01 话说有一文章表article,存储文章的添加文章的时间是add_time字段,该字段为int(5)类型的,现需要查询今天添加的文章总数并且按照时间从大到小排序,则查询语句如下: 02 03 1 select * from `article` where date_format(from_UNIXTIME(`add_time`),‘%Y-%m-%d‘) = date_format(now(),‘%Y-%m-%d‘); 04 或者: 05 06 1 select * from `article` where to_days(date_format(from_UNIXTIME(`add_time`),‘%Y-%m-%d‘)) = to_days(now()); 07 假设以上表的add_time字段的存储类型是DATETIME类型或者TIMESTAMP类型,则查询语句也可按如下写法: 08 09 查询今天的信息记录: 10 11 1 select * from `article` where to_days(`add_time`) = to_days(now()); 12 查询昨天的信息记录: 13 14 1 select * from `article` where to_days(now()) – to_days(`add_time`) <= 1; 15 查询近7天的信息记录: 16 17 1 select * from `article` where date_sub(curdate(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(`add_time`); 18 查询近30天的信息记录: 19 20 1 select * from `article` where date_sub(curdate(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(`add_time`); 21 查询本月的信息记录: 22 23 1 select * from `article` where date_format(`add_time`, ‘%Y%m‘) = date_format(curdate() , ‘%Y%m‘); 24 查询上一月的信息记录: 25 26 1 select * from `article` where period_diff(date_format(now() , ‘%Y%m‘) , date_format(`add_time`, ‘%Y%m‘)) =1; 27 对上面的SQL语句中的几个函数做一下分析: 28 29 (1)to_days 30 31 就像它的名字一样,它是将具体的某一个日期或时间字符串转换到某一天所对应的unix时间戳,如: 32 33 01 mysql> select to_days(‘2010-11-22 14:39:51‘); 34 02 +--------------------------------+ 35 03 | to_days(‘2010-11-22 14:39:51‘) | 36 04 +--------------------------------+ 37 05 | 734463 | 38 06 +--------------------------------+ 39 07 40 08 mysql> select to_days(‘2010-11-23 14:39:51‘); 41 09 +--------------------------------+ 42 10 | to_days(‘2010-11-23 14:39:51‘) | 43 11 +--------------------------------+ 44 12 | 734464 | 45 13 +--------------------------------+ 46 可以看出22日与23日的差别就是,转换之后的数增加了1,这个粒度的查询是比较粗糙的,有时可能不能满足我们的查询要求,那么就需要使用细粒度的查询方法str_to_date函数了,下面将分析这个函数的用法。 47 48 提醒: 49 50 (1)to_days() 不用于阳历出现(1582)前的值,原因是当日历改变时,遗失的日期不会被考虑在内。因此对于1582 年之前的日期(或许在其它地区为下一年 ), 该函数的结果实不可靠的。 51 52 (2)MySQL"日期和时间类型"中的规则是将日期中的二位数年份值转化为四位。因此对于‘1997-10-07‘和‘97-10-07‘将被视为同样的日期: 53 54 1 mysql> select to_days(‘1997-10-07‘), to_days(‘97-10-07‘); 55 2 56 3 -> 729669, 729669 57 (2)str_to_date 58 59 这个函数可以把字符串时间完全的翻译过来,如: 60 61 1 mysql> select str_to_date("2010-11-23 14:39:51",‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s‘); 62 2 63 3 +--------------------------------------------------------+ 64 4 | str_to_date("2010-11-23 14:39:51",‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s‘) | 65 5 +--------------------------------------------------------+ 66 6 | 2010-11-23 14:39:51 | 67 7 +--------------------------------------------------------+ 68 具体案例操作如下: 69 70 1 select str_to_date(article.`add_time`,‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s‘) 71 2 from article 72 3 where str_to_date(article.`add_time`,‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s‘)>=‘2012-06-28 08:00:00‘ and str_to_date(article.`add_time`,‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s‘)<=‘2012-06-28 09:59:59‘;
查询 今天 select * from 表名 where to_days(时间字段名) = to_days(now()); 昨天 SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE TO_DAYS( NOW( ) ) – TO_DAYS( 时间字段名) <= 1 7天 SELECT * FROM 表名 where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(时间字段名) 近30天 SELECT * FROM 表名 where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(时间字段名) 本月 SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE DATE_FORMAT( 时间字段名, ‘%Y%m’ ) = DATE_FORMAT( CURDATE( ) , ‘%Y%m’ ) 上一月 SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE PERIOD_DIFF( date_format( now( ) , ‘%Y%m’ ) , date_format( 时间字段名, ‘%Y%m’ ) ) =1 同时,再附上 一个 mysql官方的相关document #查询本季度数据 select * from `ht_invoice_information` where QUARTER(create_date)=QUARTER(now()); #查询上季度数据 select * from `ht_invoice_information` where QUARTER(create_date)=QUARTER(DATE_SUB(now(),interval 1 QUARTER)); #查询本年数据 select * from `ht_invoice_information` where YEAR(create_date)=YEAR(NOW()); #查询上年数据 select * from `ht_invoice_information` where year(create_date)=year(date_sub(now(),interval 1 year)); 查询当前这周的数据 SELECT name,submittime FROM enterprise WHERE YEARWEEK(date_format(submittime,‘%Y-%m-%d‘)) = YEARWEEK(now()); 查询上周的数据 SELECT name,submittime FROM enterprise WHERE YEARWEEK(date_format(submittime,‘%Y-%m-%d‘)) = YEARWEEK(now())-1; 查询当前月份的数据 select name,submittime from enterprise where date_format(submittime,‘%Y-%m‘)=date_format(now(),‘%Y-%m‘) 查询距离当前现在6个月的数据 select name,submittime from enterprise where submittime between date_sub(now(),interval 6 month) and now(); 查询上个月的数据 select name,submittime from enterprise where date_format(submittime,‘%Y-%m‘)=date_format(DATE_SUB(curdate(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH),‘%Y-%m‘) select * from ` user ` where DATE_FORMAT(pudate, ‘ %Y%m ‘ ) = DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), ‘ %Y%m ‘ ) ; select * from user where WEEKOFYEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate,‘%y-%m-%d‘)) = WEEKOFYEAR(now()) select * from user where MONTH (FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate, ‘ %y-%m-%d ‘ )) = MONTH (now()) select * from [ user ] where YEAR (FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate, ‘ %y-%m-%d ‘ )) = YEAR (now()) and MONTH (FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate, ‘ %y-%m-%d ‘ )) = MONTH (now()) select * from [ user ] where pudate between 上月最后一天 and 下月第一天 where date(regdate) = curdate(); select * from test where year(regdate)=year(now()) and month(regdate)=month(now()) and day(regdate)=day(now()) SELECT date( c_instime ) ,curdate( ) FROM `t_score` WHERE 1 LIMIT 0 , 30