计算机上的所有可运行的软件,通常包括操作系统,被组织成若干顺序进程(squential process),简称进程(process).一个进程就是一个正在运行的实例,包括程序计数器、寄存器和变量的当前值。从概念上说,每个程序拥有它自己的CPU.然而实际上是CPU在多个进程间切换.
为了实现进程模型,操作系统维护着一张表格(一个结构数组),即进程表(process table),每个进程占用一个进程表项.进程表项也叫PCB(process control block),该表项包含了进程状态的重要信息,包括程序计数器,堆栈指针,内存分配状况,所打开的文件状态,账号和调度信息,以及其他在进程由运行态转换到就绪态或阻塞态时必须保存的信息,从而保证该进程一会能够再次启动,就好像从来没有被切换过一样.
- 如何实现阻塞系统调用,因为这会停止所有的用户态指令.
- 如果发生缺页中断,由于操作系统不知道有其他线程存在,会阻塞到这个线程完成缺页中断,而不是去调度其他用户级线程
#define N 100 /* number of slots in the buffer */
int count = 0; /* number of items in the buffer */
void producer(void)
int item;
while (TRUE) { /* repeat forever */
item = produce item( ); /* generate next item */
if (count == N) sleep( ); /* if buffer is full, go to sleep */
inser t item(item); /* put item in buffer */
count = count + 1; /* increment count of items in buffer */
if (count == 1) wakeup(consumer); /* was buffer empty? */
void consumer(void)
int item;
while (TRUE) { /* repeat forever */
if (count == 0) sleep( ); /* if buffer is empty, got to sleep */
item = remove item( ); /* take item out of buffer */
count = count ? 1; /* decrement count of items in buffer */
if (count == N ? 1) wakeup(producer); /* was buffer full? */
consume item(item); /* print item */
#define N 100 /* number of slots in the buffer */
typedef int semaphore; /* semaphores are a special kind of int
semaphore mutex = 1; /* controls access to critical region */
semaphore empty = N; /* counts empty buffer slots */
semaphore full = 0; /* counts full buffer slots */
void producer(void)
int item;
while (TRUE) { /* TRUE is the constant 1 */
item = produce item( ); /* generate something to put in buffer *
down(&empty); /* decrement empty count */
down(&mutex); /* enter critical region */
inser t item(item); /* put new item in buffer */
up(&mutex); /* leave critical region */
up(&full); /* increment count of full slots */
void consumer(void)
int item;
while (TRUE) { /* infinite loop */
down(&full); /* decrement full count */
down(&mutex); /* enter critical region */
item = remove item( ); /* take item from buffer */
up(&mutex); /* leave critical region */
up(&empty); /* increment count of empty slots */
consume item(item); /* do something with the item */
mutex lock:
TSL REGISTER,MUTEX | copy mutex to register and set mutex to
CMP REGISTER,#0 | was mutex zero?
JZE ok | if it was zero, mutex was unlocked, so r
CALL thread yield | mutex is busy; schedule another thread
JMP mutex lock | tr y again
ok: RET | return to caller; critical region entered
mutex unlock:
MOVE MUTEX,#0 | store a 0 in mutex
RET | return to caller
线程调用 | 描述 |
pthread_mutex_init | 创建一个互斥量 |
pthread_mutex_destroy | 撤销一个已存在的互斥量 |
pthread_mutex_lock | 获得一个锁或阻塞 |
pthread_mutex_trylock | 获得一个锁或失败 |
pthread_mutex_unlock | 释放一个锁 |
使用mutex和信号量可能会引发死锁问题.为了更易于编写正确的程序,Brinch Hansen 和 Hoare 提出了管程.管程中是一个由过程,变量及数据结构等组成的一个集合,它们组成一个特殊模块.
