在安卓开发过程中,经常会看到文本中有重点的字段是需要换色的,为了表现其特殊性。这个时候大多数人都会用比较简单的方式就是再New 一个TextView出来,显然很快速,然而这样做无疑是给布局绘制添加麻烦,这里简单提供一个工具ColorPhrase类,帮你解决这一的麻烦。
public class MainActivity extends Activity { private EditText editText; private TextView textView; private Button button; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText1); textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView1); button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1); button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { //这里是使用方法:将主要换色的文本用“{}”区分出来,然后对其文本风格颜色做处理,这就是ColorPhrase的工作了。 String pattern = editText.getText().toString(); CharSequence chars = ColorPhrase.from(pattern).withSeparator("{}").innerColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.in_color)).outerColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.out_color)).format(); textView.setText(chars); } }); } }
public class ColorPhrase { /** The unmodified original pattern. */ private final CharSequence pattern; /** Cached result after replacing all keys with corresponding values. */ private CharSequence formatted; /** * The constructor parses the original pattern into this doubly-linked list * of tokens. */ private Token head; /** When parsing, this is the current character. */ private char curChar; private String separator;// default "{}" private int curCharIndex; private int outerColor;// color that outside the separators,default 0xFF666666 private int innerColor;// color that between the separators,default 0xFFA6454A /** Indicates parsing is complete. */ private static final int EOF = 0; /** * Entry point into this API. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if pattern contains any syntax errors. */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) public static ColorPhrase from(Fragment f, int patternResourceId) { return from(f.getResources(), patternResourceId); } /** * Entry point into this API. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if pattern contains any syntax errors. */ public static ColorPhrase from(View v, int patternResourceId) { return from(v.getResources(), patternResourceId); } /** * Entry point into this API. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if pattern contains any syntax errors. */ public static ColorPhrase from(Context c, int patternResourceId) { return from(c.getResources(), patternResourceId); } /** * Entry point into this API. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if pattern contains any syntax errors. */ public static ColorPhrase from(Resources r, int patternResourceId) { return from(r.getText(patternResourceId)); } /** * Entry point into this API; pattern must be non-null. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if pattern contains any syntax errors. */ public static ColorPhrase from(CharSequence pattern) { return new ColorPhrase(pattern); } private ColorPhrase(CharSequence pattern) { curChar = (pattern.length() > 0) ? pattern.charAt(0) : EOF; this.pattern = pattern; // Invalidate the cached formatted text. formatted = null; separator = "{}";// initialize the default separator outerColor = 0xFF666666;//initialize the default value innerColor =0xFFE6454A;//initialize the default value } /** * set the separator of the target,called after from() method. * * @param _separator * @return */ public ColorPhrase withSeparator(String _separator) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(_separator)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("separator must not be empty!"); } if (_separator.length() > 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("separator‘s length must not be more than 3 charactors!"); } this.separator = _separator; return this; } /** * init the outerColor * * @param _outerColor * @return */ public ColorPhrase outerColor(int _outerColor) { this.outerColor = _outerColor; return this; } /** * init the innerColor * * @param _innerColor * @return */ public ColorPhrase innerColor(int _innerColor) { this.innerColor = _innerColor; return this; } /** * cut the pattern with the separators and linked them with double link * structure; */ private void createDoubleLinkWithToken() { // A hand-coded lexer based on the idioms in // "Building Recognizers By Hand". // http://www.antlr2.org/book/byhand.pdf. Token prev = null; Token next; while ((next = token(prev)) != null) { // Creates a doubly-linked list of tokens starting with head. if (head == null) head = next; prev = next; } } /** * Returns the next token from the input pattern, or null when finished * parsing. */ private Token token(Token prev) { if (curChar == EOF) { return null; } if (curChar == getLeftSeparator()) { char nextChar = lookahead(); if (nextChar == getLeftSeparator()) { return leftSeparator(prev); } else { return inner(prev); } } return outer(prev); } private char getLeftSeparator() { return separator.charAt(0); } private char getRightSeparator() { if (separator.length() == 2) { return separator.charAt(1); } return separator.charAt(0); } /** * Returns the text after replacing all keys with values. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if any keys are not replaced. */ public CharSequence format() { if (formatted == null) { if (!checkPattern()) { throw new IllegalStateException("the separators don't match in the pattern!"); } createDoubleLinkWithToken(); // Copy the original pattern to preserve all spans, such as bold, // italic, etc. SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder(pattern); for (Token t = head; t != null; t = t.next) { t.expand(sb); } formatted = sb; } return formatted; } /** * check if the pattern has legal separators * * @return */ private boolean checkPattern() { if (pattern == null) { return false; } char leftSeparator = getLeftSeparator(); char rightSeparator = getRightSeparator(); Stack<Character> separatorStack = new Stack<Character>(); for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length(); i++) { char cur = pattern.charAt(i); if (cur == leftSeparator) { separatorStack.push(cur); } else if (cur == rightSeparator) { if (!separatorStack.isEmpty() && (separatorStack.pop() == leftSeparator)) { continue; } else { return false; } } } return separatorStack.isEmpty(); } private InnerToken inner(Token prev) { // Store keys as normal Strings; we don't want keys to contain spans. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Consume the left separator. consume(); char rightSeparator = getRightSeparator(); while (curChar != rightSeparator && curChar != EOF) { sb.append(curChar); consume(); } if (curChar == EOF) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing closing separator"); } //consume the right separator. consume(); if (sb.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Disallow empty content between separators,for example {}"); } String key = sb.toString(); return new InnerToken(prev, key, innerColor); } /** Consumes and returns a token for a sequence of text. */ private OuterToken outer(Token prev) { int startIndex = curCharIndex; while (curChar != getLeftSeparator() && curChar != EOF) { consume(); } return new OuterToken(prev, curCharIndex - startIndex, outerColor); } /** * Consumes and returns a token representing two consecutive curly brackets. */ private LeftSeparatorToken leftSeparator(Token prev) { consume(); consume(); return new LeftSeparatorToken(prev, getLeftSeparator()); } /** Returns the next character in the input pattern without advancing. */ private char lookahead() { return curCharIndex < pattern.length() - 1 ? pattern.charAt(curCharIndex + 1) : EOF; } /** * Advances the current character position without any error checking. * Consuming beyond the end of the string can only happen if this parser * contains a bug. */ private void consume() { curCharIndex++; curChar = (curCharIndex == pattern.length()) ? EOF : pattern.charAt(curCharIndex); } /** * Returns the raw pattern without expanding keys; only useful for * debugging. Does not pass through to {@link #format()} because doing so * would drop all spans. */ @Override public String toString() { return pattern.toString(); } private abstract static class Token { private final Token prev; private Token next; protected Token(Token prev) { this.prev = prev; if (prev != null) prev.next = this; } /** Replace text in {@code target} with this token's associated value. */ abstract void expand(SpannableStringBuilder target); /** Returns the number of characters after expansion. */ abstract int getFormattedLength(); /** Returns the character index after expansion. */ final int getFormattedStart() { if (prev == null) { // The first token. return 0; } else { // Recursively ask the predecessor node for the starting index. return prev.getFormattedStart() + prev.getFormattedLength(); } } } /** Ordinary text between tokens. */ private static class OuterToken extends Token { private final int textLength; private int color; OuterToken(Token prev, int textLength, int _color) { super(prev); this.textLength = textLength; this.color = _color; } @Override void expand(SpannableStringBuilder target) { int startPoint = getFormattedStart(); int endPoint = startPoint + textLength; target.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(color), startPoint, endPoint, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } @Override int getFormattedLength() { return textLength; } } /** A sequence of two curly brackets. */ private static class LeftSeparatorToken extends Token { private char leftSeparetor; LeftSeparatorToken(Token prev, char _leftSeparator) { super(prev); leftSeparetor = _leftSeparator; } @Override void expand(SpannableStringBuilder target) { int start = getFormattedStart(); target.replace(start, start + 2, String.valueOf(leftSeparetor)); } @Override int getFormattedLength() { // for example,,Replace "{{" with "{". return 1; } } private static class InnerToken extends Token { /** The InnerText without separators,like '{' and '}'. */ private final String innerText; private int color; InnerToken(Token prev, String _inner, int _color) { super(prev); this.innerText = _inner; color = _color; } @Override void expand(SpannableStringBuilder target) { int replaceFrom = getFormattedStart(); // Add 2 to account for the separators. int replaceTo = replaceFrom + innerText.length() + 2; target.replace(replaceFrom, replaceTo, innerText); target.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(color), replaceFrom, replaceTo - 2, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } @Override int getFormattedLength() { // Note that value is only present after expand. Don't error check // because this is all // private code. return innerText.length(); } } }