From C# in Depth(3rd) - Jon Skeet
using (LinqDemoDataContext db = new LinqDemoDataContext()) { var filtered = from p in db.Products join s in db.Suppliers on p.SupplierID equals s.SupplierID where p.Price > 10 orderby s.Name, p.Name select new { SupplierName = s.Name, ProductName = p.Name }; foreach (var v in filtered) { Console.WriteLine("Supplier={0}; Product={1}", v.SupplierName, v.ProductName); } }
That’s impressive enough, but if you’re performance-conscious, you may be wondering
why you’d want to pull down all the data from the database and then apply
these .NET queries and orderings. Why not get the database to do it? That’s what it’s
good at, isn’t it? Well, indeed—and that’s exactly what LINQ to SQL does. The code in
listing 1.18 issues a database request, which is basically the query translated into SQL.
Even though you’ve expressed the query in C# code, it’s been executed as SQL.