接口interface关键字比abstract的概念向前更迈进了一步。你可以将它看作是“纯粹的”抽象类。它允许类的创建者为一个类建立其形式:有方法名、参数列表和放回类型,但是没有任何方法体。 接口也可以包含有数据成员,但是他们隐含都是static和final的。接口只提供了形式,而未提供任何具体实现。
class Note { private String noteName; private Note(String noteName) { this.noteName = noteName; } @Override public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return noteName; } public static final Note MIDDLE_C = new Note("Middle c"), C_SHARP = new Note("C_Sharp"), B_FLAT = new Note("B Flat"); } interface Instrument { // Compile-time constant: int VALUE = 5; // static & final // Cannot have method definitions: void play(Note n); // Automatically public void adjust(); } class Wind implements Instrument { public void play(Note n) { System.out.println(this + ".play() " + n); } public String toString() { return "Wind"; } public void adjust() { System.out.println(this + ".adjust()"); } } class Percussion implements Instrument { public void play(Note n) { System.out.println(this + ".play() " + n); } public String toString() { return "Percussion"; } public void adjust() { System.out.println(this + ".adjust()"); } } class Stringed implements Instrument { public void play(Note n) { System.out.println(this + ".play() " + n); } public String toString() { return "Stringed"; } public void adjust() { System.out.println(this + ".adjust()"); } } class Brass extends Wind { public String toString() { return "Brass"; } } class Woodwind extends Wind { public String toString() { return "Woodwind"; } } public class Music5 { // Doesn’t care about type, so new types // added to the system still work right: static void tune(Instrument i) { // ... i.play(Note.MIDDLE_C); } static void tuneAll(Instrument[] e) { for (Instrument i : e) tune(i); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Upcasting during addition to the array: Instrument[] orchestra = { new Wind(), new Percussion(), new Stringed(), new Brass(), new Woodwind() }; tuneAll(orchestra); } }无论你是要将其向上转型为一个被称为Instrument的常规类,或是一个被称为Instrument的抽象类,还是一个被称为Instrument的接口,都不是问题,它的行为都是相同的。事实上,你可以在tune()方法中看到, 没有任何证据来证明Instrument是一个常规类、一个抽象类,还是一个接口。
参考:Think in java 3.0