1. 用mysql -e在脚本中执行mysql的sql语句
#!/bin/bash #simple mysql shell usage logtime=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"` LOG=call_sql_${logtime}.log echo "Start execute sql statement at `date`" >>${LOG} #execute sql stat mysql -u root -p19930309 -e " tee /tmp/temp.log use test drop table if exists stu; create table stu(name varchar(20),age int); insert into stu values(‘wangkun‘,12),(‘amei‘,12),(‘Jack‘,14); select * from stu; notee quit " echo -e "\n" >> ${LOG} echo "below is output result :" >> ${LOG} cat /tmp/temp.log >> ${LOG} echo "scrtip execute successful." >> ${LOG} exit
Start execute sql statement at Mon Apr 18 23:23:01 CST 2016 below is output result : +---------+------+ | name | age | +---------+------+ | wangkun | 12 | | amei | 12 | | Jack | 14 | +---------+------+ scrtip execute successful.
tee /home/hadoop_admin/mysql.log use test drop table if exists stu; create table stu(name varchar(20),age int); insert into stu values(‘wangkun‘,12),(‘amei‘,12),(‘Jack‘,14); select * from stu; notee quit
[hadoop_admin@master mysql_shell]$ mysql -u root -p19930309 < ./select2.sql Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Logging to file ‘/home/hadoop_admin/mysql.log‘ name age wangkun 12 amei 12 Jack 14 Outfile disabled.
tee /home/hadoop_admin/mysql.log use test drop table if exists stu; create table stu(name varchar(20),age int); insert into stu values(‘wangkun‘,12),(‘amei‘,12),(‘Jack‘,14); select * from stu; notee quit
[hadoop_admin@master mysql_shell]$ mysql -u root -p19930309 -e "source select2.sql" Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Logging to file ‘/home/hadoop_admin/mysql.log‘ +---------+------+ | name | age | +---------+------+ | wangkun | 12 | | amei | 12 | | Jack | 14 | +---------+------+ Outfile disabled.
4. shell脚本中MySQL提示符下调用SQL , oracle 也可以这样干
#!/bin/bash mysql -u root -p19930309 <<EOF tee /home/hadoop_admin/mysql.log use test drop table if exists stu; create table stu(name varchar(20),age int); insert into stu values(‘wangkun‘,12),(‘amei‘,12),(‘Jack‘,14); select * from stu; notee quit EOF exit
[hadoop_admin@master mysql_shell]$ ./select3.sh Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Logging to file ‘/home/hadoop_admin/mysql.log‘ name age wangkun 12 amei 12 Jack 14 Outfile disabled.