1 | // RgnWindow.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application. |
2 | // |
3 | |
4 | #include "stdafx.h" |
5 | #include "RgnWindow.h" |
6 | #include <comdef.h> |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | #define ULONG_PTR ULONG |
10 | #include <gdiplus.h> |
11 | using namespace Gdiplus; |
12 | #pragma comment(lib, "gdiplus.lib") //注意,要保证vc路径的lib中,能够找到这个文件 |
13 | |
14 | #define MAX_LOADSTRING 100 |
15 | |
16 | // Global Variables: |
17 | HINSTANCE hInst; // current instance |
18 | TCHAR szTitle[MAX_LOADSTRING]; // The title bar text |
19 | TCHAR szWindowClass[MAX_LOADSTRING]; // the main window class name |
20 | GdiplusStartupInput m_gdiplusStartupInput; |
21 | ULONG_PTR m_pGdiToken; |
22 | HWND g_hWnd = 0; |
23 | Image *g_pImageBack=0; |
24 | //透明度颜色混合选项 |
25 | BLENDFUNCTION g_Blend; |
26 | //背景图的宽度和高度 |
27 | int g_BakWidth, g_BakHeight; |
28 | |
29 | // Forward declarations of functions included in this code module: |
30 | ATOM MyRegisterClass(HINSTANCE hInstance); |
31 | BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int); |
32 | BOOL ImageFromIDResource(UINT nID, LPCTSTR sTR, Image * & pImg); |
35 | void Update(); |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, |
39 | HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, |
40 | LPTSTR lpCmdLine, |
41 | int nCmdShow) |
42 | { |
43 | GdiplusStartup(&m_pGdiToken,&m_gdiplusStartupInput,NULL); |
44 | |
47 | |
48 | // TODO: Place code here. |
49 | MSG msg; |
50 | HACCEL hAccelTable; |
51 | |
52 | // Initialize global strings |
53 | LoadString(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_LOADSTRING); |
54 | LoadString(hInstance, IDC_RGNWINDOW, szWindowClass, MAX_LOADSTRING); |
55 | MyRegisterClass(hInstance); |
56 | |
57 | // Perform application initialization: |
58 | if (!InitInstance (hInstance, nCmdShow)) |
59 | { |
60 | return FALSE; |
61 | } |
62 | |
63 | hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_RGNWINDOW)); |
64 | |
65 | // Main message loop: |
66 | while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) |
67 | { |
68 | if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg)) |
69 | { |
70 | TranslateMessage(&msg); |
71 | DispatchMessage(&msg); |
72 | } |
73 | } |
74 | GdiplusShutdown(m_pGdiToken); |
75 | return (int) msg.wParam; |
76 | } |
77 | |
78 | |
79 | |
80 | // |
81 | // FUNCTION: MyRegisterClass() |
82 | // |
83 | // PURPOSE: Registers the window class. |
84 | // |
85 | // COMMENTS: |
86 | // |
87 | // This function and its usage are only necessary if you want this code |
88 | // to be compatible with Win32 systems prior to the ‘RegisterClassEx‘ |
89 | // function that was added to Windows 95. It is important to call this function |
90 | // so that the application will get ‘well formed‘ small icons associated |
91 | // with it. |
92 | // |
93 | ATOM MyRegisterClass(HINSTANCE hInstance) |
94 | { |
95 | WNDCLASSEX wcex; |
96 | |
97 | wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); |
98 | |
99 | wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; |
100 | wcex.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; |
101 | wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; |
102 | wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; |
103 | wcex.hInstance = hInstance; |
104 | wcex.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_RGNWINDOW)); |
105 | wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); |
106 | wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); |
107 | wcex.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_RGNWINDOW); |
108 | wcex.lpszClassName = szWindowClass; |
