# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import subprocess import json import os class SVNCommands(object): userName = 'username' password = 'password' def __init__(self,dirPath='',fileName='',ciMessage='',svnServerUrl=''): self.__dirPath = dirPath if(len(dirPath.strip())): self.setLocalPath(dirPath) self.__fileName = fileName if(len(fileName.strip())): self.setFileName(fileName) self.__svnUrl = svnServerUrl if(len(svnServerUrl.strip())): self.setSVNUrl(svnServerUrl) self.__svnCmd = '' self.__ciMessage = ciMessage if(len(ciMessage.strip())): self.setCiMessage(ciMessage) self.__outInfo = 'ss' self.__errInfo = 'ss' def setLocalPath(self,path): ''' path: local directory path string ''' path = path.replace('\\','/').strip() if(os.path.isdir(path)): if(path.endswith('/') == False): path = path + '/' self.__dirPath = path else: raise TypeError('It must be a real directory') def getLocalPath(self): return self.__dirPath def setFileName(self,file): ''' file whick you want to up,delete,commite,contains the extension ''' self.__fileName = file.strip() def setSVNUrl(self,url): ''' the url in SVN server ''' self.__svnUrl = url.strip() def setCiMessage(self,msg): if(isinstance(msg,str)): self.__ciMessage = msg.strip() else: raise TypeError('It need string type') def svnCheckout(self): if(len(self.__dirPath) and len(self.__svnUrl)): self.__svnCmd = 'svn checkout ' + self.__svnUrl + ' ' + self.__dirPath + ' --username ' + self.userName + ' --password ' + self.password self.displayCmd() # display self.execCmd() else: raise ValueError('Please check the SVN url and local path') def svnUpdate(self): if(len(self.__dirPath)): self.__svnCmd = 'svn up ' + self.__dirPath self.displayCmd() # display self.execCmd() else: raise ValueError('Please check local path') def svnAdd(self): if(os.path.isfile(self.__dirPath + self.__fileName)): self.__svnCmd = 'svn add '+ self.__dirPath + self.__fileName self.displayCmd() # display self.execCmd() else: raise ValueError('Please check you file') def svnDel(self): if(os.path.isfile(self.__dirPath + self.__fileName)): self.__svnCmd = 'svn delete ' + self.__dirPath + self.__fileName self.displayCmd() # display self.execCmd() else: raise ValueError('Please check you file') def svnCommit(self): if(os.path.isfile(self.__dirPath + self.__fileName)): self.__svnCmd = 'svn ci -m ' + '"' + self.__ciMessage + '" ' + self.__dirPath + self.__fileName self.displayCmd() # display self.execCmd() elif(os.path.isdir(self.__dirPath)): self.__svnCmd = 'svn ci -m ' + '"' + self.__ciMessage + '" ' + self.__dirPath self.displayCmd() # display self.execCmd() else: raise ValueError('Please check you file') def svnCleanup(self): if(len(self.__dirPath)): self.__svnCmd = 'svn cleanup ' + self.__dirPath self.displayCmd() # display self.execCmd() else: raise ValueError('Please check local path') def execCmd(self): p = subprocess.Popen(self.__svnCmd) try: self.__outInfo,self.__errInfo = p.communicate(timeout = 20) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: p.kill() self.__outInfo,self.__errInfo = p.communicate() def displayInfo(self): print({'Revision':self.__outInfo,'svnErr':self.__errInfo}) def displayCmd(self): print('Command is '+ self.__svnCmd) if __name__ == '__main__': ''' svn = SVNCommands('d:\\tmp\\svn_test1') svn.setSVNUrl('https://svn02/vc/hackers_detection/GamesRepo/BeiStudio/HOC/economy_analysis/jizeng.xu') svn.svnCheckout() ''' #exit() svn = SVNCommands() svn.setLocalPath('d:\\tmp\\svn_test1') svn.setFileName('ab.txt') svn.svnAdd() svn.setCiMessage('+ add this file') svn.svnCommit() #svn.displayInfo() exit()