[TOP(expression) [PERCENT]]
{ <object> | rowset_function_limited
[ WITH ( <Table_Hint_Limited> [ ...n ] ) ] /*指定表提示*/
| view_name } /*视图名*/
[(column_list) ] /*指定列名*/
[<OUTPUT Clause> ]
{VALUES /*指定列名的取值*/
{DEFAULT | NULL | expression}[1…n]) /*列值的构成形式*/
|derived_table|execute_statement } } /*结果集*/
|DEFAULT VALUES /*所有列均取默认值*/
1 /*插入单个元组*/ 2 /*向student表中插入一个学生记录(‘200’,‘曾雷’,‘女’,‘1978-2-3’,‘05001’)*/ 3 USE test 4 INSERT INTO student_1 5 VALUES(100,‘曾雷‘,‘女‘,‘1995-2-3‘,20) 6 7 /*查询student表,查看结果*/ 8 select * from student_1 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 12 /*向student表中插入一个学生记录(‘201’,‘孙浩’,‘男’,‘1977-8-4’,NULL)*/ 13 INSERT INTO student_1(sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,sage) 14 VALUES(200,‘孙浩‘,‘男‘,‘1996-8-4‘,null) 15 16 select * from student_1 17 delete from student_1 where sno=200 18 19 INSERT INTO student_1(sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday) 20 VALUES(200,‘孙浩‘,‘男‘,‘1996-8-4‘) 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 23 24 /*插入元组集合*/ 25 /*将student_1表中的相关数据插入到student表中*/ 26 select * from student 27 select * from student_1 28 29 insert into student(sno,sname,ssex,sage) 30 select sno,sname,ssex,sage 31 from student_1 32 33 34 /*向student表中添加两个新生*/ 35 INSERT INTO student_1(sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,sage) 36 VALUES(300,‘王明‘,‘男‘,‘1996-8-4‘,19),(400,‘赵强‘,‘男‘,‘1996-4-1‘,19) 37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 39 40 /*向自增列添加数据*/ 41 create table testidentity( 42 id int identity, 43 words varchar(10)) 44 45 insert into testidentity values(‘a‘) --标识列不指定 46 insert into testidentity values(‘b‘) --指定除了标识列外的列 47 48 set IDENTITY_INSERT testidentity on 49 insert into testidentity(id,words) values(10,‘c‘) --指定标识列 50 51 set IDENTITY_INSERT testidentity off 52 insert into testidentity values(‘d‘) 53 54 select * from testidentity
SET column_name = {expression | DEFAULT | NULL}[1…n]
where where_clause
1 /*将sc表中的成绩小于60的加5。*/ 2 UPDATE sc 3 SET grade=grade+5 4 WHERE grade<70 5 6 /*将张三选修1号课程的成绩置零。*/ 7 UPDATE sc 8 SET grade=0 9 WHERE cno=1 and sno in 10 (select sno from student where sname=‘张三‘) 11 12 13 /*将学号为1的学生的姓名改为张三十,年龄改小2岁。*/ 14 UPDATE student 15 SET sname=‘张三十‘,sage=sage-2 --同时更新多列 16 WHERE sno=1 17 18 select * from student 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 21 /*使用top表达式*/ 22 UPDATE top(2) student 23 SET sage=sage-2 24 25 UPDATE top(50) percent student 26 SET sage=sage-2
DELETE table_name
WHERE search_condition
1 /*删除student表中学号为200的记录*/ 2 select * from student 3 select * from sc 4 5 DELETE student 6 WHERE sno=‘200‘ 7 8 /*删除张三的选修1号课程的选课记录*/ 9 DELETE sc 10 WHERE cno=1 and sno in 11 (select sno from student where sname=‘张三‘) 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 /*TRANCATE*/ 15 /*TRUNCATE TABLE table_name*/ 16 /*一次删除表中所有数据,即清空表, 17 但表的结构及约束保持不变,且该操作不记录日志,无法恢复,使用时必须慬慎。*/ 18 19 20 /*删除student_1表中的记录*/ 21 TRUNCATE TABLE student_1 22 23 select * from student_1
SELECT 语句语法:
SELECT select_list
[INTO new_table]
FROM table_source
[WHERE search_condition]
[GROUP BY group_by_expression]
