本篇是《Linux Shell脚本之远程自动化部署java maven项目》的姊妹篇,但包含了bug、issue修正和添加了更多的支持特性,可以从GitHub上获取最新脚本内容:https://github.com/DingGuodong/AutomaticDeployJavaMavenProject 。
自动化部署java maven项目到多个主机的环境条件假设:
1.java maven项目至多有一个依赖项目
1.在部署主机上将java maven项目以及依赖项目(当前脚本的编写只假设依赖项目只有一个)编译,将编译后的Class以及配置文件通过ssh上传到单个或多个目标主机的指定目录
user_defined_project_clone_depends="ssh://git@git.huntor.cn:18082/core/business-service-base.git" # java maven项目的相关依赖源码文件所在的git地址,如果没有依赖则可省略 user_defined_project_clone="ssh://git@git.huntor.cn:18082/core/business-service-core.git" # java maven项目的源码文件所在的git地址 user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip="" # 如果部署单个目标主机则在此处填写一个IP,无论是否部署多个目标主机,此项不能为空,多个目标主机的部署模式会用到这个主机上的配置文件 user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list="" # 如果一次性部署多个目标主机,则填写多个IP,用空格隔开,第一个IP必须与上面的user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip相同 user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host="/tmp/deploy_test_target" # 部署到目标主机上的哪一个目录 user_defined_docker_container_name="testcontainer" # 需要重启的容器名称 user_defined_project_conf_directory="backup" # 配置文件目录的绝对路径或者与此脚本相同目录位置的相对路径 user_defined_skip_check_network_and_resolver="true" # 如果想跳过网络自检,则设置为true,否则设置为false。
bash /path/to/this.sh deploy # 部署单个目标主机 bash /path/to/this.sh deploys # 部署多个目标主机 bash /path/to/this.sh rollback_manual # 手动回滚单个目标主机 bash /path/to/this.sh rollbacks # 手动回滚多个目标主机 bash /path/to/this.sh backup_manual # 当日志文件发生变更时,需要执行此命令,将配置文件同步到本地配置库
首次执行需要将配置文件的绝对路径准确的放入项目目录中,一次写入后期无须修改,如需修改配置文件,则直接修改部署目标主机上的配置文件(目标主机的第一个IP),每次修改完配置文件后需要执行bash /path/to/this.sh backup_manual命令,将配置文件同步到本地配置库(默认的位置是脚本所在目录下的backup目录)。
#!/bin/bash # Name: doDeploy.sh #Execute this shell script to deploy Java projects built by Maven automatically on remote hosts. # debug option DEBUG=false #DEBUG=true if $DEBUG ; then old_PS4=$PS4 # export PS4=‘+${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}:${FUNCNAME[0]}: ‘ export PS4=‘+${LINENO}: ${FUNCNAME[0]}: ‘ # if there is only one bash script, do not display ${BASH_SOURCE} _XTRACE_FUNCTIONS=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set -o xtrace fi # define user friendly messages header=" Function: Execute this shell script to deploy Java projects built by Maven automatically on remote hosts. License: Open source software " # user defined variables # Where to get source code user_defined_project_clone_depends="ssh://git@git.huntor.cn:18082/core/business-service-base.git" user_defined_project_clone="ssh://git@git.huntor.cn:18082/core/business-service-core.git" # TODO(Guodong Ding) do deploy once time with multi-hosts support, try using ‘for + deploy‘ user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip="" # this is a mandatory field, and must be same as the first ip in $user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list="" #user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host="/data/docker/business-service/bs-core-01" #user_defined_docker_container_name="bs-core-01" user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host="/tmp/deploy_test_target" user_defined_docker_container_name="testcontainer" # if you using a docker container other than a startup script located in sourcecode/bin/startup.sh, then set this to docker container name user_defined_project_conf_directory="backup" # if you do NOT want to use configurations from deploy target, you should set this variable to where pointed to config files user_defined_skip_check_network_and_resolver="true" # if system administrator disable ICMP protocol, set this any content but not null # Setting how many days do you want save old releases, default is 10 days save_old_releases_for_days=10 # end define variables # pretreatment test -z ${user_defined_project_clone_depends} || project_clone_target_depends_1="`echo ${user_defined_project_clone_depends} | awk -F ‘[/.]+‘ ‘{ print $(NF-1)}‘`" project_clone_target="`echo ${user_defined_project_clone} | awk -F ‘[/.]+‘ ‘{ print $(NF-1)}‘`" project_clone_repository_name=${project_clone_target} deployment_mode="" # end pretreatment # Public header # ============================================================================================================================= # resolve links - $0 may be a symbolic link # learn from apache-tomcat-6.x.xx/bin/catalina.sh PRG="$0" while [ -h "$PRG" ]; do ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"` link=`expr "$ls" : ‘.*-> \(.*\)$‘` if expr "$link" : ‘/.