/*计算圆的面积与周长*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define PI 3.14159 double area(double x);//面积 double zc(double x);//周长 int main() { double ar=0.0; double cz=0.0; double r; cout<<"please input the r:"; cin>>r; ar=area(r); cz=zc(r); cout<<"area is:"<<ar<<endl; cout<<"zc is:"<<cz<<endl; return 0; } //定义面积函数 double area(double x) { double are=0.0; if(x<=0) { cout<<"error,please input again..."<<endl; } else { are=PI*x*x; } return are; } //周长函数 double zc(double x) { double len=0.0; if(x<=0) { cout<<"error,please input again..."<<endl; } else { len=2*PI*x; } return len; }
/*基本计算*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,j; cout<<"input:"; cin>>i>>j; cout<<i+j<<endl; cout<<i-j<<endl; cout<<i*j<<endl; cout<<i/j<<endl; /*测试溢出*/ short n=32767,m;//short最大值 cout<<"n="<<n<<endl; m=n+1; cout<<"m="<<m<<endl; return 0; }
/*进制相关*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a=010,b=10,c=0x10; //十进制 cout<<"DEC:"<<endl; cout<<"a="<<a<<endl; cout<<"b="<<b<<endl; cout<<"c="<<c<<endl; cout<<endl; //八进制 cout<<"OCT:"<<endl; cout<<oct; cout<<"a="<<a<<endl; cout<<"b="<<b<<endl; cout<<"c="<<c<<endl; cout<<endl; //十六进制 cout<<"HEX:"<<endl; cout<<hex; cout<<"a="<<a<<endl; cout<<"b="<<b<<endl; cout<<"c="<<c<<endl; //混合运算输出 cout<<"a+b+c="; cout<<dec; cout<<a+b+c<<endl; return 0; }
/*double/float`*/ #include <iostream> //包含iostream.h头文件 #include<iomanip.h> // iomanip.h头文件包含setprecision()的定义 main() { //float型变量的声明、输入、计算和输出 float fx,fy; cout<<"fx="; cin>>fx; cout<<"fy="; cin>>fy; cout<<fx<<"+"<<fy<<"="<<fx+fy<<endl; cout<<fx<<"-"<<fy<<"="<<fx-fy<<endl; cout<<fx<<"*"<<fy<<"="<<fx*fy<<endl; cout<<fx<<"/"<<fy<<"="<<fx/fy<<endl<<endl; //cout<<fx<<"%"<<fy<<"="<<fx%fy<<endl; Error! //double型变量的声明、输入、计算和输出 float dx,dy; cout<<"dx="; cin>>dx; cout<<"dy="; cin>>dy; cout<<dx<<"+"<<dy<<"="<<dx+dy<<endl; cout<<dx<<"-"<<dy<<"="<<dx-dy<<endl; cout<<dx<<"*"<<dy<<"="<<dx*dy<<endl; cout<<dx<<"/"<<dy<<"="<<dx/dy<<endl<<endl; //cout<<fx<<"%"<<fy<<"="<<fx%fy<<endl; Error! //测试float和double类型数据的有效位 fx=10.0;fy=6.0; float fz=fx/fy; dx=10.0;dy=6.0; double dz=dx/dy; cout<<"fz="; cout<<setprecision(20)<<fx<<"/"<<fy<<"="<<fz<<endl; cout<<"dz="; cout<<setprecision(20)<<dx<<"/"<<dy<<"="<<dz<<endl<<endl;; //float型溢出 float x=3.5e14; cout<<"x="<<x<<endl; cout<<"x*x="<<x*x<<endl; cout<<"x*x*x="<<x*x*x<<endl; }
/*char*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //字符变量声明 char c1='A'; char c2; //字符数据运算及输出 c2=c1+32; cout<<"c="<<c1<<endl; cout<<"c2="<<c2<<endl; //字符及ASCII输出 cout<<c1<<":"<<int(c1)<<endl; cout<<c2<<":"<<int(c2)<<endl; cout<<'&'<<int('&')<<endl; //输入字符 cout<<"c1 c2"<<endl; cin>>c1>>c2; cout<<"c1="<<c1<<" c2="<<c2<<endl; return 0; }
#if 0 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char c1='\a',TAB='\t'; //阵铃一声 cout<<c1<<endl; //水平制表 cout<<1<<TAB<<2<<TAB<<3<<TAB<<4<<endl; //使用双引号 cout<<"swxc\"tx\"."<<endl; //使用回车换行 cout<<"xctx\n"<<"0707\n"; return 0; } #endif
#if 0 /*bool(0,1,false,true)*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //声明bool变量并初始化 bool xc1=false,xc2=true; //输出bool变量及常量 cout<<"false:"<<false<<endl; cout<<"true:"<<true<<endl; cout<<"xc1:"<<xc1<<endl; cout<<"xc2:"<<xc2<<endl; //bool变量的赋值与输出 int a=3; xc1=a>0; cout<<"xc1="<<xc1<<endl; xc2=xc1; cout<<"xc2:"<<xc2<<endl; //bool超界处理 xc1=100; xc2=-200; cout<<"xc1:"<<xc1<<endl; cout<<"xc2:"<<xc2<<endl; return 0; } #endif
#if 0 /*const*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; const double sw=2.56; int main() { double a=1.5l,sum; sum=a+sw; cout<<"sum is:"<<sum<<endl; return 0; } #endif