public class ProducerConsumer {
static final int N = 100; // constant giving the buffer size
static producer p = new producer( ); // instantiate a new producer thread
static consumer c = new consumer( ); // instantiate a new consumer thread
static our monitor mon = new our monitor( ); // instantiate a new monitor
public static void main(String args[ ]) {
p.star t( ); // star t the producer thread
c.star t( ); // star t the consumer thread
static class producer extends Thread {
public void run( ) { // run method contains the thread code
int item;
while (true) { // producer loop
item = produce item( );
mon.inser t(item);
private int produce item( ) { ... } // actually produce
static class consumer extends Thread {
public void run( ) { run method contains the thread code
int item;
while (true) { // consumer loop
item = mon.remove( );
consume item (item);
private void consume item(int item) { ... }// actually consume
static class our monitor { // this is a monitor
private int buffer[ ] = new int[N];
private int count = 0, lo = 0, hi = 0; // counters and indices
public synchronized void insert(int val) {
if (count == N) go to sleep( ); // if the buffer is full, go to sleep
buffer [hi] = val; // inser t an item into the buffer
hi = (hi + 1) % N; // slot to place next item in
count = count + 1; // one more item in the buffer now
if (count == 1) notify( ); // if consumer was sleeping, wake it up
public synchronized int remove( ) {
int val;
if (count == 0) go to sleep( ); // if the buffer is empty, go to sleep
val = buffer [lo]; // fetch an item from the buffer
lo = (lo + 1) % N; // slot to fetch next item from
count = count ? 1; // one few items in the buffer
if (count == N ? 1) notify( ); // if producer was sleeping, wake it up
return val;
private void go to sleep( ) { try{wait( );} catch(InterruptedException exc) {};}
#define N 5 /* number of philosophers */
void philosopher(int i) /* i: philosopher number, from 0 to 4 */
while (TRUE) {
think( ); /* philosopher is thinking */
take fork(i); /* take left fork */
take fork((i+1) % N); /* take right fork; % is modulo operator */
eat( ); /* yum-yum, spaghetti */
put fork(i); /* put left fork back on the table */
put fork((i+1) % N); /* put right fork back on the table */
#define N 5 /* number of philosophers */
#define LEFT (i+N?1)%N /* number of i’s left neighbor */
#define RIGHT (i+1)%N /* number of i’s right neighbor */
#define THINKING 0 /* philosopher is thinking */
#define HUNGRY 1 /* philosopher is trying to get forks */
#define EATING 2 /* philosopher is eating */
typedef int semaphore; /* semaphores are a special kind of int */
int state[N]; /* array to keep track of everyone’s state */
semaphore mutex = 1; /* mutual exclusion for critical regions */
semaphore s[N]; /* one semaphore per philosopher */
void philosopher(int i) /* i: philosopher number, from 0 to N?1 */
while (TRUE) { /* repeat forever */
think( ); /* philosopher is thinking */
take forks(i); /* acquire two forks or block */
eat( ); /* yum-yum, spaghetti */
put forks(i); /* put both forks back on table */
void take forks(int i) /* i: philosopher number, from 0 to N?1 */
down(&mutex); /* enter critical region */
state[i] = HUNGRY; /* record fact that philosopher i is hungry */
test(i); /* tr y to acquire 2 forks */
up(&mutex); /* exit critical region */
down(&s[i]); /* block if forks were not acquired */
void put forks(i) /* i: philosopher number, from 0 to N?1 */
down(&mutex); /* enter critical region */
state[i] = THINKING; /* philosopher has finished eating */
test(LEFT); /* see if left neighbor can now eat */
test(RIGHT); /* see if right neighbor can now eat */
up(&mutex); /* exit critical region */
void test(i) /* i: philosopher number, from 0 to N?1 */
if (state[i] == HUNGRY && state[LEFT] != EATING && state[RIGHT] != EATING) {
state[i] = EATING;
typedef int semaphore; /* use your imagination */
semaphore mutex = 1; /* controls access to rc */
semaphore db = 1; /* controls access to the database */
int rc = 0; /* # of processes reading or wanting to */
void reader(void)
while (TRUE) { /* repeat forever */
down(&mutex); /* get exclusive access to rc */
rc = rc + 1; /* one reader more now */
if (rc == 1) down(&db); /* if this is the first reader ... */
up(&mutex); /* release exclusive access to rc */
read data base( ); /* access the data */
down(&mutex); /* get exclusive access to rc */
rc = rc ? 1; /* one reader fewer now */
if (rc == 0) up(&db); /* if this is the last reader ... */
up(&mutex); /* release exclusive access to rc */
use data read( ); /* noncritical region */
void writer(void)
while (TRUE) { /* repeat forever */
think up data( ); /* noncritical region */
down(&db); /* get exclusive access */
write data base( ); /* update the data */
up(&db); /* release exclusive access */