由于Ubuntu手机平台安全的限制,在Ubuntu手机的应用中我们只能访问自己的空间.如果我们所需要访问的文件不存在于我们应用所在的空间,我们是没有办法访问到的.我们的应用只能访问系统提供的库.如果系统没有所需要的库的话,我们通过可以通过如下的方法实现:$ git clone https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/studentlib_shared
#include<string> class Student{ private: std::string name; public: Student(std::string); virtual void display(); };
#include <iostream> #include "Student.h" using namespace std; Student::Student(string name):name(name){} void Student::display(){ cout << "A student with name " << this->name << endl; }
$ click chroot -aarmhf -fubuntu-sdk-15.04 run
$ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make
(click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf)liuxg@liuxg:~/qml/studentlib_shared/build$ ls CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles Makefile cmake_install.cmake libtestStudent.so (click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf)liuxg@liuxg:~/qml/studentlib_shared/build$
#ifndef MYTYPE_H #define MYTYPE_H #include <QObject> class MyType : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QString helloWorld READ helloWorld WRITE setHelloWorld NOTIFY helloWorldChanged ) public: explicit MyType(QObject *parent = 0); Q_INVOKABLE void testlib(); ~MyType(); Q_SIGNALS: void helloWorldChanged(); protected: QString helloWorld() { return m_message; } void setHelloWorld(QString msg) { m_message = msg; Q_EMIT helloWorldChanged(); } QString m_message; }; #endif // MYTYPE_H
#include "mytype.h" #include "Student.h" MyType::MyType(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_message("") { } void MyType::testlib() { Student student("johnddfsfdfdfds"); student.display(); } MyType::~MyType() { }
liuxg@liuxg:~/qml/testplugin$ tree -L 3 . ├── backend │ ├── Testplugin │ │ ├── backend.cpp │ │ ├── backend.h │ │ ├── mytype.cpp │ │ ├── mytype.h │ │ ├── qmldir │ │ └── Testplugin.pro │ └── tests │ └── unit ├── libs │ ├── libs.pro │ ├── libtestStudent.so │ └── Student.h ├── manifest.json.in ├── po │ └── testplugin.liu-xiao-guo.pot ├── testplugin │ ├── Main.qml │ ├── testplugin.apparmor │ ├── testplugin.desktop │ ├── testplugin.png │ ├── testplugin.pro │ └── tests │ ├── autopilot │ └── unit ├── testplugin.pro └── testplugin.pro.user
TEMPLATE = lib load(ubuntu-click) filetypes = qml png svg js qmltheme jpg qmlproject desktop wav so OTHER_FILES = filetypes for(filetype, filetypes) { OTHER_FILES += *.$$filetype } other_files.path = $${UBUNTU_CLICK_PLUGIN_PATH} other_files.files = $$OTHER_FILES INSTALLS += other_files message(The project1 will be installed in $${UBUNTU_CLICK_PLUGIN_PATH})
SUBDIRS += testplugin backend/Testplugin libs
LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../libs/ -ltestStudent INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../libs DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../libs
... Button { anchors.centerIn: parent text: "Test lib" onClicked: { myType.testlib(); } } ...
$ adb shell
Student student("johnddfsfdfdfds"); student.display();