1. 请使用[Flags]标志。
2.所有应用了EnumMemberAttribute的枚举成员值必须是不间断的2的幂 (如 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64).
3.如果通过数值来找枚举成员(比如通过4 来找PowerDoors),会先判断是否存在这个成员,不存在则判断是否存在这样的组合成员,如果仍然不存在且数值不为0的话则会抛出SerializationException,如果数值为0则返回空列表。
4.未标记为[EnumMember]的成员,在WCF客户端不能使用,如上例中的None = 0。
You can use simple enumerations when you do not need to customize the enumeration‘s data contract name and namespace and the enumeration member values.
Applying the EnumMemberAttribute attribute to simple enumerations has no effect.
It makes no difference whether or not the SerializableAttribute attribute is applied to the enumeration.
The fact that the DataContractSerializer class honors the NonSerializedAttribute attribute applied to enumeration members is different from the behavior of the BinaryFormatter and the SoapFormatter. Both of those serializers ignore theNonSerializedAttribute attribute.
You can apply the FlagsAttribute attribute to enumerations. In that case, a list of zero or more enumeration values can be sent or received simultaneously.
To do so, apply the DataContractAttribute attribute to the flag enumeration and then mark all the members that are powers of two with the EnumMemberAttribute attribute. Note that to use a flag enumeration, the progression must be an uninterrupted sequence of powers of 2 (for example, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64).
The following steps apply to sending a flag‘s enumeration value: