(bufparent, sizeof(char), OP_LEN ,fp_in) ) ) //读test.dat文件 { printf("***** %d, %s\n", s_read, bufparent); if ( (s_write = write(fdpipe_a[1], bufparent, s_read)) < 0 )//向管道写 { printf("write pipe failed.\n"); exit(1); } memset(bufparent, 0, 512); if( feof(fp_in) != 0 ) //检查文件是否结束 { printf("\n***** read test.dat over ******\n"); exit(1); } } } else if ( pid_trans == 0 ) { /* * TRANS_PROCESS: * read anonymous-pipe, transcode, write anonymos-pipe. */ char buftrans_in[512], buftrans_out[512]; int size_read, size_write; int ret; while(size_read = read(fdpipe_a[0], buftrans_in, OP_LEN)) //读管道 { ret = trans_lower2upper(buftrans_in, buftrans_out, size_read); if ( (size_write = write(fdpipe_b[1], buftrans_out, size_read)) < 0 ) //写管道 { printf("trans-process write failed.\n"); exit(2); } } } else if ( pid_write == 0 ) { /* * WRITE_PROCESS: * read anonymous-pipe, write it into out-file */ int s_read, s_write; char bufwrite[512]; while ( s_read = read(fdpipe_b[0], bufwrite, OP_LEN) ) //读管道 { if( (s_write = fwrite(bufwrite, sizeof(char), s_read, fp_out)) < 0) //写out.dat文件 { printf("..... write error.\n"); exit(3); } if(s_read < OP_LEN) { break; } } } else { printf("fork process failed.\n"); exit(1); } waitpid(pid_trans, &pidstatus, 0); waitpid(pid_write, &pidstatus, 0); fclose(fp_out); fclose(fp_in); int s_read2 = 0; char bufparent2[512]; if ( (fp_out = fopen(TESTF_OUT, "r")) < 0 ) //新建out.dat文件,用于写 { printf("open input file failed: %s\n", TESTF_OUT); exit(1); } s_read2 = fread(bufparent2, sizeof(char), OP_LEN ,fp_out); printf("***** %d, %s\n", s_read2, bufparent2); if( feof(fp_out) != 0 ) //检查文件是否结束 { printf("\n***** pirint out.dat over ******\n"); exit(1); } fclose(fp_out); return 0; } /* * \Func * trans_lower2upper * \Descript * Lowercase turn uppercase */ int trans_lower2upper(char* buf_in, char* buf_out, int buf_len) //逐个字符转换成大写字母 { int len = buf_len; char* cp_in = buf_in; char* cp_out = buf_out; char atom; char offset; while(len--) { atom = *(cp_in++); if( (atom >= ‘a‘) && (atom <= ‘z‘) ) { offset = atom - ‘a‘; atom = ‘A‘ + offset; } *(cp_out++) = atom; } return 0; }
出现的问题是 打印out.dat文件内容时,打印了wujing@Ubuntu:$