/************************************************************************* > File Name: list.h > Author: zhoulin > Mail: 715169549@qq.com > Created Time: Sat 16 Apr 2016 10:58:58 AM CST ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _LIST_H //define a node of list typedef struct _baseNode { int v; struct _baseNode *next; }baseNode; baseNode *listAdd(baseNode *p1,baseNode *p2); baseNode *listInsert(baseNode *b,int v); void listFree(baseNode *p); #define _LIST_H #endif
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list.c > Author: zhoulin > Mail: 715169549@qq.com > Created Time: Sat 16 Apr 2016 11:04:56 AM CST ************************************************************************/ #include "list.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define size 64 void listPrt(baseNode *p) { while(p != NULL) { if(p->next == NULL) { fprintf(stdout," %d\n",p->v); break; } fprintf(stdout,"%d ->",p->v); p = p->next; } } baseNode *listInsert(baseNode *b,int v) { char pbuf[size] = {‘\0‘}; sprintf(pbuf,"%d",v); int len = strlen(pbuf),i; for(i = 0;i < len;i++) { char tbuf[2] = {‘\0‘}; strncpy(tbuf,pbuf+i,1); if(b == NULL) { b = (baseNode *)malloc(sizeof(*b)); b->next = NULL; } else{ baseNode *cur = (baseNode *)malloc(sizeof(*b)); cur->next = NULL; cur->next = b; b = cur; } b->v = atoi(tbuf); } return b; } //分三种情况 // 1.链接平衡,p1.len = p2.len // 2.链表左倾,p1.len > p2.len // 3.链表右倾,p1.len < p2.len // p1 = 1->2->3,代表321; // p2 = 4->9->0->3,代表3094 // 输出:p3 = 5->1->4->3,3451 baseNode *listAdd(baseNode *p1,baseNode *p2) { baseNode *ph1 = p1; baseNode *ph2 = p2; baseNode *head = NULL; baseNode *tail = NULL; baseNode *ph = NULL; baseNode *fn = NULL; int mode = 0,flag = 0,sum = 0; while(ph1 != NULL && ph2 != NULL) { if(ph == NULL) { ph = (baseNode *)malloc(sizeof(*ph)); ph->next = NULL; tail = head = ph; }else{ baseNode *cur = (baseNode *)malloc(sizeof(*cur)); cur->next = NULL; ph->next = cur; ph = cur; tail = cur; } sum = ph1->v + ph2->v+flag; if(sum >= 10) { mode = (sum)%10; flag = 1; }else{ mode = sum; flag = 0; } ph->v = mode; ph1 = ph1->next; ph2 = ph2->next; } if(ph1 != NULL) { fn = ph1; } if(ph2 != NULL) { fn = ph2; } while(fn != NULL) { baseNode *t = (baseNode *)malloc(sizeof(*tail)); sum = fn->v + flag; if(sum >= 10) { mode = sum%10; flag = 1; }else { mode = sum; flag = 0; } t->v = mode; tail->next = t; tail = t; fn = fn->next; } if(flag == 1) { baseNode *t = (baseNode *)malloc(sizeof(*tail)); t->v = flag+mode; tail->next = t; tail=t; } return head; } //销毁链表 void listFree(baseNode *p) { while(p!= NULL) { baseNode *n = p->next; free(p); p = n; } p = NULL; } int main(int argc,char *args[]) { if(argc != 3) { printf("usage:\n"); printf(" %s p1 p2\n",args[0]); return -1; } int v1 = atoi(args[1]); int v2 = atoi(args[2]); fprintf(stdout,"********v1 = %d, v2 =%d********\n",v1,v2); baseNode *p1 = listInsert(NULL,v1); baseNode *p2 = listInsert(NULL,v2); baseNode *p3 = listAdd(p1,p2); printf("\n---------p1--------------\n"); listPrt(p1); printf("\n---------p2--------------\n"); listPrt(p2); printf("\n---------add p1 and p2 equals p3--------------\n"); listPrt(p3); listFree(p1); listFree(p2); listFree(p3); return 0; }
zhoulin@:~/code/c_src/algorithm/list_add:./list 22211 99999 ********v1 = 22211, v2 =99999******** ---------p1-------------- 1 ->1 ->2 ->2 -> 2 ---------p2-------------- 9 ->9 ->9 ->9 -> 9 ---------add p1 and p2 equals p3-------------- 0 ->1 ->2 ->2 ->2 -> 3