*‘ > /dev/null; then PRG="$link" else PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link" fi done # Get standard environment variables PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"` # echo color function, smarter, learn from lnmp.org lnmp install.sh function echo_r (){ # Color red: Error, Failed [ $# -ne 1 ] && return 1 echo -e "\033[31m$1\033[0m" } function echo_g (){ # Color green: Success [ $# -ne 1 ] && return 1 echo -e "\033[32m$1\033[0m" } function echo_y (){ # Color yellow: Warning [ $# -ne 1 ] && return 1 echo -e "\033[33m$1\033[0m" } function echo_b (){ # Color blue: Debug Level 1 [ $# -ne 1 ] && return 1 echo -e "\033[34m$1\033[0m" } function echo_p (){ # Color purple,magenta: Debug Level 2 [ $# -ne 1 ] && return 1 echo -e "\033[35m$1\033[0m" } function echo_c (){ # Color cyan: friendly prompt, Level 1 [ $# -ne 1 ] && return 1 echo -e "\033[36m$1\033[0m" } # end echo color function, smarter #WORKDIR="`realpath ${WORKDIR}`" WORKDIR="`readlink -f ${PRGDIR}`" # end public header # ============================================================================================================================= USER="`id -un`" LOGNAME="$USER" if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: Running as a non-root user, \"$LOGNAME\". Functionality may be unavailable. Only root can use some commands or options" fi function command_exists() { # which "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 command -v "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 } function check_command_can_be_execute(){ [ $# -ne 1 ] && return 1 command_exists $1 } function check_network_connectivity(){ echo_b "checking network connectivity ... " network_address_to_check= stable_network_address_to_check= ping_count=2 ping -c ${ping_count} ${network_address_to_check} >/dev/null retval=$? if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then if ping -c ${ping_count} ${stable_network_address_to_check} >/dev/null;then echo_g "Network to $stable_network_address_to_check succeed! " echo_y "Note: network to $network_address_to_check failed once! maybe just some packages loss." elif ! ip route | grep default >/dev/null; then echo_r "Network is unreachable, gateway is not set." exit 1 elif ! ping -c2 $(ip route | awk ‘/default/ {print $3}‘) >/dev/null; then echo_r "Network is unreachable, gateway is unreachable." exit 1 else echo_r "Network is blocked! " exit 1 fi elif [ ${retval} -eq 0 ]; then echo_g "Check network connectivity passed! " echo fi } function check_name_resolve(){ echo_b "checking DNS name resolve ... " target_name_to_resolve="github.com" stable_target_name_to_resolve="www.aliyun.com" ping_count=1 if ! ping -c${ping_count} ${target_name_to_resolve} >/dev/null; then echo_y "Name lookup failed for $target_name_to_resolve with $ping_count times " if ping -c${ping_count} ${stable_target_name_to_resolve} >/dev/null; then echo_g "Name lookup success for $stable_target_name_to_resolve with $ping_count times " fi eval_md5sum_of_nameserver_config="`md5sum /etc/resolv.conf | awk ‘{ print $1 }‘`" if test ${eval_md5sum_of_nameserver_config} = "674ea91675cdfac353bffbf49dc593c3"; then echo_y "Nameserver config file is validated, but name lookup failed for $target_name_to_resolve with $ping_count times" return 0 fi [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ] && cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)~ cat >/etc/resolv.conf<<eof nameserver nameserver eof check_name_resolve else echo_g "Check DNS name resolve passed! " echo return 0 fi } function check_ssh_can_be_connect(){ [ $# -ne 1 ] && return 1 echo_b "Check if can ssh to remote host $1 ... " check_command_can_be_execute ssh || return 1 # TODO(Guodong Ding) ssh can connect to remote host by using /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key or ~/.ssh/id_rsa ssh -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -p 22 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$1 "uname -a >/dev/null 2>&1" retval=$? if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then echo_r "Check ssh to remote host $1 failed! " exit 1 else echo_g "Check ssh to remote host $1 successfully! " fi } function check_other_dependencies() { echo_b "Checking other dependencies for deploy procedure... " echo_b "\tChecking user customized variables..." # Refer: # if [ -z ${var+x} ]; then # echo "var is unset"; else echo "var is set to ‘$var‘" # fi # if [ "$var x" = " x" ]; then # echo "var is