[HAVING search_condition]
[ORDER BY order_expression [ASC | DESC]]
1 /*查询列*/ 2 3 /*查询student表中所有记录的sname、ssex和sage列*/ 4 SELECT sname,ssex,sage 5 FROM student 6 7 /*查询有选课记录的课程cno*/ 8 select distinct cno --避免重复项 9 from sc 10 11 /*查询有85分以上成绩的课程cno*/ 12 SELECT DISTINCT cno 13 FROM sc 14 WHERE grade>85 15 16 17 /*查询student表的所有记录*/ 18 SELECT * 19 FROM student 20 21 SELECT sno as ‘学号‘,sname as ‘姓名‘,ssex as ‘性别‘ 22 FROM student 23 24 25 /*返回部分结果top*/ 26 select top(1) * from student 27 select top(1) * from student where ssex=‘女‘ 28 select top(1) with ties * from student order by sage 29 select top(50) percent * from student 30 31 32 /*计算列*/ 33 select sno,sname,2015-sage as ‘出生年月‘ from student 34 select sno,cno,grade*1.1 from sc 35 ----------------------------------------------------- 36 37 38 /*选择查询 39 40 查询sc表中成绩大于60的所有记录*/ 41 SELECT * 42 FROM sc 43 WHERE grade>60 44 45 46 /*查询sc表中1号课程成绩大于60的所有记录*/ 47 SELECT * 48 FROM sc 49 WHERE cno=2 and grade>60 50 51 52 /*查询score表中成绩在60~80之间的所有记录*/ 53 SELECT * 54 FROM sc 55 WHERE grade between 60 and 80 56 57 58 /*查询sc表中成绩为85、86或88的记录*/ 59 SELECT * 60 FROM sc 61 WHERE grade in(85,86,88) 62 63 64 /*字符串匹配*/ 65 66 /* % 匹配任意字符 67 _ 匹配单个字符 68 [] 匹配括号中的任意一个字符 69 [^]或[!]匹配没有出现在括号中的单个字符 70 escape换码字符 */ 71 72 select * from student 73 74 /*查询student表中姓张的或性别为“女”的学生记录*/ 75 SELECT * 76 FROM student 77 WHERE sname like ‘张%‘or ssex=‘女‘ 78 79 /*查询student表中姓李的学生*/ 80 SELECT * 81 FROM student 82 WHERE sname like ‘李%‘ 83 84 SELECT * 85 FROM student 86 WHERE sname like ‘[李]%‘ 87 88 SELECT * 89 FROM student 90 WHERE sname like ‘李_‘ 91 92 SELECT * 93 FROM student 94 WHERE sname like ‘[^李]%‘ 95 96 SELECT * 97 FROM student 98 WHERE sname not like ‘[李]%‘ 99 100 SELECT * 101 FROM student 102 WHERE sname like ‘%[四]%‘ 103 104 105 /*查询sc表中没成绩的记录*/ 106 SELECT * 107 FROM sc 108 WHERE grade is null 109 110 SELECT * 111 FROM sc 112 WHERE grade is not null 113 114 115 /*查询结果排序*/ 116 SELECT * 117 FROM sc 118 order by grade 119 120 SELECT * 121 FROM sc 122 order by cno,grade desc 123 124 125 /*分组查询*/ 126 /*group by group_by_expression[with rollup|cube]* 127 having search_condition 128 with rollup 只返回第一个分组条件制定的列的统计行; 129 而with cube除返回group by制定的列外,还返回按组统计的行*/ 130 131 SELECT cno,AVG(grade) 132 FROM sc 133 group by cno 134 135 SELECT cno,AVG(grade) 136 FROM sc 137 group by cno 138 having AVG(grade)>60 139 140 SELECT cno,tno,AVG(grade) 141 FROM sc 142 group by cno,tno 143 144 SELECT cno,tno,AVG(grade) 145 FROM sc 146 group by cno,tno with rollup 147 148 select AVG(grade) 149 from sc
1 /*嵌套查询*/ 2 use test 3 4 5 /*使用IN或NOT IN*/ 6 select sname 7 from student 8 where sno in 9 (select sno 10 from sc 11 where cno=2) 12 13 select sname 14 from student 15 where sno not in 16 (select sno 17 from sc 18 where cno=2) 19 20 21 22 /*比较运算符的子查询*/ 23 24 select sno,grade 25 from sc sc1 26 where sc1.cno=1 and 27 sc1.grade=(select sc2.grade 28 from sc sc2 29 where sc2.cno=1 and sc2.sno=1) 30 31 select * from sc 32 33 select sno,grade 34 from sc sc1 35 where sc1.cno=1 and 36 sc1.grade>(select sc2.grade 37 from sc sc2 38 