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    <link href="/assets/styles/jquery.idealforms.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />

    <style type="text/css">
        body {
            font: normal 15px/1.5 Arial, Helvetica, Free Sans, sans-serif;
            color: #222;
            overflow-y: scroll;
            padding: 60px 0 0 0;

        .main {
            width: 560px;
            height: 480px;
            margin: -50px auto;

        #my-form {
            width: 560px;
            height: 450px;
            margin: 0 auto;
            border: 1px solid #ccc;
            padding: 3em;
            border-radius: 3px;
            box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/scripts/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/scripts/jquery.idealforms.js"></script>

<!-- style="background-image: url(static/image/bg.jpg) -->
    <div class="main" >
        <div style="height:5px;text-align:center;font-size:25px"> 欢迎您注册!</div>
        <!-- Begin Form -->
        <form id="my-form" class="myform">
                <label>用户名:</label><input id="username" name="username" type="text" />
                <!-- <label>密码:</label><input id="pass" name="password" type="password" /> -->
                <label>密码:</label><input id="pass" name="password" type="text" />
                <label>邮箱:</label><input id="email" name="email"
                                         data-ideal="required email" type="email" />
                <label>电话:</label><input id="telephone" type="text" name="phone" data-ideal="phone" />
                <label>供应商V码:</label><input id="vCode" type="text" name="vCode" data-ideal="vCode" />
                <label>真实姓名:</label><input id="trueName" type="text" name="trueName" data-ideal="trueName" />
                <label>手机验证码:</label><input id="telCode" type="text" name="telCode" data-ideal="telCode" />
            <div style="margin-bottom:5px;">
                <button id="getTelCode" type="button" style="margin-left:160px; margin-right:auto;" >获取手机校验码</button>
                <hr style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px;" />
                <select id="sex" name="sex">
                    <option value="男">男</option>
                    <option value="女">女</option>
                <label>昵称:</label><input id="nickName" type="text" name="nickName" data-ideal="nickName" />
                <label>年龄:</label><input id="age" type="text" name="age" data-ideal="age" />
            <!-- <div>
                <label>地址:</label><input type="text" name="address" data-ideal="address" />
                <label>QQ:</label><input type="text" name="qq" data-ideal="qq" />
                <label>邮编:</label><input type="text" name="zip" data-ideal="zip" />
                <label>传真:</label><input type="text" name="fax" data-ideal="fax" />
                <label>身份证:</label><input type="text" name="creditID" data-ideal="creditID" />
                <label>出生日期:</label><input name="date" class="datepicker"
                    data-ideal="date" type="text" placeholder="月/日/年" />
                <label>上传头像:</label><input id="file" name="file" multiple
                    type="file" />
                <label>个人主页:</label><input name="website" data-ideal="url"
                    type="text" />
                <textarea id="comments" name="comments"></textarea>
            <!-- <div id="languages">
                <label>语言:</label> <label><input type="checkbox"
                    name="langs[]" value="English" />英文</label> <label><input
                    type="checkbox" name="langs[]" value="Chinese" />中文</label> <label><input
                    type="checkbox" name="langs[]" value="Spanish" />西班牙文</label> <label><input
                    type="checkbox" name="langs[]" value="French" />法文</label>
                <label>精通几门:</label> <label><input type="radio"
                    name="radio" checked />1</label> <label><input type="radio"
                    name="radio" />2</label> <label><input type="radio" name="radio" />3</label>
                <label><input type="radio" name="radio" />4</label>
                <label>国籍:</label> <select id="states" name="states">
                    <option value="default">– 选择国籍 –</option>
                    <option value="AL">阿拉伯</option>
                    <option value="AK">中国</option>
                    <option value="AZ">美国</option>
                    <option value="AR">法国</option>
                    <option value="CA">英国</option>
                    <option value="CO">德国</option>
                    <option value="CT">西班牙</option>
                    <option value="DE">俄罗斯</option>
            </div> -->
            <div style="margin-top:10px; margin-left:100px;margin-right:100px;">
                <button type="button" id="submit" class="submit">提交</button>
                <button id="reset" type="button" >重置</button>

        <!-- End Form -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    var options = {

        onFail : function() {
            alert($myform.getInvalid().length + ' invalid fields.')

        inputs : {
            'password' : {
                filters : 'required pass'
            'username' : {
                filters : 'required username'
            'email' : {
                filters : 'required email'
            'phone' : {
                filters : 'required phone'
            'trueName' : {
                filters : 'required'
            'vCode' : {
                filters : 'required'
            'telCode' : {
                filters : 'required'

            'age' : {
                filters : 'required digits',
                data : {
                   min : 16,
                   max : 70
            'file' : {
                filters : 'extension',
                data : {
                    extension : [ 'jpg' ]
            'comments' : {
                filters : 'min max',
                data : {
                    min : 50,
                    max : 200
            'states' : {
                filters : 'exclude',
                data : {
                    exclude : [ 'default' ]
                errors : {
                    exclude : '选择国籍.'
            'langs[]' : {
                filters : 'min max',
                data : {
                    min : 2,
                    max : 3
                errors : {
                    min : 'Check at least <strong>2</strong> options.',
                    max : 'No more than <strong>3</strong> options allowed.'

    $('#getTelCode').click(function() {
        var telephone = document.getElementById("telephone").value;   //手机号码
        if (telephone == null || telephone == ""){
                type : "GET",
                dataType : "json",
                url : "../api/getTelCode?telephone="+ telephone,
                success : function(msg) {
                error : function(e) {
                    alert("获取手机校验码失败!" + e);

    var $myform = $('#my-form').idealforms(options).data('idealforms');

    $('#submit').click(function() {
        var username = document.getElementById("username").value; //用户名
        var password = document.getElementById("pass").value;    //密码
        var email = document.getElementById("email").value;     //邮箱
        var telephone = document.getElementById("telephone").value;     //手机号码
        var vCode = document.getElementById("vCode").value;     //公司V码
        var telCode = document.getElementById("telCode").value;     //手机校验码
        var trueName = document.getElementById("trueName").value;     //真实姓名

            type : "GET",
            url : "../api/usersRegister?username="+ username +"&password="+ password +"&email="+ email +"&telephone="+ telephone +"&vCode="+ vCode +"&telCode="+ telCode +"&trueName="+ trueName,

            success : function(msg) {
               //获取当前网址,如: http://localhost:8083/uimcardprj/share/meun.jsp
               var curWwwPath = window.document.location.href;
               //获取主机地址之后的目录,如: uimcardprj/share/meun.jsp
               var pathName = window.document.location.pathname;
               var pos = curWwwPath.indexOf(pathName);
               //获取主机地址,如: http://localhost:8083
               var localhostPaht = curWwwPath.substring(0, pos);
               var projectName = pathName.substring(0, pathName.substr(1).indexOf('/') + 1);
               window.location.href = projectName + "/login";
            error : function(e) {
                alert("注册失败!" + e);

