你一定听过或者用过htop 和pssh pscp等用python实现linux当中的top ssh scp 功能的加强! python写的不仅共鞥强,而且有颜色分辨且选项说明和详细!文档比较规范
pip install httpie
使用范围python 2.6 2.7 和python 3中都可以使用
安装之后生成http命令提供使用(在linux sheel中经常用curl 和wget 进行完成日常的工作)
a. 调试api接口
b. 访问一个网站 但想要颜色分明
http <请求方法如 HEAD> <url 如www.baidu.com> <请求的头部选项如 User-Agent:bacon/1.0>
Output Options:
--print WHAT, -p WHAT
String specifying what the output should contain:
‘H‘ request headers
‘B‘ request body
‘h‘ response headers
‘b‘ response body
模式输出是 hb 返回响应头部和响应body
Predefined Content Types:
--json, -j
(default) Data items from the command line are serialized as a JSON object.
The Content-Type and Accept headers are set to application/json
(if not specified).
--form, -f
Data items from the command line are serialized as form fields.
The Content-Type is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (if not
specified). The presence of any file fields results in a
multipart/form-data request.
1 只返回响应头部
http --print h
http HEAD www.baidu.com
curl -I http:://www.baidu.com
2 只返回请求头部
http --print H www.baidu.com
3 POST的使用等具体调用api的时候在讲解
http example.org hello=world # => POST
4 改变请求头部
REQUEST_ITEM 修改的请求项目一定要放在最后面!
http --print H http://www.baidu.com User-Agent:bacon/1.0
4.2 将参数附加到url后面作为参数请求
‘==‘ URL parameters to be appended to the request URI:
http --print H http://www.baidu.com?name=andy User-Agent:bacon/1.0
http --print H http://www.baidu.com User-Agent:bacon/1.0 name==andy
本文出自 “崔德华运维打工从业路” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://cuidehua.blog.51cto.com/5449828/1770191