/* Load data from txt file */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "D:/data.txt" INTO TABLE tname; /* Load .sql command file */ SOURCE D:/mysql.sql; /* Change passowrd */ UPDATE mysql.user SET password = PASSWORD(‘123456‘) WHERE User = ‘root‘; /* Show current database */ SELECT DATABASE(); /* Show current user */ SELECT USER(); /* Create the database */ CREATE DATABASE dbname; /* Choose the database */ USE dbname; /* Delete the database */ DROP dbname; /* Show the tables */ SHOW TABLES; /* Describe the table */ DESCRIBE tname; /* Create the table */ CREATE TABLE tname (id INT, name VARCHAR(30)); /* Delete the table */ DROP TABLE tname; /* Delete the date in table */ TRUNCATE TABLE tname; /* Insert the table */ INSERT INTO tname VALUES (1, ‘hello‘); /* Search the table */ SELECT id, name FROM tname WHERE id = 1 ORDER BY DESC; /* Update the table */ UPDATE tname SET name = ‘world‘ WHERE id = 1; /* Display the table */ SELECT * FROM tname;
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