where sc2.cno=1 and sc2.sno=1) 39 40 select sno 41 from sc 42 where cno=1 and 43 grade>all(select grade from sc where sno=1) 44 45 select sno 46 from sc 47 where cno=1 and 48 grade>(select max(grade) from sc where sno=1) 49 50 51 select student.sno,sname,cno,grade 52 from sc as a,student 53 where student.sno=a.sno and --不相关子查询 54 grade>(select avg(grade) 55 from sc b 56 where b.cno=a.cno) 57 58 59 /*exists*/ 60 SELECT sname 61 FROM student 62 WHERE EXISTS 63 (SELECT * 64 FROM sc 65 WHERE student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=2) 66 67 SELECT sname 68 FROM student 69 WHERE not EXISTS 70 (SELECT * 71 FROM sc 72 WHERE student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=2) 73 74 75 /*多层嵌套查询 76 查询最高分的学生姓名*/ 77 78 select * 79 from student 80 where not exists 81 (select * 82 from course 83 where not exists 84 (select * 85 from sc 86 where sc.sno=student.sno and sc.cno=course.cno)) 87 88 89 select sname 90 from student 91 where sno in 92 (select sno 93 from sc 94 where grade= 95 (select max(grade) 96 from sc)) 97 go 98 99 select * from sc 100 select * from student 101 102 103 /*DELETE、UPDATE和INSERT语句中的子查询*/ 104 ------------------------------------------------------------ 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 /*联接查询*/ 115 use test 116 117 /*查询学生的姓名,选课号及成绩*/ 118 119 select sname,cno,grade 120 from student,sc 121 where student.sno=sc.sno 122 123 select sname,cname,grade 124 from student,sc,course --多表连接 125 where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno 126 127 select sname,cno,grade 128 from student inner join sc on(student.sno=sc.sno) --内连接 129 130 131 select student.sname,sc.cno,sc.grade 132 from student left join sc on (student.sno=sc.sno) --左向外连接 133 134 135 select student.sname,sc.cno,sc.grade 136 from student right join sc on (student.sno=sc.sno) --右向外连接 137 138 139 select student.sname,sc.cno,sc.grade 140 from student full outer join sc on (student.sno=sc.sno) --完全外部连接 141 142 143 select student.sno,sc.sno,sc.cno,sc.grade 144 from student cross join sc --交叉连接 145 146 select student.sno,sc.sno,sc.cno,sc.grade 147 from student cross join sc --带限定条件的交叉连接 148 where student.sno<2 149 150 151 select c1.cno,c2.cname 152 from course c1,course c2 --自连接 153 where c1.cpno=c2.cno 154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 155 156 157 158 /*无法使用ntext、text或image列上直接连接表, 159 但是使用substring函数在ntext、text或image列上间接联接表,如*/ 160 161 select * 162 from student join sc 163 on substring(student.mytext,1,2)=substring(sc.mytext,1,2) 164 ------------------------------ 165 166 167 168 169 /*使用UNION运算符组合多个结果 170 查询所有作者和客户的号码和名称*/ 171 172 select sno,sname from student where sno=1 173 union 174 select sno,sname from student where sno=2 175 go 176 --------------------------- 177 178 179 /*在查询的基础上创建新表 180 将查询得到的学生学号、姓名、课程和分数输入到新建的表score1中, 181 再显示该新表的记录*/ 182 183 select student.sno,avg(grade) as 平均成绩 184 into avggrade --该表自动生成 185 from student inner join sc on (student.sno=sc.sno) 186 group by student.sno 187 188 select * from avggrade 189 190 191 drop table avggrade