SONP is simply a hack to allow web apps to retrieve data across domains. It could be said that it violates the Same Origin Policy (SOP).
The way it works is by using Javascript to insert a "script" element into your page. Therefore, you need a callback function. If you didn‘t
have one, your Javascript would have no way to access the JSON object. But by using JSONP, your Javascript code can call the callback
function. So you must specify the callback name. So your function might look like this:
private static String getJSONPObject(String callback, String s) throws JSONException {
return callback + "(" + new JSONObject(s) + ")";
{ "message":"获取成功", "state":"1", "result":{"name":"工作组1","id":1,"description":"11"} }
callback({ "message":"获取成功", "state":"1", "result":{"name":"工作组1","id":1,"description":"11"} })