109 | wcex.hIconSm = LoadIcon(wcex.hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SMALL)); |
110 | |
111 | return RegisterClassEx(&wcex); |
112 | } |
113 | |
114 | // |
115 | // FUNCTION: InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int) |
116 | // |
117 | // PURPOSE: Saves instance handle and creates main window |
118 | // |
119 | // COMMENTS: |
120 | // |
121 | // In this function, we save the instance handle in a global variable and |
122 | // create and display the main program window. |
123 | // |
124 | BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow) |
125 | { |
126 | HWND hWnd; |
127 | |
128 | hInst = hInstance; // Store instance handle in our global variable |
129 | |
130 | hWnd = CreateWindow(szWindowClass, szTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, |
132 | |
134 | // 0,0,300,400,NULL,NULL,hInstance,NULL); |
135 | |
136 | if (!hWnd) |
137 | { |
138 | return FALSE; |
139 | } |
140 | //初始化 |
141 | g_Blend.SourceConstantAlpha = int(0 * 2.55);//1~255 |
142 | g_Blend.BlendOp=0; //theonlyBlendOpdefinedinWindows2000 |
143 | g_Blend.BlendFlags=0; //nothingelseisspecial... |
144 | g_Blend.AlphaFormat=1; //... |
145 | g_Blend.SourceConstantAlpha=255;//AC_SRC_ALPHA |
146 | |
147 | DWORD dwExStyle = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); |
148 | //设置成工具窗口,无标题栏 |
149 | SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, dwExStyle ^ WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); |
150 | //设置成层次窗口 |
151 | dwExStyle = ::GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); |
152 | //if((dwExStyle & WS_EX_LAYERED) != WS_EX_LAYERED) |
153 | // SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle|WS_EX_TOPMOST|WS_EX_LAYERED); |
154 | |
155 | //加载图像 |
156 | //ImageFromIDResource(IDR_CLOCK, L"PNG", g_pImageBack); |
157 | g_pImageBack = Image::FromFile(_T("D://launcher//bx.png")); |
158 | ImageType t = g_pImageBack->GetType(); |
159 | |
160 | //bkImg.FromFile(); |
161 | g_BakWidth = g_pImageBack->GetWidth(); |
162 | g_BakHeight = g_pImageBack->GetHeight(); |
163 | |
164 | |
165 | g_hWnd=hWnd; |
166 | |
167 | |
168 | //::SetWindowPos(g_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,g_BakWidth,g_BakHeight,SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE); |
169 | |
170 | ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow); |
171 | UpdateWindow(hWnd); |
172 | Update(); |
173 | |
174 | return TRUE; |
175 | } |
176 | |
177 | // |
179 | // |
180 | // PURPOSE: Processes messages for the main window. |
181 | // |
182 | // WM_COMMAND - process the application menu |
183 | // WM_PAINT - Paint the main window |
184 | // WM_DESTROY - post a quit message and return |
185 | // |
186 | // |
187 | LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
188 | { |
189 | int wmId, wmEvent; |
190 | PAINTSTRUCT ps; |
191 | HDC hdc; |
192 | |
193 | |
194 | switch (message) |
195 | { |
196 | case WM_COMMAND: |
197 | wmId = LOWORD(wParam); |
198 | wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); |
199 | // Parse the menu selections: |
200 | switch (wmId) |
201 | { |
202 | case IDM_ABOUT: |
203 | DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUTBOX), hWnd, About); |
204 | break; |
205 | case IDM_EXIT: |
206 | DestroyWindow(hWnd); |
207 | break; |
208 | |
209 | default: |
210 | return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); |
211 | } |
212 | break; |
213 | case WM_PAINT: |
214 | hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); |
215 | // TODO: Add any drawing code here... |
216 | Update(); |
217 | EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); |
218 | break; |
219 | case WM_DESTROY: |