#if 0 /*enum*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //定义枚举类型,并为枚举元素赋值 enum num{ one=1, two=2, three=3 }; //声明枚举变量并赋值 enum num a=two; num b;//在C++中是允许的(struct也可以) //输出枚举常量 cout<<"one:"<<one<<endl; cout<<"two:"<<two<<endl; cout<<"three:"<<three<<endl; //枚举变量的赋值和输出 b=a; a=one; cout<<"a="<<a<<endl; cout<<"b="<<b<<endl; //关系运算 b=three; cout<<"a<b="<<(a<b)<<endl; return 0; } #endif
#if 0 #include <iostream.h> const double PI=3.1416; //声明常量(const变量)PI为3.1416 main() { //声明3个变量 double r=3,l,s; //计算圆的周长 l=2*PI*r; cout<<"l="<<l<<endl; //计算圆的面积 s=PI*r*r; cout<<"s="<<s<<endl; //验证赋值误差 int il,is; il=l; is=s; cout<<"il="<<il<<endl; cout<<"is="<<is<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*输入判断奇偶数*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int n; cout<<"n="; cin>>n; if (n>=0 && n<=100 &&n%2==0) cout<<"n="<<n<<endl; else cout<<"The "<<n<<" is out of range!"<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*递增与递减*/ #include <iostream.h> using namespace std; main() { //变量声明 char c; double x,y; //测试自增 cout<<"++E and E++ :"<<endl; c='B'; cout<<"c="<<++c<<endl; //输出c=C c='B'; cout<<"c="<<c++<<endl; //输出c=B x=1.5; y=5+ ++x; //加号后的空格不能少 cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; //输出y=7.5 x=1.5; y=5+x++; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; //输出y=6.5 cout<<"--------------------"<<endl; //测试自减 cout<<"--E and E-- :"<<endl; c='B'; cout<<"c="<<--c<<endl; //输出c=A c='B'; cout<<"c="<<c--<<endl; //输出c=B x=1.5; y=5+--x; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; //输出y=5.5 x=1.5; y=5+x--; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; //输出y=6.5 } #endif
#if 0 /*关系表达式*/ #include <iostream.h> main() { int a=3, b=2; //输出关系表达式 cout<<(a<b)<<endl; cout<<(a<b)<<(a>b)<<(a>=b)<<(a==b)<<(a!=b)<<endl; bool flag=2*a<b+10; cout<<"flag="<<flag; } #endif
#if 0 /*逻辑运算与关系运算*/ #include <iostream.h> using namespace std; main() { float a=3.5,b=2.1,c=0; cout<<"a="<<a<<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c<<endl; //与运算 cout<<"a&&b="<<(a&&b)<<endl;//输出1 cout<<"a&&c="<<(a&&c)<<endl;//输出0 //或运算 cout<<"a||b="<<(a||b)<<endl;//输出1 cout<<"a||c="<<(a||c)<<endl;//输出1 //非运算 cout<<"!a="<<!a<<endl<<"!c="<<!c<<endl;//输出0 1 //关系运算和逻辑运算 bool flag=a>=0 && a<=5; //变量a在[0,5]区间内 cout<<"a=>0 && a<=5="<<flag<<endl;//输出1 //算术运算、关系运算和逻辑运算 cout<<"a+5>2*b+2||a<b+3="<<(a+5>2*b+2||a<b+3)<<endl;//输出1 } #endif
#if 0 /*逻辑运算*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { //按位与运算 cout<<"24&12="<<(24&12)<<endl; //按位异或运算 cout<<"24^12="<<(24^12)<<endl; //按位或运算 cout<<"24|12="<<(24|12)<<endl; //按位取反运算 cout<<"~24="<<(~24)<<endl; //左移位运算 cout<<"5<<3="<<(5<<3)<<endl; cout<<"-5<<3="<<(-5<<3)<<endl; //右移位运算 cout<<"5>>3="<<(5>>3)<<endl; cout<<"-5>>3="<<(-5>>3)<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*表达式语句*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int a=1,b=1,c=3; //显示a,b,c的值 cout<<"a="<<a<<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c<<endl; //计算显示(1) b+=a+2*c%5; 的结果 b+=a+2*c%5; //相当于表达式语句 b=b+(a+2*c%5); cout<<"(1) b="<<b<<endl; //计算显示(2) a<<=c-2*b; 的结果 a=1,b=1,c=3; a<<=c-2*b; // 相当于表达式语句 a=a<<(c-2*b); cout<<"(2) a="<<a<<endl; //计算显示(3) a*=b=c=3;的结果 a=1,b=1,c=3; a*=b=c=3; //相当于语句组 c=3;b=c;a=a*b; cout<<"(3) a="<<a<<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c<<endl; //计算显示(4) a+=b+=c;的结果 a=1,b=1,c=3; a+=b+=c; //相当于语句组 b=b+c; a=a+b; cout<<"(4) a="<<a<<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c<<endl; //计算显示(5) a-=b=++c+2;的结果 a=1,b=1,c=3; a-=b=++c+2; //相当于语句组 ++c;b=b+c+2;a=a-b; cout<<"(5) a="<<a<<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*sizeof*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { //用 sizeof 计算各类种常量的字节长度 cout<<"sizeof('$')="<<sizeof('$')<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(1)="<<sizeof(1)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(1.5)="<<sizeof(1.5)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(\"Good!