Predefined term | Matches |
\t | Horizontal tab |
\b | Backspace |
\v | Vertical tab |
\f | Form feed |
\r | Carriage return |
\n | Newline |
\cA : \cZ | Control characters |
\x0000 : \xFFFF | Unicode hexadecimal |
\x00 : \xFF | ASCII hexadecimal |
. | Any character, except for newline (\n) |
\d | Any decimal digit; equivalent to [0-9] |
\D | Any character but a decimal digit; equivalent to [^0-9] |
\w | Any alphanumeric character including underscore; equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_] |
\W | Any character but alphanumeric and underscore characters; equivalent to [^A-Za-z0-9_] |
\s | Any whitespace character (space, tab, form feed, and so on) |
\S | Any character but a whitespace character |
\b | A word boundary |
\B | Not a word boundary (inside a word) |