python 2到python 3的变化
a. 主要整合了模块,去重复模块
b. 修改了字符集,不用特别指明字符集即可使用中文
python 2版本使用中文时,需要指定字符集
3. 获取用户输入
name = input("What is your name?") print("Hello " + name )
4. 字符串的格式化输出
name = "alex" print "i am %s " % name
PS: 字符串是 %s;整数 %d;浮点数%f
>>> test = ‘ a test text ‘ >>> test.strip() ‘a test text‘
5. 列表的基本操作
>>> number = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> number[3:6] [4, 5, 6]
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os pwd = sys.path[0] auth_file = os.path.join(pwd, "Auth.txt") userdict={} def check_exist(): ‘‘‘ 检查文件是否存在! :return: ‘‘‘ if os.path.exists(auth_file) and os.path.isfile(auth_file): if os.path.getsize(auth_file) == 0: print("%s is empty, can‘t auth..." % auth_file) sys.exit(0) else: print("%s: No such file! Please check..." % auth_file) sys.exit(0) def loding_dict(): # 读取文件 with open(auth_file, ‘r‘) as f: Auth = f.readlines() # 读入文件内容到字典 for line in Auth: user_detail = line.strip(‘\n‘).split(‘:‘) auth_user = user_detail[0] auth_passwd = user_detail[1] auth_check = user_detail[2] userdict[auth_user] = {‘user‘: auth_user, ‘password‘: auth_passwd, "check": auth_check} def login(): user = input("please input username: ") passwd = input("please input password: ") if user not in userdict.keys(): print("no such user ..") elif int(userdict[user][‘check‘]) < 3 : # 密码正确显示欢迎,密码错误修改auth.txt的check字段 if passwd == userdict[user][‘password‘]: print(‘welcome %s...‘ % user) sys.exit(0) else: print(‘password is invalid...‘) userdict[user][‘check‘] = int(userdict[user][‘check‘]) + 1 file = open(auth_file, "r+") for item in userdict.values(): trace_text = ‘:‘.join([item[‘user‘], item[‘password‘], str(item[‘check‘])+‘\n‘]) file.write(trace_text) file.close() else: print(‘user:%s is lock..‘ % user) def main(): check_exist() loding_dict() while True: login() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
2. 多级菜单
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys dic = { ‘北京‘:{ ‘朝阳区‘:{ ‘朝阳公园‘:[ ‘公园前门‘, ‘公园后门‘ ], ‘团结湖‘:[ ‘大湖‘, ‘小湖‘ ] }, ‘海淀区‘:{ ‘国家图书馆‘:[ ‘一层‘, ‘二层‘ ], ‘公主坟‘:[ ‘x公主‘, ‘y公主‘ ] }, ‘丰台区‘:{ ‘岳各庄‘:[ ‘庄壹‘, ‘庄贰‘ ], ‘卢沟桥‘:[ ‘前半段‘, ‘后半段‘ ] }, ‘通州区‘:{ ‘运河奥体‘:[ ‘运河‘, ‘奥体‘ ], ‘六环‘:[ ‘五环外‘, ‘七环内‘ ] } }, ‘上海‘:{ ‘浦东新区‘:{ ‘金桥‘:[ ‘xxx‘, ‘yyy‘ ], ‘复旦大学‘:[ ‘东门‘, ‘西门‘ ] }, ‘嘉定区‘:{ ‘上海国际赛车场‘:[ ‘赛道‘, ‘观众区‘ ], ‘同济大学‘:[ ‘南门‘, ‘北门‘ ] }, ‘虹口区‘:{ ‘广中路‘:[ ‘路东‘, ‘路西‘ ], ‘曲阳地区‘:[ ‘区1‘, ‘区2‘ ] }, ‘普陀区‘:{ ‘金沙江路‘:[ ‘qqq‘, ‘sss‘ ], ‘石泉路‘:[ ‘111‘, ‘222‘ ] } }, } def list_print(list): count = 0 for i in list: count+=1 print(‘%s. %s‘ % (count,i)) def zero(): list = [] tmp = dic.keys() for i in tmp: list.append(i) #return list while True: list_print(list) user_input = input(‘(q/Q:退出)==> ‘) if user_input.isdigit(): user_input = int(user_input) if user_input <= len(list): a_city = list[user_input - 1] one(a_city) else: print("超出了范围...") sys.exit(0) elif user_input == ‘q‘ or user_input == ‘Q‘: print("即将退出...") sys.exit(0) elif user_input == ‘‘: pass else: print("无效的参数...") sys.exit(1) def one(a_city): list = [] tmp = dic[a_city].keys() for i in tmp: list.append(i) #return list while True: list_print(list) user_input = input("(q/Q:退出,b/B:返回上一层)==> ") if user_input.isdigit(): user_input = int(user_input) if user_input <= len(list): area = list[user_input - 1] two(a_city, area) else: print("超出了范围...") sys.exit(0) elif user_input == ‘q‘ or user_input == ‘Q‘: print("即将退出...") sys.exit(0) elif user_input == ‘b‘ or user_input == ‘B‘: break elif user_input == ‘‘: pass else: print("无效的参数...") sys.exit(1) def two(a_city, area): list = [] tmp = dic[a_city][area].keys() for i in tmp: list.append(i) #return list while True: list_print(list) user_input = input("(q/Q:退出,b/B:返回上一层)==> ") if user_input.isdigit(): user_input = int(user_input) if user_input <= len(list): some_where = list[user_input - 1] three(a_city, area, some_where) else: print("超出了范围...") sys.exit(0) elif user_input == ‘q‘ or user_input == ‘Q‘: print("即将退出...") sys.exit(0) elif user_input == ‘b‘ or user_input == ‘B‘: break elif user_input == ‘‘: pass else: print("无效的参数...") sys.exit(1) def three(a_city, area, some_where): list = dic[a_city][area][some_where] #return list while True: list_print(list) user_input = input("(q/Q:退出,b/B:返回上一层)==> ") if user_input == ‘q‘ or user_input == ‘Q‘: print("即将退出...") sys.exit(0) elif user_input == ‘b‘ or user_input == ‘B‘: break elif user_input == ‘‘: pass else: print("无效的参数...") sys.exit(1) def main(): zero() if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main()
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