int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // // Initialize system info // //初始化GC,如果初始化失败,则直接退出 if (!GCToOSInterface::Initialize()) { return -1; }
下面我们来看看GCToOSInterface这个类,我只是把部分的方法罗列出来了,大家可以把这个理解为“接口”,这些方法,也应用到了设计模式,比如下面的方法的命名,是不是和EF很像呢?毕竟都是微软的东西,大家可以理解为,都是一家亲。另外,虚拟内存的分配 没有我们想的那么简单,它也是事物,对于一个事物,它的方法是丰富的。
// Interface that the GC uses to invoke OS specific functionality //GC和操作系统衔接的桥梁,你可以理解为调用特定的操作系统的特定“方法”的方法 class GCToOSInterface { public: // // Initialization and shutdown of the interface // 初始化和 关闭GC对于OS(操作系统)的接口 // Initialize the interface implementation // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed static bool Initialize(); // Shutdown the interface implementation //终止这个方法;简单一点理解,就是.NET中的dispose()方法. static void Shutdown(); // // Virtual memory management // //虚拟内存管理 // Reserve virtual memory range. //虚拟内存存储范围 // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address, it can be NULL to let the function choose the starting address // size - size of the virtual memory range // alignment - requested memory alignment // flags - flags to control special settings like write watching // Return: // Starting virtual address of the reserved range //参数: //address(地址) - 初始的虚拟地址,如果为NULL,会让方法来选择初始的地址; //size(大小) - 虚拟内存范围的定义域; //alignment(队列) - 请求的存储队列 // flags(标识符) - 标识控制(比如是写,还是观察,或者是读); //返回:已经存储的虚拟内存的首地址; static void* VirtualReserve(void *address, size_t size, size_t alignment, uint32_t flags); // Release virtual memory range previously reserved using VirtualReserve //释放定义域内的虚拟内存,注意此定义域是“之前”分配的虚拟内存的定义域; // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed //返回 - 成功:TRUE,否则:FAIL static bool VirtualRelease(void *address, size_t size); // Commit virtual memory range. It must be part of a range reserved using VirtualReserve. //提交虚拟内存的定义域;注意提交的定义域必须是包含在“VirtualReserve分配过的”内存块。 //注意这里的commit可以理解为.NET和SQL中的“事务”; // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed static bool VirtualCommit(void *address, size_t size); // Decomit virtual memory range. //撤销提交 - 和VirtualCommit功能刚好相反; // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed static bool VirtualDecommit(void *address, size_t size); }
下面我们来看一下Initalize这个方法,先 查询性能频率是什么意思呢?
bool GCToOSInterface::Initialize() { //查询性能频率 if (!::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&performanceFrequency)) { return false; } }
static LARGE_INTEGER performanceFrequency;
再看LARGE_INTEGER,发现是一个联合体,我这里 科普一下联合体,就不麻烦大家去其他地方找资料了。
//如果定义了MIDL_PASS,虽然我并不知道这是什么 #if defined(MIDL_PASS) typedef struct _LARGE_INTEGER { #else // MIDL_PASS typedef union _LARGE_INTEGER { struct { DWORD LowPart; LONG HighPart; } DUMMYSTRUCTNAME; struct { DWORD LowPart; LONG HighPart; } u; #endif //MIDL_PASS LONGLONG QuadPart; } LARGE_INTEGER;
WINAPI QueryPerformanceFrequency( _Out_ LARGE_INTEGER * lpFrequency );
bool GCToOSInterface::Initialize() { //查询性能频率 if (!::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&performanceFrequency)) { return false; } //系统信息 SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo; //此方法位于WDK8.1里面 GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo); //GCSystemInfo,通过WDK得到系统的信息,然后把信息赋给GCSystemInfo g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize = systemInfo.dwPageSize; g_SystemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity = systemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity; return true; }