#! /bin/bash #The scripts will return the system infomation #return hostname and version infomation // 返回主机名和系统版本信息 echo -e "\e[31;43m///// HOSTNAME INFOMATION *****\e[0m" hostname uname -r cat /proc/version echo "" #File system disk space usage // 文件系统磁盘可用空间 echo -e "\e[31;43m***** File System Disk Space usage INFOMATION *****\e[0m" df -h echo "" #Idie time system and use of memory //系统空闲和使用中的内存 echo -e "\e[31;43m***** Idie system And use of memory infomation *****\e[0m" free echo "" #system start time //系统启动时间 echo -e "\e[31;43m***** System start time INFOMATION *****\e[0m" uptime echo "" #User logged on //登录的用户 echo -e "\e[31;43m***** User logged on INFOMATION *****\e[0m" who echo "" #Use memory up to five processes //使用内存最多的五个进程 echo -e "\e[31;43m***** Use memory up to five processes INFOMATION *****\e[0m" ps -eo %mem,%cpu,comm --sort=-%mem | head -n 6 echo "" echo -e "\e[1;32mDone.\e[0m"