    $('#reset').click(function() {



    该js校验初始版本来自Cedric Ruiz,我略有修改。


  required: 此处是必填的.‘,
  number: 必须是数字.‘,
  digits: 必须是唯一的数字.‘,
  name: 必须至少有3个字符长,并且只能包含字母.‘,
  username: 用户名最短5,最长30,请使用英文字母、数字、中文和下划线. 用户名首字符必须为字母、数字、中文,不能为全数字.中文最长21个字.‘,
  pass: 密码的位数必须的在6-15位之间,并且至少包含一个数字,一个大写字母和一个小写字母.‘,
  strongpass: 必须至少为8个字符长,至少包含一个大写字母和一个小写字母和一个数字或特殊字符.‘,
  email: 必须是一个有效的email地址. <em>(: user@gmail.com)</em>‘,
  phone: 必须是一个有效的手机号码. <em>(: 18723101212)</em>‘


  jq-idealforms 2.1

  * Author: Cedric Ruiz
  * License: GPL or MIT
  * Demo: http://elclanrs.github.com/jq-idealforms/

;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {

  'use strict';

  // Global Ideal Forms namespace
  $.idealforms = {}
  $.idealforms.filters = {}
  $.idealforms.errors = {}
  $.idealforms.flags = {}
  $.idealforms.ajaxRequests = {}


 * @namespace A chest for various Utils
var Utils = {
   * Get width of widest element in the collection.
   * @memberOf Utils
   * @param {jQuery object} $elms
   * @returns {number}
  getMaxWidth: function( $elms ) {
    var maxWidth = 0
    $elms.each(function() {
      var width = $(this).outerWidth()
      if ( width > maxWidth ) {
        maxWidth = width
    return maxWidth
   * Hacky way of getting LESS variables
   * @memberOf Utils
   * @param {string} name The name of the LESS class.
   * @param {string} prop The css property where the data is stored.
   * @returns {number, string}
  getLessVar: function( name, prop ) {
    var value = $('<p class="' + name + '"></p>').hide().appendTo('body').css( prop )
    $('.' + name).remove()
    return ( /^\d+/.test( value ) ? parseInt( value, 10 ) : value )
   * Like ES5 Object.keys
  getKeys: function( obj ) {
    var keys = []
    for(var key in obj) {
      if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
        keys.push( key )
    return keys
  // Get lenght of an object
  getObjSize: function( obj ) {
    var size = 0, key;
    for ( key in obj ) {
      if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
    return size;
  isFunction: function( obj ) {
    return typeof obj === 'function'
  isRegex: function( obj ) {
    return obj instanceof RegExp
  isString: function( obj ) {
    return typeof obj === 'string'
  getByNameOrId: function( str ) {
    var $el = $('[name="'+ str +'"]').length
      ? $('[name="'+ str +'"]') // by name
      : $('#'+ str) // by id
    return $el.length
      ? $el
      : $.error('The field "'+ str + '" doesn\'t exist.')
  getFieldsFromArray: function( fields ) {
    var f = []
    for ( var i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i++ ) {
      f.push( Utils.getByNameOrId( fields[i] ).get(0) )
    return $( f )
  convertToArray: function( obj ) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call( obj ) === '[object Array]'
      ? obj : [ obj ]
   * Determine type of any Ideal Forms element
   * @param $input jQuery $input object
  getIdealType: function( $el ) {
    var type = $el.attr('type') || $el[0].tagName.toLowerCase()
    return (
      /(text|password|email|number|search|url|tel|textarea)/.test( type ) && 'text' ||
      /file/.test( type ) && 'file' ||
      /select/.test( type ) && 'select' ||
      /(radio|checkbox)/.test( type ) && 'radiocheck' ||
      /(button|submit|reset)/.test( type ) && 'button' ||
      /h\d/.test( type ) && 'heading' ||
      /hr/.test( type ) && 'separator' ||
      /hidden/.test( type ) && 'hidden'
   * Generates an input
   * @param name `name` attribute of the input
   * @param type `type` or `tagName` of the input
  makeInput: function( name, value, type, list, placeholder ) {

    var markup, items = [], item, i, len

    function splitValue( str ) {
      var item, value, arr
      if ( /::/.test( str ) ) {
        arr = str.split('::')
        item = arr[ 0 ]
        value = arr[ 1 ]
      } else {
        item = value = str
      return { item: item, value: value }

    // Text & file
    if ( /^(text|password|email|number|search|url|tel|file|hidden)$/.test(type) )
      markup = '<input '+
        'type="'+ type +'" '+
        'id="'+ name +'" '+
        'name="'+ name +'" '+
        'value="'+ value +'" '+
        (placeholder && 'placeholder="'+ placeholder +'"') +

    // Textarea
    if ( /textarea/.test( type ) ) {
      markup = '<textarea id="'+ name +'" name="'+ name +'" value="'+ value +'"></textarea>'

    // Select
    if ( /select/.test( type ) ) {
      items = []
      for ( i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++ ) {
        item = splitValue( list[ i ] ).item
        value = splitValue( list[ i ] ).value
        items.push('<option value="'+ value +'">'+ item +'</option>')
      markup =
        '<select id="'+ name +'" name="'+ name +'">'+
          items.join('') +

    // Radiocheck
    if ( /(radio|checkbox)/.test( type ) ) {
      items = []
      for ( i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++ ) {
        item = splitValue( list[ i ] ).item
        value = splitValue( list[ i ] ).value
            '<input type="'+ type +'" name="'+ name +'" value="'+ value +'" />'+
            item +
      markup = items.join('')

    return markup

 * Custom tabs for Ideal Forms
$.fn.idealTabs = function (container) {


  // Elements
  $contents = this,
  $container = container,
  $wrapper = $('<ul class="ideal-tabs-wrap"/>'),
  $tabs = (function () {
    var tabs = []
    $contents.each(function () {
      var name = $(this).attr('name')
      var html =
        '<li class="ideal-tabs-tab">'+
          '<span>' + name + '</span>'+
          '<i class="ideal-tabs-tab-counter ideal-tabs-tab-counter-zero">0</i>'+
    return $(tabs.join(''))

  Actions = {
    getCurIdx: function () {
      return $tabs
    getTabIdxByName: function (name) {
      var re = new RegExp(name, 'i')
      var $tab = $tabs.filter(function () {
        return re.test($(this).text())
      return $tab.index()

   * Public methods
  Methods = {
     * Switch tab
    switchTab: function (nameOrIdx) {

      var idx = Utils.isString(nameOrIdx)
        ? Actions.getTabIdxByName(nameOrIdx)
        : nameOrIdx


    nextTab: function () {
      var idx = Actions.getCurIdx() + 1
      idx > $tabs.length - 1
        ? Methods.firstTab()
        : Methods.switchTab(idx)

    prevTab: function () {
      Methods.switchTab(Actions.getCurIdx() - 1)

    firstTab: function () {

    lastTab: function () {
      Methods.switchTab($tabs.length - 1)

    updateCounter: function (nameOrIdx, text) {
      var idx = !isNaN(nameOrIdx) ? nameOrIdx : Actions.getTabIdxByName(name),
          $counter = $tabs.eq(idx).find('.ideal-tabs-tab-counter')
      if (!text) {

  // Attach methods
  for (var m in Methods)
    $contents[m] = Methods[m]

  // Init
    .click(function () {
      var name = $(this).text()

  // Insert in DOM & Events

  $contents.each(function () {
    var $this = $(this), name = $(this).attr('name')
    $this.data('ideal-tabs-content-name', name)
  $contents.hide().first().show() // Start fresh

  return $contents


 * A custom <select> menu jQuery plugin
 * @example `$('select').idealSelect()`
$.fn.idealSelect = function () {

  return this.each(function () {


    $select = $(this),
    $options = $select.find('option')

     * Generate markup and return elements of custom select
     * @memberOf $.fn.toCustomSelect
     * @returns {object} All elements of the new select replacement
    var idealSelect = (function () {
      $wrap = $('<ul class="ideal-select '+ $select.attr('name') +'"/>'),
      $menu = $(
        '<li><span class="ideal-select-title">' +
          $options.filter(':selected').text() +
      items = (function () {
        var items = []
        $options.each(function () {
          var $this = $(this)
          items.push('<li class="ideal-select-item">' + $this.text() + '</li>')
        return items

      $menu.append('<ul class="ideal-select-sub">' + items.join('') + '</ul>')

      return {
        select: $wrap,
        title: $menu.find('.ideal-select-title'),
        sub: $menu.find('.ideal-select-sub'),
        items: $menu.find('.ideal-select-item')

     * @namespace Methods of custom select
     * @memberOf $.fn.toCustomSelect
    var Actions = {

      getSelectedIdx: function () {
        return idealSelect.items

       * @private
      init: (function () {
          position: 'absolute',
          left: '-9999px'

      noWindowScroll: function (e) {
        if (e.which === 40 || e.which === 38 || e.which === 13) {

      // Fix loosing focus when scrolling
      // and selecting item with keyboard
      focusHack: function () {
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 1)

      focus: function () {
        $(document).on('keydown.noscroll', Actions.noWindowScroll)

      blur: function () {
          .removeClass('ideal-select-open ideal-select-focus')

      scrollIntoView: function (dir) {
        $selected = idealSelect.items.filter('.ideal-select-item-selected'),
        itemHeight = idealSelect.items.outerHeight(),
        menuHeight = idealSelect.sub.outerHeight(),

        isInView = (function () {
          // relative position to the submenu
          var elPos = $selected.position().top + itemHeight
          return dir === 'down'
            ? elPos <= menuHeight
            : elPos > 0

        if (!isInView) {
          itemHeight = (dir === 'down')
            ? itemHeight // go down
            : -itemHeight // go up

            .scrollTop(idealSelect.sub.scrollTop() + itemHeight)

      scrollToItem: function () {
        var idx = Actions.getSelectedIdx(),
            height = idealSelect.items.outerHeight(),
            nItems = idealSelect.items.length,
            allHeight = height * nItems,
            curHeight = height * (nItems - idx)

        idealSelect.sub.scrollTop(allHeight - curHeight)

      showMenu: function () {

      hideMenu: function () {

      select: function (idx) {

      change: function (idx) {
        var text = idealSelect.items.eq(idx).text()
        $options.eq(idx).prop('selected', true)

      keydown: function (key) {

        idx = Actions.getSelectedIdx(),
        isMenu = idealSelect.select.is('.ideal-select-menu'),
        isOpen = idealSelect.select.is('.ideal-select-open')

         * @namespace Key pressed
        var keys = {

          9: function () { // TAB
            if (isMenu) {

          13: function () { // ENTER
            if (isMenu)
                ? Actions.hideMenu()
                : Actions.showMenu()

          27: function () { // ESC
            if (isMenu) Actions.hideMenu()

          40: function () { // DOWN
            if (idx < $options.length - 1) {
                ? Actions.select(idx + 1)
                : Actions.change(idx + 1)

          38: function () { // UP
            if (idx > 0) {
                ? Actions.select(idx - 1)
                : Actions.change(idx - 1)

          'default': function () { // Letter

            letter = String.fromCharCode(key),

            $matches = idealSelect.items
              .filter(function () {
                return /^\w+$/i.test( letter ) && // not allow modifier keys ( ctrl, cmd, meta, super... )
                  new RegExp('^' + letter, 'i').test( $(this).text() ) // find first match
            nMatches = $matches.length,

            counter = idealSelect.select.data('counter') + 1 || 0,
            curKey = idealSelect.select.data('key') || key,

            newIdx = $matches.eq(counter).index()

            if (!nMatches) // No matches
              return false

            // If more matches with same letter
            if (curKey === key) {
              if (counter < nMatches) {
                idealSelect.select.data('counter', counter)
              else {
                idealSelect.select.data('counter', 0)
                newIdx = $matches.eq(0).index()
            // If new letter
            else {
              idealSelect.select.data('counter', 0)
              newIdx = $matches.eq(0).index()

            if (isOpen)

            idealSelect.select.data('key', key)


          ? keys[key]()
          : keys['default']()

     * @namespace Holds all events of custom select for "menu mode" and "list mode"
     * @memberOf $.fn.toCustomSelect
    var events = {
      focus: Actions.focus,
      'blur.menu': function () {
      'blur.list': function () {
      keydown: function (e) {
      'clickItem.menu': function () {
      'clickItem.list': function () {
      'clickTitle.menu': function () {
      'hideOutside.menu': function () {
        $(document).on('mousedown.ideal', function (evt) {
          if (!$(evt.target).closest(idealSelect.select).length) {
            $select.on('blur.menu', events['blur.menu'])
          } else {
      'mousedown.list': function () {

    // Reset events
    var disableEvents = function () {
      idealSelect.select.removeClass('ideal-select-menu ideal-select-list')
      $select.off('.menu .list')
      idealSelect.items.off('.menu .list')
      idealSelect.select.off('.menu .list')
      idealSelect.title.off('.menu .list')

    // Menu mode
    idealSelect.select.on('menu', function () {
        'blur.menu': events['blur.menu'],
        'focus.menu': events.focus,
        'keydown.menu': events.keydown
      idealSelect.select.on('mousedown.menu', events['hideOutside.menu'])
      idealSelect.items.on('click.menu', events['clickItem.menu'])
      idealSelect.title.on('click.menu', events['clickTitle.menu'])

    // List mode
    idealSelect.select.on('list', function () {
        'blur.list': events['blur.list'],
        'focus.list': events.focus,
        'keydown.list': events.keydown
      idealSelect.select.on('mousedown.list', events['mousedown.list'])
      idealSelect.items.on('mousedown.list', events['clickItem.list'])

    $select.keydown(function (e) {
      // Prevent default keydown event
      // to avoid bugs with Ideal Select events
      if (e.which !== 9) e.preventDefault()

    // Reset
    idealSelect.select.on('reset', function(){

    idealSelect.select.trigger('menu') // Default to "menu mode"

 * idealRadioCheck: jQuery plguin for checkbox and radio replacement
 * Usage: $('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]').idealRadioCheck()
$.fn.idealRadioCheck = function() {

  return this.each(function() {

    var $this = $(this)
    var $span = $('<span/>')

    $span.addClass( 'ideal-'+ ( $this.is(':checkbox') ? 'check' : 'radio' ) )
    $this.is(':checked') && $span.addClass('checked') // init
    $span.insertAfter( $this )

      .attr('onclick', '') // Fix clicking label in iOS
    $this.css({ position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' }) // hide by shifting left

    // Events
      change: function() {
        var $this = $(this)
        if ( $this.is('input[type="radio"]') ) {
        $span.toggleClass( 'checked', $this.is(':checked') )
      focus: function() { $span.addClass('focus') },
      blur: function() { $span.removeClass('focus') },
      click: function() { $(this).trigger('focus') }

;(function( $ ) {

  // Browser supports HTML5 multiple file?
  var multipleSupport = typeof $('<input/>')[0].multiple !== 'undefined',
      isIE = /msie/i.test( navigator.userAgent )

  $.fn.idealFile = function() {

    return this.each(function() {

      var $file = $(this).addClass('ideal-file'), // the original file input
          // label that will be used for IE hack
          $wrap = $('<div class="ideal-file-wrap">'),
          $input = $('<input type="text" class="ideal-file-filename" />'),
          // Button that will be used in non-IE browsers
          $button = $('<button type="button" class="ideal-file-upload">Open</button>'),
          // Hack for IE
          $label = $('<label class="ideal-file-upload" for="'+ $file[0].id +'">Open</label>')

      // Hide by shifting to the left so we
      // can still trigger events
        position: 'absolute',
        left: '-9999px'

      $wrap.append( $input, ( isIE ? $label : $button ) ).insertAfter( $file )

      // Prevent focus
      $file.attr('tabIndex', -1)
      $button.attr('tabIndex', -1)

      $button.click(function () {
        $file.focus().click() // Open dialog

      $file.change(function() {

        var files = [], fileArr, filename

        // If multiple is supported then extract
        // all filenames from the file array
        if ( multipleSupport ) {
          fileArr = $file[0].files
          for ( var i = 0, len = fileArr.length; i < len; i++ ) {
            files.push( fileArr[i].name )
          filename = files.join(', ')

        // If not supported then just take the value
        // and remove the path to just show the filename
        } else {
          filename = $file.val().split('\\').pop()

        $input.val( filename ) // Set the value
          .attr( 'title', filename ) // Show filename in title tootlip


        focus: function () { $file.trigger('change') },
        blur: function () { $file.trigger('blur') },
        keydown: function( e ) {
          if ( e.which === 13 ) { // Enter
            if ( !isIE ) { $file.trigger('click') }
          } else if ( e.which === 8 || e.which === 46 ) { // Backspace & Del
            // On some browsers the value is read-only
            // with this trick we remove the old input and add
            // a clean clone with all the original events attached
            $file.replaceWith( $file = $file.val('').clone( true ) )
          } else if ( e.which === 9 ){ // TAB
          } else { // All other keys
            return false



}( jQuery ))

 * @namespace Errors
 * @locale en
$.idealforms.errors = {
  required: '此处是必填的.',
  number: '必须是数字.',
  digits: '必须是唯一的数字.',
  name: '必须至少有3个字符长,并且只能包含字母.',
  username: '用户名最短5位,最长30位,请使用英文字母、数字、中文和下划线.用户名首字符必须为字母、数字、中文,不能为全数字.中文最长21个字.',
  pass: '密码的位数必须的在6-15位之间,并且至少包含一个数字,一个大写字母和一个小写字母.',
  strongpass: '必须至少为8个字符长,至少包含一个大写字母和一个小写字母和一个数字或特殊字符.',
  email: '必须是一个有效的email地址. <em>(例: user@gmail.com)</em>',
  phone: '必须是一个有效的手机号码. <em>(例: 18723101212)</em>',

  zip: 'Must be a valid US zip code. <em>(e.g. 33245 or 33245-0003)</em>',
  url: 'Must be a valid URL. <em>(e.g. www.google.com)</em>',
  minChar: 'Must be at least <strong>{0}</strong> characters long.',
  minOption: 'Check at least <strong>{0}</strong> options.',
  maxChar: 'No more than <strong>{0}</strong> characters long.',
  maxOption: 'No more than <strong>{0}</strong> options allowed.',
  range: 'Must be a number between {0} and {1}.',
  date: 'Must be a valid date. <em>(e.g. {0})</em>',
  dob: 'Must be a valid date of birth.',
  exclude: '"{0}" is not available.',
  excludeOption: '{0}',
  equalto: 'Must be the same value as <strong>"{0}"</strong>',
  extension: 'File(s) must have a valid extension. <em>(e.g. "{0}")</em>',
  ajaxSuccess: '<strong>{0}</strong> is not available.',
  ajaxError: 'Server error...'


 * Get all default filters
 * @returns object
var getFilters = function() {

  var filters = {

    required: {
      regex: /.+/,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.required

    number: {
      regex: function( i, v ) { return !isNaN(v) },
      error: $.idealforms.errors.number

    digits: {
      regex: /^\d+$/,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.digits

    name: {
      regex: /^[A-Za-z]{3,}$/,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.name

    username: {
      regex: /^[a-z](?=[\w.]{4,30}$)\w*\.?\w*$/i,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.username

    pass: {
      regex: /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{6,}/,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.pass

    strongpass: {
      regex: /(?=^.{8,}$)((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$/,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.strongpass

    email: {
      regex: /^([a-zA-Z0-9]*[-_.]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*@([a-zA-Z0-9]*[-_]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)+[\\.][A-Za-z]{2,3}([\\.][A-Za-z]{2})?$/,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.email

    phone: {
      //regex: /^((13[0-9])|(15[0-9])|(17[0-9])|(18[0-9]))\\d{8}$/,
      regex: /^(0|86|17951)?(13[0-9]|15[012356789]|17[678]|18[0-9]|14[57])[0-9]{8}$/,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.phone

    zip: {
      regex: /^\d{5}$|^\d{5}-\d{4}$/,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.zip

    url: {
      regex: /^(?:(ftp|http|https):\/\/)?(?:[\w\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}([\:\/?#].*)?$/i,
      error: $.idealforms.errors.url

    min: {
      regex: function( input, value ) {
        var $input = input.input,
            min = input.userOptions.data.min,
            isRadioCheck = $input.is('[type="checkbox"], [type="radio"]')
        if ( isRadioCheck ) {
          this.error = $.idealforms.errors.minOption.replace( '{0}', min )
          return $input.filter(':checked').length >= min
        this.error = $.idealforms.errors.minChar.replace( '{0}', min )
        return value.length >= min

    max: {
      regex: function( input, value ) {
        var $input = input.input,
            max = input.userOptions.data.max,
            isRadioCheck = $input.is('[type="checkbox"], [type="radio"]')
        if ( isRadioCheck ) {
          this.error = $.idealforms.errors.maxOption.replace( '{0}', max )
          return $input.filter(':checked').length <= max
        this.error = $.idealforms.errors.maxChar.replace( '{0}', max )
        return value.length <= max

    range: {
      regex: function( input, value ) {
        var range = input.userOptions.data.range,
            val = +value
        this.error = $.idealforms.errors.range
          .replace( '{0}', range[0] )
          .replace( '{1}', range[1] )
        return val >= range[0] && val <= range[1]

    date: {
      regex: function( input, value ) {

        userFormat =
          input.userOptions.data && input.userOptions.data.date
            ? input.userOptions.data.date
            : 'mm/dd/yyyy', // default format

        delimiter = /[^mdy]/.exec( userFormat )[0],
        theFormat = userFormat.split(delimiter),
        theDate = value.split(delimiter),

        isDate = function( date, format ) {
          var m, d, y
          for ( var i = 0, len = format.length; i < len; i++ ) {
            if ( /m/.test( format[i]) ) m = date[i]
            if ( /d/.test( format[i]) ) d = date[i]
            if ( /y/.test( format[i]) ) y = date[i]
          return (
            m > 0 && m < 13 &&
            y && y.length === 4 &&
            d > 0 && d <= ( new Date( y, m, 0 ) ).getDate()

        this.error = $.idealforms.errors.date.replace( '{0}', userFormat )

        return isDate( theDate, theFormat )

    dob: {
      regex: function( input, value ) {

        userFormat =
          input.userOptions.data && input.userOptions.data.dob
            ? input.userOptions.data.dob
            : 'mm/dd/yyyy', // default format

        // Simulate a date input
        dateInput = {
          input: input.input,
          userOptions: {
            data: { date: userFormat }

        // Use internal date filter to validate the date
        isDate = filters.date.regex( dateInput, value ),

        // DOB
        theYear = /\d{4}/.exec( value ),
        maxYear = new Date().getFullYear(), // Current year
        minYear = maxYear - 100

        this.error = $.idealforms.errors.dob

        return isDate && theYear >= minYear && theYear <= maxYear

    exclude: {
      regex: function( input, value ) {
        var $input = input.input,
            exclude = input.userOptions.data.exclude,
            isOption = $input.is('[type="checkbox"], [type="radio"], select')
        this.error = isOption
          ? $.idealforms.errors.excludeOption.replace( '{0}', value )
          : this.error = $.idealforms.errors.exclude.replace( '{0}', value )
        return $.inArray( value, exclude ) === -1

    equalto: {
      regex: function( input, value ) {
        var $equals = $( input.userOptions.data.equalto ),
            $input = input.input,
            name = $equals.attr('name') || $equals.attr('id'),
            isValid = $equals.parents('.ideal-field')
              .filter(function(){ return $(this).data('ideal-isvalid') === true })
        if ( !isValid ) { return false }
        this.error = $.idealforms.errors.equalto.replace( '{0}', name )
        return $input.val() === $equals.val()

    extension: {
      regex: function( input, value ) {
        var files = input.input[0].files || [{ name: value }],
            extensions = input.userOptions.data.extension,
            re = new RegExp( '\\.'+ extensions.join('|') +'$', 'i' ),
            valid = false
        for ( var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++ ) {
          valid = re.test( files[i].name );
        this.error = $.idealforms.errors.extension.replace( '{0}', extensions.join('", "') )
        return valid

    ajax: {
      regex: function( input, value, showOrHideError ) {

        var self = this
        var $input = input.input
        var userOptions = input.userOptions
        var name = $input.attr('name')
        var $field = $input.parents('.ideal-field')
        var valid = false

        var customErrors = userOptions.errors && userOptions.errors.ajax
        self.error = {}
        self.error.success = customErrors && customErrors.success
          ? customErrors.success
          : $.idealforms.errors.ajaxSuccess.replace( '{0}', value )
        self.error.fail = customErrors && customErrors.error
          ? customErrors.error
          : $.idealforms.errors.ajaxError

        // Send input name as $_POST[name]
        var data = {}
        data[ name ] = $.trim( value )

        // Ajax options defined by the user
        var userAjaxOps = input.userOptions.data.ajax

        var ajaxOps = {
          type: 'post',
          dataType: 'json',
          data: data,
          success: function( resp, text, xhr ) {
            showOrHideError( self.error.success, true )
              'ideal-ajax-resp': resp,
              'ideal-ajax-error': self.error.success
            $input.trigger('change') // to update counter
            // Run custom success callback
            if( userAjaxOps._success ) {
              userAjaxOps._success( resp, text, xhr )
          error: function( xhr, text, error ) {
            if ( text !== 'abort' ) {
              showOrHideError( self.error.fail, false )
              $input.data( 'ideal-ajax-error', self.error.fail )
              // Run custom error callback
              if ( userAjaxOps._error ) {
                userAjaxOps._error( xhr, text, error )
        $.extend( ajaxOps, userAjaxOps )

        // Init

        // Run request and save it to be able to abort it
        // so requests don't bubble
        $.idealforms.ajaxRequests[ name ] = $.ajax( ajaxOps )


  return filters


$.idealforms.flags = {
  noerror: function (i) {
  noicons: function (i) {
    i.siblings('.ideal-icon-valid, .ideal-icon-invalid').hide()
  novalidicon: function (i) {
  noinvalidicon: function (i) {
  noclass: function (i) {
    i.parents('.ideal-field').removeClass('valid invalid')
  novalidclass: function (i) {
  noinvalidclass: function (i) {

 * Ideal Forms plugin
var _defaults = {
  inputs: {},
  customFilters: {},
  customFlags: {},
  globalFlags: '',
  onSuccess: function(e) { alert('Thank you...') },
  onFail: function() { alert('Invalid!') },
  responsiveAt: 'auto',
  disableCustom: ''

// Constructor
var IdealForms = function( element, options ) {

  var self = this

  self.$form = $( element )
  self.opts = $.extend( {}, _defaults, options )

  self.$tabs = self.$form.find('section')

  // Set localized filters
  $.extend( $.idealforms.filters, getFilters() )



// Plugin
$.fn.idealforms = function( options ) {
  return this.each(function() {
    if ( !$.data( this, 'idealforms' ) ) {
      $.data( this, 'idealforms', new IdealForms( this, options ) )

// Get LESS variables
var LessVars = {
  fieldWidth: Utils.getLessVar( 'ideal-field-width', 'width' )

 * Private Methods
$.extend( IdealForms.prototype, {

  _init: function() {

    var self = this
    var o = self.opts
    var formElements = self._getFormElements()

    self.$form.css( 'visibility', 'visible' )
      .attr( 'novalidate', 'novalidate' ) // disable HTML5 validation

    // Do markup
      .add( formElements.headings )
      .add( formElements.separators )
      .each(function(){ self._doMarkup( $(this) ) })

    // Generate tabs
    if ( self.$tabs.length ) {
      var $tabContainer = $('<div class="ideal-wrap ideal-tabs ideal-full-width"/>')
      self.$form.prepend( $tabContainer )
      self.$tabs.idealTabs( $tabContainer )

    // Always show datepicker below the input
    if ( jQuery.ui ) {
      $.datepicker._checkOffset = function( a,b,c ) { return b }

    // Add inputs specified by data-ideal
    // to the list of user inputs
    self.$form.find('[data-ideal]').each(function() {
      var userInput = o.inputs[ this.name ]
      o.inputs[ this.name ] = userInput || { filters: $(this).data('ideal') }

   // Responsive
    if ( o.responsiveAt ) {
      $(window).resize(function(){ self._responsive() })

    // Form events
      keydown: function( e ) {
        // Prevent submit when pressing enter
        // but exclude textareas
        if ( e.which === 13 && e.target.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA' ) {
      submit: function( e ) {
        if ( !self.isValid() ) {
        } else {
          o.onSuccess( e )

    self.fresh() // Start fresh


  _getFormElements: function() {
    return {
      inputs: this.$form.find('input, select, textarea, :button'),
      labels: this.$form.find('div > label:first-child'),
      text: this.$form.find('input:not([type="checkbox"], [type="radio"], [type="submit"]), textarea'),
      select: this.$form.find('select'),
      radiocheck: this.$form.find('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]'),
      buttons: this.$form.find(':button'),
      file: this.$form.find('input[type="file"]'),
      headings: this.$form.find('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'),
      separators: this.$form.find('hr'),
      hidden: this.$form.find('input:hidden')

  _getUserInputs: function() {
    return this.$form.find('[name="'+ Utils.getKeys( this.opts.inputs ).join('"], [name="') +'"]')

  _getTab: function( nameOrIdx ) {
    var self = this
    var isNumber = !isNaN( nameOrIdx )
    if ( isNumber ) {
      return self.$tabs.eq( nameOrIdx )
    return self.$tabs.filter(function() {
      var re = new RegExp( nameOrIdx, 'i' )
      return re.test( $(this).data('ideal-tabs-content-name') )

  _getCurrentTabIdx: function() {
    return this.$tabs.index( this.$form.find('.ideal-tabs-content:visible') )

  _updateTabsCounter: function() {
    var self = this
    self.$tabs.each(function( i ) {
      var invalid = self.getInvalidInTab( i ).length
      self.$tabs.updateCounter( i, invalid )

  _adjust: function() {

    var self = this
    var o = self.opts
    var formElements = self._getFormElements()
    var curTab = self._getCurrentTabIdx()

    // Autocomplete causes some problems...
    formElements.inputs.attr('autocomplete', 'off')

    // Show tabs to calculate dimensions
    if ( self.$tabs.length ) { self.$tabs.show() }

    // Adjust labels
    var labels = formElements.labels
    labels.removeAttr('style').width( Utils.getMaxWidth( labels ) )

    // Adjust headings and separators
    if ( self.$tabs.length ) {
        $( this ).find('.ideal-heading:first').addClass('first-child')
    } else {


    // Done calculating hide tabs
    if ( self.$tabs.length ) {
      self.switchTab( curTab )


  _setDatepicker: function() {

    var o = this.opts
    var $datepicker = this.$form.find('input.datepicker')

    if ( jQuery.ui && $datepicker.length ) {

      $datepicker.each(function() {
        var userInput = o.inputs[ this.name ]
        var data = userInput && userInput.data && userInput.data.date
        var format = data ? data.replace( 'yyyy', 'yy' ) : 'mm/dd/yy'

          dateFormat: format,
          beforeShow: function( input ) {
            $( input ).addClass('open')
          onChangeMonthYear: function() {
            // Hack to fix IE9 not resizing
            var $this = $(this)
            var w = $this.outerWidth() // cache first!
            setTimeout(function() {
              $this.datepicker('widget').css( 'width', w )
            }, 1)
          onClose: function() { $(this).removeClass('open') }

      // Adjust width
      $datepicker.on('focus keyup', function() {
        var t = $(this), w = t.outerWidth()
        t.datepicker('widget').css( 'width', w )


  _doMarkup: function( $element ) {

    var o = this.opts
    var elementType = Utils.getIdealType( $element )

    // Validation elements
    var $field = $('<span class="ideal-field"/>')
    var $error = $('<span class="ideal-error" />')
    var $valid = $('<i class="ideal-icon ideal-icon-valid" />')
    var $invalid = $('<i class="ideal-icon ideal-icon-invalid"/>')
        $(this).parent().find('input:first, textarea, select').focus()

    // Basic markup

    var idealElements = {

      _defaultInput: function() {
        $element.wrapAll( $field ).after( $valid, $invalid )
          .parent().after( $error )

      text: function() { idealElements._defaultInput() },

      radiocheck: function() {
        // Check if input is already wrapped so we don't
        // wrap radios and checks more than once
        var isWrapped = $element.parents('.ideal-field').length
        if ( !isWrapped ) {
          $element.parent().nextAll().andSelf().wrapAll( $field.addClass('ideal-radiocheck') )
          $element.parents('.ideal-field').append( $valid, $invalid ).after( $error )
        if ( !/radiocheck/.test( o.disableCustom ) ) {

      select: function() {
        if ( !/select/.test( o.disableCustom ) ) {

      file: function() {
        if ( !/file/.test( o.disableCustom ) ) {

      button: function() {
        if ( !/button/.test( o.disableCustom ) ) {

      hidden: function() {

      heading: function() {
        $element.parent().children().wrapAll('<span class="ideal-heading"/>')

      separator: function() {
        $element.wrapAll('<div class="ideal-separator"/>')


    // Generate markup for current element type
    idealElements[ elementType ] ? idealElements[ elementType ]() : $.noop()

    $error.add( $valid ).add( $invalid ).hide() // Start fresh


  /** Validates an input and shows or hides error and icon
   * @memberOf Actions
   * @param {object} $input jQuery object
   * @param {string} e The JavaScript event
  _validate: function( $input, e ) {

    var self = this
    var o = this.opts

    var userOptions = o.inputs[ $input.attr('name') ]
    var userFilters = userOptions.filters && userOptions.filters.split(/\s/)
    var name = $input.attr('name')
    var value = $input.val()

    var ajaxRequest = $.idealforms.ajaxRequests[ name ]

    var isRadioCheck = $input.is('[type="checkbox"], [type="radio"]')

    var inputData = {
      // If is radio or check validate all inputs related by name
      input: isRadioCheck ? self.$form.find('[name="' + name + '"]') : $input,
      userOptions: userOptions

    // Validation elements
    var $field = $input.parents('.ideal-field')
    var $error = $field.siblings('.ideal-error')
    var $invalid = isRadioCheck
      ? $input.parent().siblings('.ideal-icon-invalid')
      : $input.siblings('.ideal-icon-invalid')
    var $valid = isRadioCheck
      ? $input.parent().siblings('.ideal-icon-valid')
      : $input.siblings('.ideal-icon-valid')

    function resetError() {
      $field.removeClass('valid invalid').removeData('ideal-isvalid')
      $error.add( $invalid ).add( $valid ).hide()

    function showOrHideError( error, valid ) {
      valid ? $valid.show() : $invalid.show()
      $field.addClass( valid ? 'valid' : 'invalid' )
      $field.data( 'ideal-isvalid', valid )
      if ( !valid ) {
        $error.html( error ).toggle( $field.is('.ideal-field-focus') )

    // Prevent validation when typing but not introducing any new characters
    // This is mainly to prevent multiple AJAX requests
    var oldValue = $input.data('ideal-value') || 0
    $input.data( 'ideal-value', value )
    if ( e.type === 'keyup' && value === oldValue ) { return false }

    // Validate
    if ( userFilters ) {

      $.each( userFilters, function( i, filter ) {

        var theFilter = $.idealforms.filters[ filter ]
        var customError = userOptions.errors && userOptions.errors[ filter ]
        var error = ''

        // If field is empty and not required
        if ( !value && filter !== 'required' ) {
          return false

        if ( theFilter ) {

          // Abort and reset ajax if there's a request pending
          if ( e.type === 'keyup' && ajaxRequest ) {

          // AJAX
          if ( filter === 'ajax' ) {
            showOrHideError( error, false ) // set invalid till response comes back
            if ( e.type === 'keyup' ) {
              theFilter.regex( inputData, value, showOrHideError ) // runs the ajax callback
            } else {
              var ajaxError = $input.data('ideal-ajax-error')
              if ( ajaxError ) {
                showOrHideError( ajaxError, $input.data('ideal-ajax-resp') || false )
          // All other filters
          else {
            var valid = Utils.isRegex( theFilter.regex ) && theFilter.regex.test( value ) ||
                        Utils.isFunction( theFilter.regex ) && theFilter.regex( inputData, value )
            error = customError || theFilter.error // assign error after calling regex()
            showOrHideError( error, valid )
            if ( !valid ) { return false }
    // Reset if there are no filters
    else {

    // Flags
    var flags = (function(){
      var f = userOptions.flags && userOptions.flags.split(' ') || []
      if ( o.globalFlags ) {
        $.each( o.globalFlags.split(' '), function( i,v ) { f.push(v) })
      return f
    if ( flags.length ) {
      $.each(flags, function( i,f ) {
        var theFlag = $.idealforms.flags[f]
        if ( theFlag ) { theFlag( $input, e.type ) }

    // Update counter
    if ( self.$tabs.length ) {
      self._updateTabsCounter( self._getCurrentTabIdx() )

  _attachEvents: function() {

    var self = this

    self._getUserInputs().on('keyup change focus blur', function(e) {

      var $this = $(this)
      var $field = $this.parents('.ideal-field')
      var isFile = $this.is('input[type=file]')

      // Trigger on change if type=file cuz custom file
      // disables focus on original file input (tabIndex = -1)
      if ( e.type === 'focus' || isFile && e.type === 'change' ) {
      if ( e.type === 'blur' ) {

      self._validate( $this, e )


  _responsive: function() {

    var formElements = this._getFormElements()
    var maxWidth = LessVars.fieldWidth + formElements.labels.outerWidth()
    var $emptyLabel = formElements.labels.filter(function() {
      return $(this).html() === ' '
    var $customSelect = this.$form.find('.ideal-select')

    this.opts.responsiveAt === 'auto'
      ? this.$form.toggleClass( 'stack', this.$form.width() < maxWidth )
      : this.$form.toggleClass( 'stack', $(window).width() < this.opts.responsiveAt )

    var isStack = this.$form.is('.stack')
    $emptyLabel.toggle( !isStack )
    $customSelect.trigger( isStack ? 'list' : 'menu' )

    // Hide datePicker
    var $datePicker = this.$form.find('input.hasDatepicker')
    if ( $datePicker.length ) { $datePicker.datepicker('hide') }



 * Public Methods
$.extend( IdealForms.prototype, {

  getInvalid: function() {
    return this.$form.find('.ideal-field').filter(function() {
      return $(this).data('ideal-isvalid') === false

  getInvalidInTab: function( nameOrIdx ) {
    return this._getTab( nameOrIdx ).find('.ideal-field').filter(function() {
      return $(this).data('ideal-isvalid') === false

  isValid: function() {
    return !this.getInvalid().length

  isValidField: function( field ) {
    var $input = Utils.getByNameOrId( field )
    return $input.parents('.ideal-field').data('ideal-isvalid') === true

  focusFirst: function() {
    if ( this.$tabs.length ) {
        .find('input:first, select, textarea').focus()
    } else {
        .find('input:first, select, textarea').focus()
    return this

  focusFirstInvalid: function() {
    var $first = this.getInvalid().first().find('input:first, select, textarea')
    var tabName = $first.parents('.ideal-tabs-content').data('ideal-tabs-content-name')
    if ( this.$tabs.length ) {
      this.switchTab( tabName )
    return this

  switchTab: function( nameOrIdx ) {
    this.$tabs.switchTab( nameOrIdx )
    return this

  nextTab: function() {
    return this

  prevTab: function() {
    return this

  firstTab: function() {
    return this

  lastTab: function() {
    return this

  fresh: function() {
      .removeClass('valid invalid')
    return this

  freshFields: function( fields ) {
    fields = Utils.convertToArray( fields )
    $.each( fields, function( i ) {
      var $input = Utils.getByNameOrId( fields[ i ] )
      $input.change().parents('.ideal-field').removeClass('valid invalid')
    return this

  reload: function() {
    return this

  reset: function() {

    var formElements = this._getFormElements()

    formElements.text.val('') // text inputs
    formElements.radiocheck.removeAttr('checked') // radio & check
    // Select and custom select
    formElements.select.find('option').first().prop( 'selected', true )

    if ( this.$tabs.length ) { this.firstTab() }


    return this


  resetFields: function( fields ) {

    fields = Utils.convertToArray( fields )
    var formElements = this._getFormElements()

    $.each( fields, function( i, v ) {
      var $input = Utils.getByNameOrId( v )
      var type = Utils.getIdealType( $input )
      if ( type === 'text' || type === 'file' ) {
      if ( type === 'radiocheck' ) {
        $input.removeAttr('checked') // radio & check
      if ( type === 'select' ) {
        $input.find('option').first().prop( 'selected', true )

    this.freshFields( fields )

    return this


  toggleFields: function( fields ) {

    fields = Utils.convertToArray( fields )
    var self = this
    var $fields = Utils.getFieldsFromArray( fields )

    $fields.each(function() {
      var $this = $(this)
      var name = $this.attr('name') || $this.attr('id')
      var input = self.opts.inputs[ name ]
      var filters = input && input.filters
      var dataFilters = $this.data('ideal-filters') || ''
      $this.data( 'ideal-filters', filters )
      self.setFieldOptions( name, { filters: dataFilters } )

    return this

  setOptions: function( options ) {
    $.extend( true, this.opts, options )
    return this

  setFieldOptions: function( name, options ) {
    $.extend( true, this.opts.inputs[ name ], options )
    this.reload().freshFields([ name ])
    return this

  addFields: function( fields ) {

    fields = Utils.convertToArray( fields )

    var self = this

    // Save names of all inputs in Array
    // to use methods that take names ie. fresh()
    var allNames = []

    // Add an input to the DOM
    function add( ops ) {

      var name = ops.name

      var userOptions = {
        filters: ops.filters || '',
        data: ops.data || {},
        errors: ops.errors || {},
        flags: ops.flags || ''

      var label = ops.label || ''
      var type = ops.type
      var list = ops.list || []
      var placeholder = ops.placeholder || ''
      var value = ops.value || ''

      var $field = $('<div>'+
          '<label>'+ label +':</label>'+
          Utils.makeInput( name, value, type, list, placeholder ) +
      var $input = $field.find('input, select, textarea, :button')

      // Add inputs with filters to the list
      // of user inputs to validate
      if ( userOptions.filters ) { self.opts.inputs[ name ] = userOptions }

      self._doMarkup( $input )

      // Insert in DOM
      if ( ops.addAfter ) {
          $( Utils.getByNameOrId( ops.addAfter ) ).parents('.ideal-wrap')
      } else if ( ops.addBefore ) {
          $(Utils.getByNameOrId( ops.addBefore ))
      } else if ( ops.appendToTab ) {
          self._getTab( ops.appendToTab ).find('.ideal-wrap:last-child')
      } else {
        $field.insertAfter( self.$form.find('.ideal-wrap').last() )

      // Add current field name to list of names
      allNames.push( name )

    // Run through each input
    $.each( fields, function( i, ops ) { add( ops ) })

    self.freshFields( allNames )

    return this


  removeFields: function( fields ) {
    fields = Utils.convertToArray( fields )
    var $fields = Utils.getFieldsFromArray( fields )
    return this


}( jQuery, window, document ))




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