//2016-2-12 //zhaoyu //Gmail:zhaoyu1995.com@gmail.com //Language: C //Platform:Code::Blocks #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> typedef struct snake { int x; int y; struct snake *next; }Snake; int X, Y; enum STATUS{Up = 1, Down, Left, Right}; Snake *pHead, *pBody;//the head of the snake enum STATUS Direction; int score=0, scorePerFood=10; int gameStatus = 0; int timeInterval = 200; void gameEnd(void); void setPosition(int x, int y) { COORD pos; HANDLE hOutput; pos.X = x; pos.Y = y; hOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOutput, pos); } void hideCursor() { CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = { 1, 0 }; SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info); } void creatInterface(void) { int i; for(i=0;i<58;i+=2) { setPosition(i,0); printf("¡ö");//a ¡ö occupy two character space setPosition(i,26); printf("¡ö"); } for(i=1;i<26;i++) { setPosition(0,i); printf("¡ö"); setPosition(56,i); printf("¡ö"); } setPosition(65, 10); printf("Introduction"); setPosition(63,12); printf("¡ü\tMove up."); setPosition(63,14); printf("¡ý\tMove Down."); setPosition(63,16); printf("¡û\tMove left."); setPosition(63,18); printf("¡ú\tMove right."); setPosition(63,20); printf("F1\tSpeed up."); setPosition(63, 22); printf("F2\tSlow down."); setPosition(63, 24); printf("Space\tGame pause."); setPosition(63,26); printf("ESC\tQuit the game."); setPosition(63, 4); printf("Score:"); setPosition(63, 6); printf("Score Per Food:"); } void initializeSnake(void) { Snake *pTail; int i; pTail = (Snake *)malloc(sizeof(Snake)); pTail->x = 24; pTail->y = 5; pTail->next = NULL; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { pHead = (Snake *)malloc(sizeof(Snake)); pHead->next = pTail; pHead->x = 24 + 2*i; pHead->y = 5; pTail = pHead;//Important } while (pTail != NULL) { setPosition(pTail->x, pTail->y); printf("¡ö"); pTail = pTail->next; } } int biteSelf(void) { Snake *pSelf = pHead->next; while (pSelf != NULL) { if (pHead->x==pSelf->x && pHead->y==pSelf->y) { return 1; } pSelf = pSelf->next; } return 0; } void creatFood(void) { int flag = 0; X = Y = 4; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); do{ X = rand()%52 + 2; Y = rand()%24 + 1; if (X%2 != 0) { flag = 1; } else { flag = 0; }//Important pBody = pHead; while (pBody->next != NULL) { if(pBody->x==X && pBody->y==Y) { flag = 1; } pBody = pBody->next; } }while(flag==1); setPosition(X, Y); printf("¡ö"); } void hitWall(void) { if (pHead->x==0 || pHead->x>=56 || pHead->y==0 || pHead->y>=26) { gameStatus = 1; gameEnd(); } } void snakeMove(void) { Snake *pNextHead; hitWall(); pNextHead = (Snake *)malloc(sizeof(Snake)); pNextHead->next = pHead; switch(Direction) { case Up: pNextHead->x = pHead->x; pNextHead->y = pHead->y - 1; break; case Down: pNextHead->x = pHead->x; pNextHead->y = pHead->y + 1; break; case Right: pNextHead->x = pHead->x + 2; pNextHead->y = pHead->y; break; case Left: pNextHead->x = pHead->x - 2; pNextHead->y = pHead->y; break; default: break; } pHead = pNextHead; pBody = pHead; if (pNextHead->x == X && pNextHead->y == Y) { while (pBody != NULL) { setPosition(pBody->x, pBody->y); printf("¡ö"); pBody = pBody->next; } score += scorePerFood; creatFood(); } else { setPosition(pBody->x, pBody->y); printf("¡ö"); while (pBody->next->next != NULL) { pBody = pBody->next; } setPosition(pBody->next->x, pBody->next->y); printf(" "); free(pBody->next); pBody->next = NULL; } if (biteSelf() == 1) { gameStatus = 2; gameEnd(); } } void pause(void) { while(1) { Sleep(300); if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) { break; } } } void gameCircle(void) { Direction = Right; while (1) { setPosition(72, 4); printf("%d", score); setPosition(80, 6); printf("%d ", scorePerFood);//Attention space is needed if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) && Direction!=Down) { Direction = Up; } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) && Direction!=Up) { Direction = Down; } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) && Direction!=Right) { Direction = Left; } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) && Direction!=Left) { Direction = Right; } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) { pause(); } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) { gameStatus = 3; break; } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)) { if(timeInterval >= 70) { timeInterval -= 60; } } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F2)) { if (timeInterval <= 400) { timeInterval += 60; } } switch (timeInterval) { case 20: scorePerFood = 20;break; case 80: scorePerFood = 15;break; case 140: scorePerFood = 12;break; case 200: scorePerFood = 10;break; case 260: scorePerFood = 8;break; case 320: scorePerFood = 6;break; case 380: scorePerFood = 4;break; case 440: scorePerFood = 2;break; default: scorePerFood = 0;break; } Sleep(timeInterval); snakeMove(); } } void welcomePage(void) { setPosition(35,2); printf("Welcome to Snake"); setPosition(15, 5); printf("Rules:"); setPosition(15, 7); printf("1. Use ¡ü.¡ý.¡û.¡ú to control the movement of the Snake."); setPosition(15, 9); printf("2. Biting the snake itself is forbidden."); setPosition(15, 11); printf("3. Hit the wall is forbidden."); setPosition(15, 13); printf("Developeder: zhaoyu."); setPosition(15, 15); printf("Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/sinat_30046339"); setPosition(28, 23); printf("Press any key to continue..."); setPosition(0, 28); getchar(); system("cls"); } void gameEnd(void) { system("cls"); setPosition(32, 10); switch(gameStatus) { case 1: printf("You hit the wall!"); break; case 2: printf("You bit yourself!"); break; case 3: printf("You chose to end the game."); break; default: break; } setPosition(32, 14); printf("Your final score is %d", score); getchar(); setPosition(0, 25); exit(0); } void gameStart(void) { system("mode con cols=100 lines=30");//no space around equal sign welcomePage(); creatInterface(); initializeSnake(); creatFood(); } //Main Function int main(void) { hideCursor(); gameStart(); gameCircle(); gameEnd(); return 0; }