empty"; else echo "var is set to ‘$var‘" # fi # if [ -z $var ]; then # echo "var is empty"; else echo "var is set to ‘$var‘" # fi if [[ -z ${user_defined_project_clone} ]]; then echo_r "Error: user_defined_project_clone is undefined! " exit 1 fi # Note: test command is strongly typed, can recognize string type and integer type if test ! -z "$user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip" -a ! -z "$user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list" ; then user_defined_deploy_targets_host_first_ip_in_list="`echo "$user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list" | awk -F ‘ ‘ ‘{ print $1 }‘`" if test "$user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip" = "$user_defined_deploy_targets_host_first_ip_in_list" -a "$deployment_mode" = "0" ; then echo_g "Run this shell script in multi-deployment mode, deploy to a group of hosts." saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ for ipaddress in ${user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list}; do check_ssh_can_be_connect $ipaddress done IFS=$saved_IFS else echo_r "$user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list is not equal to $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip, this is a must! " exit 1 fi elif test ! -z "$user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip" -a -z "$user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list" -a "$deployment_mode" = "1" ;then echo_g "Run this shell script in standalone-deployment mode, deploy to single host." elif test -z "$user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip" -a -z "$user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list" ;then echo_r "Error: both user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip and user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list is undefined! " exit 1 else echo_r "Error: bad user defined parameters, please fix it and try again! " exit 1 fi if [[ -z ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} ]]; then echo_r "Error: user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host is undefined! " exit 1 fi if test -z $user_defined_project_conf_directory; then echo_y "Warning: user defined project conf directory is not defined! " fi echo_g "\tChecking user customized and defined variables passed! " echo_b "\tChecking disk space available..." disk_space_available=`df ${WORKDIR} | tail -n1 | awk ‘{print $(NF-2)}‘` if [[ ${disk_space_available} -lt 2097152 ]]; then echo_y "Warning: Disk space of $WORKDIR is smaller than 2GB" #exit 1 else echo_g "\tChecking disk space available passed! " fi echo_g "All required dependencies check passed! " echo } function setDirectoryStructureOnLocalHost() { if [ -f ${WORKDIR}/.capistrano_ds_lock ];then echo_g "Set directory structure has been done, skipping. " return fi echo_b "Setting directory structure... " # learn from capistrano # Refer: http://capistranorb.com/documentation/getting-started/structure/ # Refer: http://capistranorb.com/documentation/getting-started/structure/# # ├── current -> /var/www/my_app_name/releases/20150120114500/ # ├── releases # │ ├── 20150080072500 # │ ├── 20150090083000 # │ ├── 20150100093500 # │ ├── 20150110104000 # │ └── 20150120114500 # ├── repo # │ └── <VCS related data> # ├── revisions.log # └── shared # └── <linked_files and linked_dirs> # current is a symlink pointing to the latest release. This symlink is updated at the end of a successful deployment. If the deployment fails in any step the current symlink still points to the old release. # releases holds all deployments in a timestamped folder. These folders are the target of the current symlink. # repo holds the version control system configured. In case of a git repository the content will be a raw git repository (e.g. objects, refs, etc.). # revisions.log is used to log every deploy or rollback. Each entry is timestamped and the executing user (username from local machine) is listed. Depending on your VCS data like branch names or revision numbers are listed as well. # shared contains the linked_files and linked_dirs which are symlinked into each release. This data persists across deployments and releases. It should be used for things like database configuration files and static and persistent user storage handed over from one release to the next. # The application is completely contained within the path of :deploy_to. If you plan on deploying multiple