转自http://blog.csdn.net/natureice/article/details/5833919 用作自己学习
以下为引用的内容: create tablespace dinya_space01 datafile ’/test/demo/oracle/demodata/dinya01.dnf’ size 50M create tablespace dinya_space01 datafile ’/test/demo/oracle/demodata/dinya02.dnf’ size 50M create tablespace dinya_space01 datafile ’/test/demo/oracle/demodata/dinya03.dnf’ size 50M |
1.1. 分区表的创建
1.1.1. 范围分区
以下为引用的内容: SQL> create table dinya_test 2 ( 3 transaction_id number primary key, 4 item_id number(8) not null, 5 item_description varchar2(300), 6 transaction_date date not null 7 ) 8 partition by range (transaction_id) 9 ( 10 partition part_01 values less than(30000000) tablespace dinya_space01, 11 partition part_02 values less than(60000000) tablespace dinya_space02, 12 partition part_03 values less than(maxvalue) tablespace dinya_space03 13 ); Table created. |
以下为引用的内容: SQL> create table dinya_test 2 ( 3 transaction_id number primary key, 4 item_id number(8) not null, 5 item_description varchar2(300), 6 transaction_date date not null 7 ) 8 partition by range (transaction_date) 9 ( 10 partition part_01 values less than(to_date(’2006-01-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)) tablespace dinya_space01, 11 partition part_02 values less than(to_date(’2010-01-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)) tablespace dinya_space02, 12 partition part_03 values less than(maxvalue) tablespace dinya_space03 13 ); Table created. |
当然,我们还能根据需求,使用两个字段的范围分布来分区,如partition by range ( transaction_id ,transaction_date), 分区条件中的值也做相应的改动,请读者自行测试。
1.1.2. Hash分区(散列分区)
以下为引用的内容: SQL> create table dinya_test 2 ( 3 transaction_id number primary key, 4 item_id number(8) not null, 5 item_description varchar2(300), 6 transaction_date date 7 ) 8 partition by hash(transaction_id) 9 ( 10 partition part_01 tablespace dinya_space01, 11 partition part_02 tablespace dinya_space02, 12 partition part_03 tablespace dinya_space03 13 ); Table created. |
1.1.3. 复合分区
以下为引用的内容: SQL> create table dinya_test 2 ( 3 transaction_id number primary key, 4 item_id number(8) not null, 5 item_description varchar2(300), 6 transaction_date date 7 ) 8 partition by range(transaction_date)subpartition by hash(transaction_id) 9 subpartitions 3 store in (dinya_space01,dinya_space02,dinya_space03) 10 ( 11 partition part_01 values less than(to_date(’2006-01-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)), 12 partition part_02 values less than(to_date(’2010-01-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)), 13 partition part_03 values less than(maxvalue) 14 ); Table created. |
1.2. 分区表操作
1.2.1. 插入记录:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> insert into dinya_test values(1,12,’BOOKS’,sysdate); 1 row created. SQL> insert into dinya_test values(2,12, ’BOOKS’,sysdate+30); 1 row created. SQL> insert into dinya_test values(3,12, ’BOOKS’,to_date(’2006-05-30’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)); 1 row created. SQL> insert into dinya_test values(4,12, ’BOOKS’,to_date(’2007-06-23’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)); 1 row created. SQL> insert into dinya_test values(5,12, ’BOOKS’,to_date(’2011-02-26’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)); 1 row created. SQL> insert into dinya_test values(6,12, ’BOOKS’,to_date(’2011-04-30’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> |
1.2.2. 查询分区表记录:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> select * from dinya_test partition(part_01); TRANSACTION_ID ITEM_ID ITEM_DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION_DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 12 BOOKS 2005-1-14 14:19: 2 12 BOOKS 2005-2-13 14:19: SQL> SQL> select * from dinya_test partition(part_02); TRANSACTION_ID ITEM_ID ITEM_DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION_DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 12 BOOKS 2006-5-30 4 12 BOOKS 2007-6-23 SQL> SQL> select * from dinya_test partition(part_03); TRANSACTION_ID ITEM_ID ITEM_DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION_DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 12 BOOKS 2011-2-26 6 12 BOOKS 2011-4-30 SQL> |
从查询的结果能看出,插入的数据已根据交易时间范围存储在不同的分区中。这里是指定了分区的查询,当然也能不指定分区,直接执行select * from dinya_test查询全部记录。
1.2.3. 更新分区表的记录:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> update dinya_test partition(part_01) t set t.item_description=’DESK’ where t.transaction_id=1; 1 row updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> |
以下为引用的内容: SQL> update dinya_test partition(part_01) t set t.item_description=’DESK’ where t.transaction_id=6; 0 rows updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> |
1.2.4. 删除分区表记录:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> delete from dinya_test partition(part_02) t where t.transaction_id=4; 1 row deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> |
1.3. 分区表索引的使用:
1.3.1. 局部索引分区的建立:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> create index dinya_idx_t on dinya_test(item_id) 2 local 3 ( 4 partition idx_1 tablespace dinya_space01, 5 partition idx_2 tablespace dinya_space02, 6 partition idx_3 tablespace dinya_space03 7 ); Index created. SQL> |
以下为引用的内容: SQL> select * from dinya_test partition(part_01) t where t.item_id=12; Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=187) 1 0 TABLE ACCESS (BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID) OF ’DINYA_TEST’ (Cost= 2 Card=1 Bytes=187) 2 1 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF ’DINYA_IDX_T’ (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=1 Card=1) Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 4 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 334 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 309 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 1 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 2 rows processed SQL> |
1.3.2. 全局索引分区的建立
全局索引建立时global 子句允许指定索引的范围值,这个范围值为索引字段的范围值:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> create index dinya_idx_t on dinya_test(item_id) 2 global partition by range(item_id) 3 ( 4 partition idx_1 values less than (1000) tablespace dinya_space01, 5 partition idx_2 values less than (10000) tablespace dinya_space02, 6 partition idx_3 values less than (maxvalue) tablespace dinya_space03 7 ); Index created. SQL> |
以下为引用的内容: SQL> create index dinya_idx_t on dinya_test(item_id); Index created. SQL> |
以下为引用的内容: SQL> select * from dinya_test t where t.item_id=12; Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=2 Card=3 Bytes=561) 1 0 TABLE ACCESS (BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID) OF ’DINYA_TEST’ (Cost =2 Card=3 Bytes=561) 2 1 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF ’DINYA_IDX_T’ (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=1 Card=3) Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 5 recursive calls 0 db block gets 10 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size 420 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 309 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 3 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 5 rows processed SQL> |
1.4. 分区表的维护:
1.4.1. 增加一个分区:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> alter table dinya_test 2 add partition part_04 values less than(to_date(’2012-01-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)) tablespace dinya_spa ce03; Table altered. SQL> |
增加一个分区的时候,增加的分区的条件必须大于现有分区的最大值,否则系统将提示ORA-14074 partition bound must collate higher than that of the last partition 错误。
1.4.2. 合并一个分区:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> alter table dinya_test merge partitions part_01,part_02 into partition part_02; Table altered. SQL> |
在本例中将原有的表的part_01分区和part_02分区进行了合并,合并后的分区为part_02,如果在合并的时候把合并后的分区定为part_01的时候,系统将提示ORA-14275 cannot reuse lower-bound partition as resulting partition 错误。
1.4.3. 删除分区:
以下为引用的内容: SQL> alter table dinya_test drop partition part_01; Table altered. SQL> |
1.5. 总结: