GO BEGIN IF (object_id(‘PT_FAULT_REPORT‘, ‘P‘) is not null) drop proc PT_FAULT_REPORT; END GO CREATE PROCEDURE PT_FAULT_REPORT (@index int, @stop_time DATETIME, @start_time DATETIME) AS DECLARE @departmentindex int, @departmentname nvarchar(100), @entitycount int, @allcount int, @fixtime int, @fixcount int; declare test_cur cursor for select field1, field2, field3, field4 form table where field1=@index and field2>@stop_time or filed3<@start_time ; OPEN test_cur; DECLARE @TableTemp TABLE(departmentindex int,departmentname nvarchar(100),entitycount int,allcount int,fixtime int,fixcount int);--定义表变量 FETCH NEXT FROM test_cur INTO @departmentindex, @departmentname, @entitycount, @allcount, @fixtime,@fixcount; INsert @TableTemp values(@departmentindex, @departmentname, @entitycount, @allcount, @fixtime,@fixcount);--给表变量插值 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM test_cur INTO @departmentindex, @departmentname, @entitycount, @allcount, @fixtime,@fixcount; INsert @TableTemp values(@departmentindex, @departmentname, @entitycount, @allcount, @fixtime,@fixcount);
--select departmentindex=@departmentindex, departmentname=@departmentname,entitycount=@entitycount, allcount=@allcount, fixtime=@fixtime,fixcount=@fixcount; END ; CLOSe test_cur Deallocate test_cur; select * from @TableTemp;--存储过程返回数据
GO DECLARE @starttime DATETIME,@endtime DATETIME; set @starttime =GETDATE(); set @endtime=GETDATE()-30; EXEC PT_FAULT_REPORT 3,@starttime,@endtime;
GO BEGIN IF (object_id(‘PT_FAULT_REPORT‘, ‘P‘) is not null) drop proc PT_FAULT_REPORT; END GO CREATE PROCEDURE PT_FAULT_REPORT (@business_index INTEGER , @start_time DATETIME , @stop_time DATETIME, @ds_cur CURSOR VARYING OUTPUT) AS BEGIN SET @ds_cur = CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY STATIC FOR select field1, field2, field3, field4 form table where field1=@index and field2>@stop_time or filed3<@start_time ; OPEN @ds_cur END;
GO DECLARE @MyCursor CURSOR,@starttime DATETIME,@endtime DATETIME; set @starttime =GETDATE(); set @endtime=GETDATE()-30; EXEC PT_FAULT_REPORT 3,@starttime,@endtime,@ds_cur = @MyCursor OUTPUT; FETCH NEXT FROM @MyCursor; WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN; FETCH NEXT FROM @MyCursor; END; CLOSE @MyCursor; DEALLOCATE @MyCursor;
GO BEGIN IF (object_id(‘PT_FAULT_REPORT‘, ‘P‘) is not null) drop proc PT_FAULT_REPORT; END GO CREATE PROCEDURE PT_FAULT_REPORT (@business_index int, @stop_time DATETIME, @start_time DATETIME) AS select * from table