applications to the same server, simply choose a different :deploy_to path. # Check directories for deploy [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/release ] && mkdir ${WORKDIR}/release [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/repository ] && mkdir ${WORKDIR}/repository [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/share ] && mkdir ${WORKDIR}/share # end directories structure # Additional directories structure for full deploy operation # for backup remote host config file [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/backup ] && mkdir ${WORKDIR}/backup # set a directories structure lock touch ${WORKDIR}/.capistrano_ds_lock echo_g "Set directory structure successfully! " echo } function clean_old_releases(){ echo_b "Clean old releases... " save_days=${save_old_releases_for_days:-10} if [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/release ]; then echo_b "Can NOT find release directory, skipping . " return fi need_clean=$(find ${WORKDIR}/release -mtime +${save_days} -exec ls ‘{}‘ \;) if [ ! -z ${need_clean} ]; then echo_c "Expired releases found and will be removed from project! " find ${WORKDIR}/release -mtime +${save_days} -exec rm -rf ‘{}‘ \; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo_g "Expired releases have removed from project! " else echo_r "Can NOT remove expired releases, please feel free to alter to administrators. " fi else echo_g "All releases are not expired, skipping. " fi } function clean_old_logs(){ echo_b "Clean old logs... " save_days=${save_old_releases_for_days:-10} need_clean=$(find ${WORKDIR}/ -name "*.log" -mtime +${save_days} -exec ls ‘{}‘ \;) if [ ! -z ${need_clean} ]; then echo_c "Expired releases found and will be removed from project! " find -L ${WORKDIR}/ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.log" -a ! -name "^." -mtime +${save_days} -exec rm -rf ‘{}‘ \; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo_g "Expired logs have removed from project! " else echo_r "Can NOT remove expired logs, please feel free to alter to administrators. " fi else echo_g "All logs are not expired, skipping. " fi } # git_project_clone repository branch function git_project_clone(){ set -o errexit [ $# -ge 1 ] && project_clone_repository="$1" project_clone_repository_name="`echo ${project_clone_repository} | awk -F ‘[/.]+‘ ‘{ print $(NF-1)}‘`" project_clone_directory=${WORKDIR}/repository/${project_clone_repository_name} if test -n $2; then branch="$2" else branch="develop" fi if test ! -d ${project_clone_directory}; then echo_b "git clone from $project_clone_repository" # git clone git@github.com:name/app.git -b master git clone ${project_clone_repository} ${project_clone_directory} >>${WORKDIR}/git_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 # TODO(Guodong Ding) get branch names or revision numbers from VCS data cd ${project_clone_directory} git checkout ${branch} >>${WORKDIR}/git_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 cd .. echo_g "git clone from $project_clone_repository successfully! " else echo_b "git pull from $project_clone_repository" cd ${project_clone_directory} git pull >>${WORKDIR}/git_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 git checkout ${branch} >>${WORKDIR}/git_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 # TODO(Guodong Ding) get branch names or revision numbers from VCS data cd .. echo_g "git pull from $project_clone_repository successfully! " fi set +o errexit } function maven_build_project_deprecated(){ set -o errexit echo_b "Do mvn build java project... " check_command_can_be_execute mvn [ $# -ge 1 ] && project_clone_repository="$1" project_clone_repository_name="`echo ${project_clone_repository} | awk -F ‘[/.]+‘ ‘{ print $(NF-1)}‘`" project_clone_directory=${WORKDIR}/repository/${project_clone_repository_name} cd ${project_clone_directory} mvn install >>${WORKDIR}/mvn_build_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 mvn clean package >>${WORKDIR}/mvn_build_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 cd .. echo_g "Do mvn build java project finished with exit code 0! " set +o errexit } function maven_build_project(){ echo_b "Do mvn build java project for `echo $1 | awk -F ‘[/.]+‘ ‘{ print $(NF-1)}‘`... " check_command_can_be_execute mvn [ $# -ge 1 ] && project_clone_repository="$1" project_clone_repository_name="`echo ${project_clone_repository} | awk -F ‘[/.]