What is NX Bit?
Its an exploit mitigation technique which makes certain areas of memory non executable and makes an executable area, non writable. Example: Data, stack and heap segments are made non executable while text segment is made non writable.
readelf -l vuln
How to bypass NX bit and achieve arbitrary code execution?
NX bit can be bypassed using an attack technique called “return-to-libc”. Here return address is overwritten with a particular libc function address (instead of stack address containing the shellcode). For example if an attacker wants to spawn a shell, he overwrites return address with system() address and also sets up the appropriate arguments required by system() in the stack, for its successful invocation.
//vuln_priv.c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char buf[256]; seteuid(getuid()); /* Temporarily drop privileges */ strcpy(buf,argv[1]); printf("%s\n",buf); fflush(stdout); return 0; }
linux(x86) exploit 开发系列4:使用return2libc绕过NX