\")="<<sizeof("Good!")<<endl; //用sizeof 计算各类型变量的字节长度 int i=100; char c='A'; float x=3.1416; double p=0.1; cout<<"sizeof(i)="<<sizeof(i)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(c)="<<sizeof(c)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(x)="<<sizeof(x)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(p)="<<sizeof(p)<<endl; //用sizeof 计算表达式的字节长度 cout<<"sizeof(x+1.732)="<<sizeof(x+1.732)<<endl; //用 sizeof 计算各类型的字节长度 cout<<"sizeof(char)="<<sizeof(char)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(int)="<<sizeof(int)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(float)="<<sizeof(float)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(double)="<<sizeof(double)<<endl; //用sizeof 计算数组的字节长度 char str[]="This is a test."; int a[10]; double xy[10]; cout<<"sizeof(str)="<<sizeof(str)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(a)="<<sizeof(a)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(xy)="<<sizeof(xy)<<endl; //用sizeof 计算自定义类型的长度 struct st { short num; float math_grade; float Chinese_grade; float sum_grade; }; st student1; cout<<"sizeof(st)="<<sizeof(st)<<endl; cout<<"sizeof(student1)="<<sizeof(student1)<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*顺序运算*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { //声明变量语句中使用顺序运算 int x, y; //计算中使用顺序运算 x=50; y=(x=x-5, x/5); cout<<"x="<<x<<endl; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*类型转换*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { //测试表达式类型的转换 int n=100,m; double x=3.791,y; cout<<"n*x="<<n*x<<endl; //赋值类型转换 m=x; y=n; cout<<"m="<<m<<endl; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; //强制类型转换 cout<<"int(x)="<<int(x)<<endl; cout<<"(int)x="<<(int)x<<endl; cout<<"int(1.732+x)="<<int(1.732+x)<<endl; cout<<"(int)1.732+x="<<(int)1.723+x<<endl; cout<<"double(100)="<<double(100)<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*if*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { float a,b,s; cout<<"a b"<<endl; cin>>a>>b; //利用cin从键盘上为变量 a,b 赋值 s=a; if (a<b) { s=b; //if语句中只有这一个语句,可省略花括号 } s=s*s; //变量s中保存a,b中较大的一个数的平方 cout<<"s="<<s; return 0; } #endif
#if 0 /*if-else*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int x,y; cout<<"x="; cin>>x; if (x<=0) { //满足条件执行 y=2*x; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl;; //输出结果 } else { //不满足条件执行 y=x*x; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; //输出结果 } } #endif
#if 0 /*if-else内层*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int a,b,c; int smallest; cout<<"a b c"<<endl; cin>>a>>b>>c; if (a<=b) //外层条件语句 { if (a<=c) //内层条件语句 smallest=a; else smallest=c; } else { if (b<=c) //内层条件语句 smallest=b; else smallest=c; } cout<<"Smallest="<<smallest<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int score; //从键盘上输入分数 cout<<"score="; cin>>score; //用带else if的条件语句判断处理 if (score<0 || score>100) { cout<<"The score is out of range!"<<endl; } else if (score>=90) cout<<"Your grade is a A."<<endl; else if (score>=80) cout<<"Your grade is a B."<<endl; else if (score>=70) cout<<"Your grade is a C."<<endl; else if (score>=60) cout<<"Your grade is a D."<<endl; else cout<<"Your grade is a E."<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*100以内偶数*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { if(i%2==0) { cout<<i<<"\t"; } else continue; } return 0; } #endif
