1)environment-specific bean
@Configuration public class DataSourceConfig { @Bean(destroyMethod="shutdown") @Profile("dev") public DataSource embeddedDataSource() { return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder() .setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2) .addScript("classpath:schema.sql") .addScript("classpath:test-data.sql") .build(); } @Bean @Profile("prod") public DataSource jndiDataSource() { JndiObjectFactoryBean jndiObjectFactoryBean = new JndiObjectFactoryBean(); jndiObjectFactoryBean.setJndiName("jdbc/myDS"); jndiObjectFactoryBean.setResourceRef(true); jndiObjectFactoryBean.setProxyInterface(javax.sql.DataSource.class); return (DataSource) jndiObjectFactoryBean.getObject(); } }
2)conditioinal beans
@Bean @Conditional(MagicExistsCondition.class) public MagicBean magicBean() { return new MagicBean(); }
3)ambiguity in autowiring
autowiring works when exactly one bean matches the disired result.
@ Primary--- designating a primary bean
4)Scoping beans
? Singleton—One instance of the bean is created for the entire application.
? Prototype—One instance of the bean is created every time the bean is injected
into or retrieved from the Spring application context.
? Session—In a web application, one instance of the bean is created for each session.
? Request—In a web application, one instance of the bean is created for each
5)runtime value injection
@Configuration @PropertySource("classpath:/com/soundsystem/app.properties") public class ExpressiveConfig { @Autowired Environment env; @Bean public BlankDisc disc() { return new BlankDisc( env.getProperty("disc.title"), env.getProperty("disc.artist")); }
6) wiring with Spring Expression Language(SpEL)