不用class,不用重载,用double数组,分别表示实部、虚部,结构体写类型为引用后者指针的函数,用class中的函数都可以做到,但是用 重载运算符的方法是最最便捷的.
//pointer,reference,struct also OK #include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef double Complex[2]; //[0]---real,[1]---image void cmplx_ipt(Complex); void cmplx_prt(const Complex); void cmplx_add(Complex c, const Complex a, const Complex b); void cmplx_sub(Complex c, const Complex a, const Complex b); void cmplx_mul(Complex c, const Complex a, const Complex b); void cmplx_div(Complex c, const Complex a, const Complex b); int main() { Complex op1, op2, result; cmplx_ipt(op1); cmplx_ipt(op2); cmplx_add(result, op1, op2); cmplx_prt(op1); cout << ‘+‘; cmplx_prt(op2); cout << ‘=‘; cmplx_prt(result); cout << endl; cmplx_sub(result, op1, op2); cmplx_prt(op1); cout << ‘+‘; cmplx_prt(op2); cout << ‘=‘; cmplx_prt(result); cout << endl; cmplx_mul(result, op1, op2); cmplx_prt(op1); cout << ‘+‘; cmplx_prt(op2); cout << ‘=‘; cmplx_prt(result); cout << endl; cmplx_div(result, op1, op2); cmplx_prt(op1); cout << ‘+‘; cmplx_prt(op2); cout << ‘=‘; cmplx_prt(result); cout << endl; return 0; } void cmplx_prt(const Complex c) { cout << ‘(‘ << c[0] << (c[1] < 0 ? ‘-‘ : ‘+‘) << (c[1] < 0 ? -c[1] : c[1]) << "i)"; return; } void cmplx_ipt(Complex c) { char s, i; cout << " Please input a complex in the form of a+bi -- "; cin >> c[0] >> s >> c[1] >> i; if (s == ‘-‘) c[1] = -c[1]; return; } void cmplx_add(Complex c, const Complex a, const Complex b) { c[0] = a[0] + b[0]; c[1] = a[1] + b[1]; return; } void cmplx_sub(Complex c, const Complex a, const Complex b) { c[0] = a[0] - b[0]; c[1] = a[1] - b[1]; return; } void cmplx_mul(Complex c, const Complex o1, const Complex o2) { c[0] = o1[0] * o2[0] - o1[1] * o2[1]; c[1] = o1[1] * o2[0] + o1[0] * o2[1]; return; } void cmplx_div(Complex c, const Complex o1, const Complex o2) { double b; b = o2[0] * o2[0] + o2[1] * o2[1]; c[0] = (o1[0] * o2[0] + o1[1] * o2[1]) / b; c[1] = (o1[1] * o2[0] - o1[0] * o2[1]) / b; return; }
//Complex.h #if _MSR_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif #include <string> class Complex { public: void cmplx_prt(void); void cmplx_ipt(void); Complex cmplx_add(const Complex &); Complex cmplx_sub(const Complex &); Complex cmplx_mul(const Complex &); Complex cmplx_div(const Complex &); private: double real; double image; }; //Complex.cpp #include "myClass.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; void Complex::cmplx_ipt() { char s, i; cout << " Please input a complex in the form of a+bi -- "; cin >> real >> s >> image >> i; if (s == ‘-‘) image = -image; return; } void Complex::cmplx_prt() { cout << ‘(‘ << real << (image<0 ? ‘-‘ : ‘+‘) << (image<0 ? -image : image) << "i)"; return; } Complex Complex::cmplx_add(const Complex &a) { Complex result; result.real = real + a.real; result.image = image + a.image; return result; } Complex Complex::cmplx_sub(const Complex &a) { Complex result; result.real = real - a.real; result.image = image = a.image; return result; } Complex Complex::cmplx_mul(const Complex &a) { Complex result; result.real = real*a.real - image*a.image; result.image = image*a.real + real*a.image; return result; } Complex Complex::cmplx_div(const Complex &a) { Complex result; double tmp = a.real*a.real + a.image*a.image; result.real = (real*a.real + image*a.image) / tmp; result.image = (image*a.real - real*a.image) / tmp; return result; } //main.cpp #include "myClass.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { Complex op1, op2, result; op1.cmplx_ipt(); op2.cmplx_ipt(); result = op1.cmplx_add(op2); op1.cmplx_prt(); cout << ‘+‘; op2.cmplx_prt(); cout << ‘=‘; result.cmplx_prt(); cout << endl; result = op1.cmplx_sub(op2); op1.cmplx_prt(); cout << ‘-‘; op2.cmplx_prt(); cout << ‘=‘; result.cmplx_prt(); cout << endl; result = op1.cmplx_mul(op2); op1.cmplx_prt(); cout << ‘*‘; op2.cmplx_prt(); cout << ‘=‘; result.cmplx_prt(); cout << endl; result = op1.cmplx_div(op2); op1.cmplx_prt(); cout << ‘/‘; op2.cmplx_prt(); cout << ‘=‘; result.cmplx_prt(); cout << endl; return 0; }
//myClass.h class Complex { public: Complex(double r=0, double i=0) :real(r), image(i) {}; Complex operator+(const Complex &); Complex operator-(const Complex &); Complex operator*(const Complex &); Complex operator/(const Complex &); void cmplx_prt(); // ~Complex(); private: double real; double image; }; //myClass.cpp #include "myClass.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; Complex Complex::operator+ (const Complex &a) { Complex r; r.real = real + a.real; r.image = image + a.image; return r; } Complex Complex::operator-(const Complex &a) { Complex r; r.real = real - a.real; r.image = image - a.image; return r; } Complex Complex::operator*(const Complex &a) { Complex r; r.real = real*a.real - image*a.image; r.image = image*r.real + real*a.image; return r; } Complex Complex::operator/(const Complex &a) { Complex r; double tmp = real*a.real + image*image; r.real = (real*a.real + image*a.image) / tmp; r.image = (image*a.real - real*a.image) / tmp; return r; } void Complex::cmplx_prt() { cout << real << (image < 0 ? ‘-‘ : ‘+‘) << (image<0?-image:image) << ‘i‘ << endl; } //main.cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "myClass.h" int main(void) { Complex op1(3, 4), op2(2, -3), result; result = op1 + op2; //result = result.operator+(op2); OK!!! result.cmplx_prt(); result = op1 - op2; result.cmplx_prt(); result = op1 * op2; result.cmplx_prt(); result = op1 / op2; result.cmplx_prt(); return 0; }
<< ;>>; ->;[ ]这些运算符,在接下来OOP,继承多态等示例程序中会有所涉及。