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1、国外教程网站 http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/android.html 很不错的网站,免费的,包含android的教程也比较全面,并且教程中经常引用大牛blog,会有很多意外发现。代码资源有提供,但是不是很好找。

 http://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/ 非常适合入门,提供基本所有的基础教程,并且N多的例子。除了支持在线学习外,还提供基本教程和进阶教程的pdf下载。(ps:虽然Pdf可以点击下载,但是人家还是希望您能付款的。) 

http://code.tutsplus.com/categories/android-sdk 每篇文章质量都非常高~~ 

http://guides.codepath.com/android/Home 基本包含了日常开发中所有用到的东西,正如: We don’t waste time with the “theoretical approach” you might get from a book. We cover exactly the things we use every day as we are developing apps for contracts.他们的宗旨是:mission to change the way engineers learn new technologies。同时提供了问答的支持,也欢迎大家的加入。 http://www.coderzheaven.com/android-tutorials/ 覆盖各种教程,关于Android基本时案例驱动的方式。 https://newcircle.com/category/android/ 貌似是个培训机构,多数是收费的,不过仍然有一些free resources值得你去挖掘。 http://www.coreservlets.com/android-tutorial/ 虽然主打不是android,但是android的教程也是相当不错的,更好的是,教程都提供pdf、ppt、源码的下载。期待它的更新~ 

http://droid-blog.net/ Droid-Blog.net offers about 27,000 impressions to a highly targeted audience of Android developers looking for ways to monetize their applications. There is only one ad space on the top right on the whole blog which guarantees maximum attention for your ad. - See more at: http://droid-blog.net/become-a-sponsor/#sthash.roDmfOb9.dpuf 

https://www.coursera.org/ Coursera致力于普及全世界最好的教育,与顶级 大学和机构合作,向所有人提供免费课程。当然了,关于Android课程也不少。 commonsware.com/blog/archive.html CommonsWare’s mission is to help people and organizations work better together through cooperation, whether that be in the fields of software development, community governance, or anywhere else. CommonsWare provides books, software, and services in fulfillment of that mission. 

http://android.amberfog.com/ Just another Android developers blog http://www.anddev.org/ Android Development Community | Android Tutorials 


 http://jakewharton.com/blog 作者:Jakewharton 看名字就知道,完全不需要介绍。 

http://www.curious-creature.com/ 作者:Romain Guy 我还是觉得不用介绍。

 http://cyrilmottier.com/ Cyril Mottier 我还是觉得不用介绍。

 http://blog.stylingandroid.com/ 作者:Mark Allison a software developer with over 30 years’ experience, and over 4 years’ Android development experience. I run Styling Android Limited, an Android software development consultancy. http://blog.danlew.net/ 作者:Daniel Lew 文章数量相当客观,大多数都是一些tips,非常值得学习。

 http://www.androidhive.info/ 作者:Ravi Tamada android高质量文章很多,不过也会有很多其他方面的文章,数量堪比教程网了。 http://loseyourmarbles.co/about-me/ 作者:Chris Nash My interests in software development and modern video gaming will form a large part of this blog 。 

http://www.androiduipatterns.com/ 作者:juhani@fatrobot.io working for Fat Robot as Partner / CTO. http://www.grokkingandroid.com/ 作者:Wolfram Rittmeyer I have been developing with Java for a long time and have started developing Android applications in 2010. 

http://geekyouup.blogspot.com/ 作者:Rich Hyndman 就职于 Google . 

3、值得逛的网站 http://androidweekly.net/ Android Weekly is a free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android Development.非常值得订阅。 developer.android.com/index.html oh , no reason!




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