//PixelShader float4 RenderScenePS( VS_OUTPUT In ) :COLOR0 { // 计算视差贴图的偏移 float3 ViewDir = normalize( In.vLookAt ); float2 OffsetUV = In.TextureUV ; float3 h = tex2D( MeshHeightSampler ,In.TextureUV ).y ; OffsetUV += float2( -ViewDir.x , ViewDir.y ) * ( h * 0.04 - 0.02 ); float4 texColor = tex2D( MeshTextureSampler ,OffsetUV ); // return texColor ; }
VS_OUTPUT RenderSceneVS( VS_INPUT In ) { VS_OUTPUT Out = ( VS_OUTPUT )0; //正常流程变化模型的顶点 float4x4 matWorldView = mul( g_matWorld ,g_matView ); float4x4 matWorldViewProject = mul( matWorldView ,g_matProject ); Out.Position = mul( In.Position , matWorldViewProject ); Out.TextureUV = In.TextureUV; //----------------- 在此计算一个变换矩阵 --------------------- // 将世界坐标变换到切线空间系的变换矩阵 float3x3 matWorldToModel = float3x3 ( mul( In.Tanget , g_matWorld ).xyz , mul( cross( In.Tanget,In.Normal ), g_matWorld ).xyz , mul( In.Normal , g_matWorld ).xyz ); // float4 Position = mul( In.Position ,g_matWorld ); // 每个顶点上的指向观察者的方向 Out.vLookAt = mul ( matWorldToModel ,normalize( Position - g_vEyePosition )); return Out; }
vec2 steepPallaxMapping(in vec3 v, in vec2 t) { // determine number of layers from angle between V and N const float minLayers = 5; const float maxLayers = 15; float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), v))); // height of each layer float layerHeight = 1.0 / numLayers; // depth of current layer float currentLayerHeight = 0; // shift of texture coordinates for each iteration vec2 dtex = gHeightScale * v.xy / v.z / numLayers; // current texture coordinates vec2 currentTextureCoords = t; // get first depth from heightmap float heightFromTexture = texture(NormTexSampler, currentTextureCoords).a; // while point is above surface while(heightFromTexture > currentLayerHeight) { // to the next layer currentLayerHeight += layerHeight; // shift texture coordinates along vector V currentTextureCoords -= dtex; // get new depth from heightmap heightFromTexture = texture(NormTexSampler, currentTextureCoords).a; } return currentTextureCoords; }
视差贴图(Parallax Mapping)与陡峭视差贴图(Steep Palallax Mapping)