220 | PostQuitMessage(0); |
221 | break; |
222 | case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: |
223 | //禁止显示移动矩形窗体框 |
224 | ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDRAGFULLWINDOWS,TRUE,NULL,0); |
225 | //非标题栏移动整个窗口 |
226 | ::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MOVE | HTCAPTION, 0); |
227 | break; |
228 | default: |
229 | return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); |
230 | } |
231 | return 0; |
232 | } |
233 | |
234 | // Message handler for about box. |
235 | INT_PTR CALLBACK About(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
236 | { |
238 | switch (message) |
239 | { |
240 | case WM_INITDIALOG: |
241 | return (INT_PTR)TRUE; |
242 | |
243 | case WM_COMMAND: |
244 | if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) |
245 | { |
246 | EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); |
247 | return (INT_PTR)TRUE; |
248 | } |
249 | break; |
250 | } |
251 | return (INT_PTR)FALSE; |
252 | } |
253 | |
254 | |
255 | BOOL ImageFromIDResource(UINT nID, LPCTSTR sTR, Image * & pImg) |
256 | { |
257 | HINSTANCE hInst = hInst;//GetResourceInstance(); |
258 | HRSRC hRsrc = ::FindResource (hInst,MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID),sTR); // type |
259 | if (!hRsrc) |
260 | return FALSE; |
261 | // load resource into memory |
262 | DWORD len = SizeofResource(hInst, hRsrc); |
263 | BYTE* lpRsrc = (BYTE*)LoadResource(hInst, hRsrc); |
264 | if (!lpRsrc) |
265 | return FALSE; |
266 | // Allocate global memory on which to create stream |
267 | HGLOBAL m_hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, len); |
268 | BYTE* pmem = (BYTE*)GlobalLock(m_hMem); |
269 | memcpy(pmem,lpRsrc,len); |
270 | IStream* pstm; |
271 | CreateStreamOnHGlobal(m_hMem,FALSE,&pstm); |
272 | // load from stream |
273 | pImg=Gdiplus::Image::FromStream(pstm); |
274 | // free/release stuff |
275 | GlobalUnlock(m_hMem); |
276 | pstm->Release(); |
277 | FreeResource(lpRsrc); |
278 | return TRUE; |
279 | } |
280 | |
281 | |
282 | void Update() |
283 | { |
284 | HDC hdcTemp= ::GetDC(g_hWnd); |
285 | HDC hdcMemory=CreateCompatibleDC(hdcTemp); |
286 | HBITMAP hBitMap=CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcTemp, g_BakWidth, g_BakHeight); |
287 | SelectObject(hdcMemory, hBitMap); |
288 | |
289 | HDC hdcScreen=::GetDC (g_hWnd); |
290 | RECT rct; |
291 | ::GetWindowRect(g_hWnd, &rct); |
292 | POINT ptWinPos={rct.left,rct.top}; |
293 | Graphics graph(hdcMemory); |
294 | |
295 | Point points[] = { Point(0, 0), |
296 | Point(g_BakWidth, 0), |
297 | Point(0, g_BakHeight) |
298 | }; |
299 | |
300 | graph.DrawImage(g_pImageBack, points, 3); |
301 | |
302 | POINT ptDst; |
303 | ptDst.x = rct.left; |
304 | ptDst.y = rct.top; |
305 | SIZE size={g_BakWidth, g_BakHeight}; |
306 | |
307 | POINT pt; |
308 | pt.x = 0; |
309 | pt.y = 0; |
310 | |
311 | //设置成层次窗口 |
312 | DWORD dwExStyle = GetWindowLong(g_hWnd,GWL_EXSTYLE); |
313 | if((dwExStyle & WS_EX_LAYERED) != WS_EX_LAYERED) |
314 | {//WS_EX_LAYERED是0x00080000 |
315 | SetWindowLong(g_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE,dwExStyle^WS_EX_LAYERED); |
316 | } |
317 | |
318 | //更新窗口 |
319 | if (!UpdateLayeredWindow( g_hWnd, hdcScreen, &ptWinPos, |
320 | &size, hdcMemory, &pt, 0, &g_Blend, 2)) |
321 | { |
322 | DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError(); |
323 | printf("failed"); |
324 | } |
325 | //释放资源 |
326 | graph.ReleaseHDC(hdcMemory); |
327 | ::DeleteObject(hBitMap); |
328 | ::DeleteDC(hdcMemory);; |
329 | ::ReleaseDC(g_hWnd, hdcTemp); |
330 | ::ReleaseDC(g_hWnd, hdcScreen); |
331 | } |
以上介绍的就是Windows SDK 实现不规则窗口,希望对你有所帮助。