一,字典,列表,元祖互转 #1、字典 dict = {‘name‘: ‘Zara‘, ‘age‘: 7, ‘class‘: ‘First‘} #字典转为字符串,返回:<type ‘str‘> {‘age‘: 7, ‘name‘: ‘Zara‘, ‘class‘: ‘First‘} print (type(str(dict)), str(dict)) #字典可以转为元组,返回:(‘age‘, ‘name‘, ‘class‘) print (tuple(dict)) #字典可以转为元组,返回:(7, ‘Zara‘, ‘First‘) print (tuple(dict.values())) #字典转为列表,返回:[‘age‘, ‘name‘, ‘class‘] print (list(dict)) #字典转为列表 print (dict.values) #2、元组 tup=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) #元组转为字符串,返回:(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) print (tup.__str__()) #元组转为列表,返回:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] print (list(tup)) #元组不可以转为字典 #3、列表 nums=[1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 20]; #列表转为字符串,返回:[1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 20] print (str(nums)) #列表转为元组,返回:(1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 20) print (tuple(nums)) #列表不可以转为字典 #4、字符串 #字符串转为元组,返回:(1, 2, 3) print (tuple(eval("(1,2,3)"))) #字符串转为列表,返回:[1, 2, 3] print (list(eval("(1,2,3)"))) #字符串转为字典,返回:<type ‘dict‘> print (type(eval("{‘name‘:‘ljq‘, ‘age‘:24}"))) 二,字符串操作 #单引号 str_single_quotes = ‘blog: http://www.csdn.net/wirelessqa‘ #双引号 str_double_quotes = "blog: http://www.csdn.net/wirelessqa" print ("## 单引号: " + str_single_quotes) print ("## 双引号: " + str_double_quotes) #用\分行 str_multi_line = "blog:http://www.csdn.net/wirelessqa" print ("## 使用\\分行: " + str_multi_line) #用\n换行显示 str_n = "blog:\nhttp://www.csdn.net/wirelessqa" print ("## 使用\\n换行: " + str_n) #三引号"""显示多行 str_more_quotes = """ my name is Mr.B """ print ("## 使用三引号\"\"\"n显示多行: " + str_more_quotes) #用r或R显示原貌 str_r = r"我是帅哥" str_R = R"我是\n帅哥" print ("## 用r显示原貌: " + str_r) print ("## 用R显示原貌: " + str_R) #使用u或U使之成为Unicode字符串 str_u = u‘老\u0020毕‘ print ("## 使用u或U使之成为Unicode字符串: " + str_u) #注意: 字符串是无法改变的,无论你对它做什么操作,你总是创建了一个新的字符串对象,而不是改变了原有的字符串 # #字符串是字符的序列,所以也可以通过索引的方法访问单个字符 test_str_index = "我是帅哥" print ("## index 0: " + test_str_index[0]) print ("## index -1: " + test_str_index[-1]) #使用切片访问字任串的一部分 print ("## [0:3]: " + test_str_index[0:3]) print ("## [2:]: " + test_str_index[2:]) print ("## [-1:]: " + test_str_index[-1:]) print ("## 遍历整个字符串: ") for t in test_str_index:print (t) #构建另一个序列 str_list = list(test_str_index) #[‘我‘, ‘是‘, ‘帅‘, ‘哥‘] #字符串拼接 str_add = test_str_index + ‘哈哈‘ print ("## 字符串拼接" + str_add) print("## 使用乘法对字符串多次重复: " + ‘老毕‘ * 3) #使用s.isdigit()来判断字符串是否全为数字 test_isdigit_true = ‘782670627‘ test_isdigit_false = ‘abcd123‘ test_isdigit_empty = ‘‘ if test_isdigit_true.isdigit(): print (test_isdigit_true + " 字符串都是数字") if not test_isdigit_false.isdigit(): print (test_isdigit_false + " 字符串不都是数字") if not test_isdigit_empty.isdigit(): print ("字符串为空") if len(test_isdigit_empty) == 0: print ("字符串为空") #将字符串转换成大写 test_upper = test_isdigit_false.upper() print(test_upper) #将字符串转换成小写 test_lower = test_upper.lower() print(test_lower) #测试某个字符在字符串中出现的次数 test_count = "my name is my name" print ("## 测试某个字符在字符串中出现的次数: "+ str(test_count.count("name"))) #使用s.splitlines()将一个有多行文本的字符串分隔成多行字符串并入一个列表中 one_large_str = "chu he ri dang wu, \n han di he xia tu" list_lines = one_large_str.splitlines() #[‘chu he ri dang wu, ‘, ‘ han di he xia tu‘] print (list_lines) #使用‘\n‘.join()重新生成一个庞大的单字符串 one_large_str2 = ‘\n‘.join(list_lines) print (one_large_str2) 三,购物车范例 salary = input("your money:") if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) else: exit("you input error,please input money") welcome_msg = "welcome to my shopping mall".center(60,‘-‘) print(welcome_msg) exit_flag = False product_list = [ (‘A‘,1000), (‘B‘,2000), (‘C‘,3000), (‘D‘,4000), (‘E‘,5000), (‘F‘,6000), ] shop_car = [] while exit_flag is not True: print ("product list".center(60,‘-‘)) for item in enumerate(product_list): index = item[0] p_name = item[1][0] p_price = item[1][1] print(index,‘.‘,p_name,p_price) user_choice = input("[q=quit,c=check]What do you want to buy?:") if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice < len(product_list): p_item = product_list[user_choice] print(p_item) if p_item[1] <= salary: shop_car.append(p_item) salary -= p_item[1] print ("added [%s] into shop car,you current balance is [%s]" % (p_item,salary)) else: print ("Your banlance is [%s],cannot offer this...." % salary) else: if user_choice == ‘q‘ or user_choice == ‘quit‘: print("purchased products as below".center(60,‘*‘)) for item in shop_car: print(item) print("END".center(60,‘*‘)) print("Your balance is [%s]" % salary) print("Bye") exit_flag = True elif user_choice == ‘c‘ or user_choice == ‘check‘: print ("purchased products as below".center(60,‘*‘)) for item in shop_car: print(item) print("END".center(60,‘*‘)) print("Your balance is [%s]" % salary)