#if 0 #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int a,b,Max; //输入数据 cout<<"a="; cin>>a; cout<<"b="; cin>>b; //找出较大值 Max=a>b?a:b; cout<<"Max="<<Max<<endl; return 0; } #endif
#if 0 /*除法*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int a,b; //输入数据 cout<<"a="; cin>>a; cout<<"b="; cin>>b; //除法判断 if (b!=0 && a%b==0) { cout<<b<<" divides "<<a<<endl; cout<<"a/b="<<a/b<<endl; } else cout<<b<<" does not divide "<<a<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*switch*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { //x,y 为操作数,c为运算符 int x,y,z; char c1; cin>>x>>c1>>y; //c1 //多路选择语句选择不同表达式计算语句 switch(c1) { case '+':cout<<x<<"+"<<y<<"="<<x+y<<endl; break; case '-':cout<<x<<"-"<<y<<"="<<x-y<<endl; break; case '*':cout<<x<<"*"<<y<<"="<<x*y<<endl; break; case '/':cout<<x<<"/"<<y<<"="<<x/y<<endl; break; case '%':cout<<x<<"%"<<y<<"="<<x%y<<endl; break; default :cout<<"Wrong !"<<endl; //当不符合上述情况时执行本子句 } } #endif
#if 0 /*全局变量与局部变量*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; float x=365.5; //声明全局变量 main() { int x=1,y=2; double w=x+y; { double x=1.414,y=1.732,z=3.14; cout<<"inner:x="<<x<<endl; cout<<"inner:y="<<y<<endl; cout<<"inner:z="<<z<<endl; cout<<"outer:w="<<w<<endl; cout<<"::x="<<::x<<endl; //访问重名的全局变量 } cout<<"outer:x="<<x<<endl; cout<<"outer:y="<<y<<endl; cout<<"outer:w="<<w<<endl; //cout<<"inner:z="<<z<<endl;无效 cout<<"::x="<<::x<<endl; //访问重名的全局变量 } #endif
#if 0 /*for*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { //显示1,2,3...10 for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) cout<<i<<" "; cout<<endl; //显示10,9,8...1 for(int j=10;j>=1;j--) cout<<j<<" "; cout<<endl; //显示1,3,5...9 for(int k=1;k<=10;k=k+2) cout<<k<<" "; cout<<endl; //显示ABC...Z for(char c='A';c<='Z';c++) cout<<c; cout<<endl; //显示0,0.1,0.2...1.0 for(float x=0;x<=1.0;x=x+0.1) cout<<x<<" "; cout<<endl; //显示0,0.1,0.2...1.0 for(float x1=0;x1<=1.0+0.1/2;x1=x1+0.1) cout<<x1<<" "; cout<<endl; //计算s=1+2+3...+100 int s=0; for(int n=1;n<=100;n++) s=s+n; cout<<"s="<<s<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*while*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { //计算s=1+2+3...+100 int s=0,n=1; while(n<=100) { s=s+n; n++; } cout<<"s="<<s<<endl; //累加键盘输入的数据 double x,sum=0.0; cout<<"x="; cin>>x; while(x!=0) { sum+=x; cout<<"x="; cin>>x; } cout<<"sum="<<sum<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*do-while*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { //计算s=1+2+3...+100 int s=0,n=0; do { n++; s+=n; }while(n<100); cout<<"s="<<s<<endl; //累加键盘输入的数据 double x,sum=0.0; do { cout<<"x="; cin>>x; sum+=x; } while(x!=0); cout<<"sum="<<sum<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 /*9*9*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { for(int i=1;i<=9;i++) { cout<<i; for(int j=i;j<=9;j++) { cout<<"\t"<<i<<"*"<<j<<"="<<i*j<<endl; } } } #endif
#if 0 /*goto*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x,sum=0; L1:cout<<"x=";//定义标记L1 cin>>x; if(x==-2) goto L2;//转到L2 else sum+=x; cout<<"sum="<<sum<<endl; goto L1;//转到L1 L2:cout<<"error!"<<"sum="<<sum<<endl; goto L1; return 0; } #endif
#if 0 /*break(跳出)*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { //累加键盘输入的数据 double x,sum=0.0; while(1) { cout<<"x="; cin>>x; if (x<=0) break; sum+=x; } cout<<"sum="<<sum<<endl; } #endif
#if 0 #include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { //累加键盘输入的数据 double x,sum=0.0; while(1) { cout<<"x="; cin>>x; if (x<=0) continue; sum+=x; } cout<<"sum="<<sum<<endl; } #endif