+‘ ‘{ print $(NF-1)}‘`" project_clone_directory=${WORKDIR}/repository/${project_clone_repository_name} cd ${project_clone_directory} mvn install >>${WORKDIR}/mvn_build_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 retval=$? if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then echo_r "mvn install failed! More details refer to ${WORKDIR}/mvn_build_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log" exit 1 else echo_g "mvn install for ${project_clone_repository_name} successfully! " fi mvn clean package >>${WORKDIR}/mvn_build_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 retval=$? if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then echo_r "mvn clean package for ${project_clone_repository_name} failed! More details refer to ${WORKDIR}/mvn_build_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log" exit 1 else echo_g "mvn clean package for ${project_clone_repository_name} successfully! " fi cd ${WORKDIR} echo_g "Do mvn build java project finished for ${project_clone_repository_name} with exit code 0! " echo } # ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host hostname command function ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host(){ [ $# -ne 2 ] && return 1 ssh -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -p 22 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$1 "$2" >>${WORKDIR}/ssh_command_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log 2>&1 retval=$? if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then echo_r "ssh execute command on remote host $2 failed! " test -s ${WORKDIR}/ssh_command_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log && echo_r "\tMore details refer to ${WORKDIR}/ssh_command_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$$.log" return 1 else echo_g "ssh execute command on remote host $2 successfully! " return 0 fi } function restart_docker_container(){ echo_b "Restarting docker container..." [ $# -ne 2 ] && return 1 # TODO(Guodong Ding) if we need restart more related docker container local user_defined_docker_container_name="" local remote_host_ip="" test -n $1 && remote_host_ip="$1" test -n $1 && user_defined_docker_container_name="$2" ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host "$remote_host_ip" "docker restart $user_defined_docker_container_name" retval=$? if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then echo_r "restart docker container for $user_defined_docker_container_name on $remote_host_ip failed! " exit 1 else echo_g "restart docker container for $user_defined_docker_container_name on $remote_host_ip successfully! " return 0 fi } # scp_local_files_to_remote_host local_path remote_hostname remote_path function scp_local_files_to_remote_host(){ [ $# -ne 3 ] && return 1 [ ! -d $1 -a ! -f $1 ] && return 1 # check_ssh_can_be_connect $2 scp -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -P 22 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -rp $1 root@$2:$3 >/dev/null 2>&1 retval=$? if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then echo_r "scp local files to remote host failed! " exit 1 else echo_g "scp local files to remote host successfully! " fi } # scp_remote_files_to_local_host remote_hostname remote_path local_path function scp_remote_files_to_local_host(){ [ $# -ne 3 ] && return 1 # check_ssh_can_be_connect $1 scp -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -P 22 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -rp root@$1:$2 $3 >/dev/null 2>&1 retval=$? if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then echo_r "scp remote files to local host failed! " exit 1 else echo_g "scp remote files to local host successfully! " fi } function backup_single_file(){ set -o errexit if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then return 1 fi backup_filename_origin="$1" operation_date_time="`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`" backup_filename_prefix=".backup_" backup_filename_suffix="_origin_$operation_date_time~" backup_filename_target="$backup_filename_prefix$backup_filename_origin$backup_filename_suffix" test -f $backup_filename_origin && cp $backup_filename_origin $backup_filename_target set +o errexit } # Function description: backup files # Note: accept $@ parameters function backup_files(){ # TODO(Guodong Ding) improvements here set -o errexit if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then return 1 fi file_list=$@ operation_date_time="_`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`" log_filename=".log_$$_${RANDOM}" log_filename_full_path=/tmp/$log_filename touch $log_filename_full_path old_IFS=$IFS IFS=" " for file in $file_list;do real_file=$(realpath $file) [ -f $real_file ] && cp $real_file $file$operation_date_time~ [ -f $log_filename_full_path ] && echo "\mv -f $file$operation_date_time~ $file" >>$log_filename_full_path done IFS="$old_IFS" set +o errexit return 0 } # Function description: function rollback_files(){ # TODO(Guodong Ding) improvements here [ -f $log_filename_full_path ] && . $log_filename_full_path \rm -f $log_filename_full_path exit 2 } function backup_directories(){ # TODO(Guodong Ding) continue here if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then return 1 fi backup_filename_origin="$1" operation_date_time="`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`" backup_filename_prefix=".backup_" backup_filename_suffix="_origin_$operation_date_time~" backup_filename_target="$backup_filename_prefix$backup_filename_origin$backup_filename_suffix" test -f $backup_filename_origin && cp -r $backup_filename_origin $backup_filename_target } function rollback_directories(){ # TODO(Guodong Ding) continue here return } # function backup_remote_host_config_files(){ # TODO(Guodong Ding) did not throw a exception when first deploy and test -z "$user_defined_project_conf_directory" echo_b "backup remote host config files..." # backup operation only executed once time, using ‘$0 backup_manual‘ backup new configuration files. # if ${WORKDIR}/backup is not empty then return 0 to exit if [ "$(ls -A ${WORKDIR}/backup)" ]; then [ -f ${WORKDIR}/backup/.backup_operation_once.log ] && backup_operation="`cat ${WORKDIR}/backup/.backup_operation_once.log`" echo_g "Backup remote host config files operation had been done, $backup_operation, now skipping ... " return 0 fi # TODO(Guodong Ding) if $user_defined_project_conf_directory is empty and remote host target directory is empty(first deploy), will cause exit with 1 ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip "test \"\$(ls -A $user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host 2>/dev/null)\"" if test $? -eq 0; then scp_remote_files_to_local_host ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host}/* ${WORKDIR}/backup # get config files [ "$(ls -A ${WORKDIR}/backup)" ] && find ${WORKDIR}/backup/. -type f ! -name . -a ! -name ‘*.xml*‘ -a ! -name ‘*.properties*‘ -a ! -name ‘*.version*‘ -exec rm -f -- ‘{}‘ \; # remove empty directory, ‘for + rmdir‘ find ${WORKDIR}/backup/. -empty -type d -delete # TODO(Guodong Ding) improvements here echo_g "backup remote host config files finished." echo "`date +%Y%m%d`" > ${WORKDIR}/backup/.backup_operation_once.log else echo_y "This maybe first time to deploy or variable ‘user_defined_project_conf_directory‘ is not defined! " fi } function rollback_remote_host_config_files(){ echo_b "rollback remote host config files..." #scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${WORKDIR}/backup ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${WORKDIR}/backup/*;do scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} # override all configuration files to current \cp -r ${file} ${WORKDIR}/current done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} # TODO(Guodong Ding) if save remote host config files, if there are no changes on config files # some ops # TODO(Guodong Ding) improvements here echo_g "rollback remote host config files finished." } function make_current_workable_source(){ # check a directories lock, Note: this is redundant if [[ ! -f ${WORKDIR}/.capistrano_ds_lock ]]; then setDirectoryStructureOnLocalHost fi clean_old_releases clean_old_logs # do dependencies checking if test ! -z $user_defined_skip_check_network_and_resolver; then echo_g "skipping checking network connectivity and name resolve." else check_network_connectivity check_name_resolve fi check_other_dependencies # do core job # TODO(Guodong Ding) if we need a git_project_clone "$user_defined_project_clone_depends" here using auto judgment statement test -z ${user_defined_project_clone_depends} || git_project_clone "$user_defined_project_clone_depends" git_project_clone "$user_defined_project_clone" test -z ${user_defined_project_clone_depends} || maven_build_project "$user_defined_project_clone_depends" maven_build_project "$user_defined_project_clone" cd ${WORKDIR} # links_target_directory_to_current # Make directory to release directory if test ! -d ${WORKDIR}/release -o ! -d ${WORKDIR}/share; then echo_r "capistrano directory structure is broken, make sure the file .capistrano_ds_lock is deleted before a new deploy! " # test -f ${WORKDIR}/.capistrano_ds_lock && \rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/.capistrano_ds_lock exit 1 fi new_release_just_created="$WORKDIR/release/$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" [ ! -d ${new_release_just_created} ] && mkdir ${new_release_just_created} [ -d ${WORKDIR}/repository/${project_clone_repository_name}/target/${project_clone_repository_name}/ ] && \cp -rf ${WORKDIR}/repository/${project_clone_repository_name}/target/${project_clone_repository_name}/* ${new_release_just_created} # Make source code symbolic link to current ( [ -f ${WORKDIR}/current ] || [ -d ${WORKDIR}/current ] ) && rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/current ln -s ${new_release_just_created} ${WORKDIR}/current # Move conf and logs directives from release to share if found [ -d ${WORKDIR}/release/conf ] && mv ${WORKDIR}/release/conf ${WORKDIR}/share/conf [ -d ${WORKDIR}/release/logs ] && mv ${WORKDIR}/release/logs ${WORKDIR}/share/logs # Make conf and logs symbolic link to current [ -d ${WORKDIR}/share/conf ] && ln -s ${WORKDIR}/share/conf ${WORKDIR}/current/conf [ -d ${WORKDIR}/share/logs ] && ln -s ${WORKDIR}/share/logs ${WORKDIR}/current/logs } # distribute current workable files to remote host function deploy() { # do make_current_workable_source before deploy every time make_current_workable_source echo_b "Do deploy on $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip ..." # backup remote host config files [ -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && backup_remote_host_config_files saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${WORKDIR}/current/*;do scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} # rollback remote host config files [ -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && rollback_remote_host_config_files if test ! -z "${user_defined_project_conf_directory}" -a -d ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ; then saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${user_defined_project_conf_directory}/*;do scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} # override all configuration files to current \cp -rf $file ${WORKDIR}/current done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} fi # backup remote host config files to local again for next using [ ! -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && backup_remote_host_config_files # Start service or validate status on remote host if [[ -e ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh ]]; then ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip "$user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host/bin/startup.sh start" RETVAL=$? else test -z ${user_defined_docker_container_name} || restart_docker_container $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip ${user_defined_docker_container_name} # TODO(Guodong Ding) external health check RETVAL=$? fi # if started ok, then create a workable program to a file if [[ ${RETVAL} -eq 0 ]]; then # Note cat with eof must start at row 0, and with eof end only, such as no blank spaces, etc cat >${WORKDIR}/share/workable_program.log <<eof ${new_release_just_created} eof echo_g "Deploy successfully for $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip! " echo_g "Current workable version is $(cat ${WORKDIR}/share/workable_program.log)" else echo_r "Error: Deploy failed! " ${WORKDIR}/`basename $0` rollback fi } # Rollback to last right configuration function rollback() { echo_b "Rollback to last right configuration... " # The key point is find last files which can work WORKABLE_PROGRAM=`cat ${WORKDIR}/share/workable_program.log` if [[ -z ${WORKABLE_PROGRAM} ]]; then echo_r "Error: Can NOT find workable release version! Please check if it is first deployment! " exit 1 fi # Stop service if we have if [[ -e ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh ]]; then ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} "$user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host/bin/startup.sh stop" fi # Remove failed deploy rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/current # Remake source code symbolic link to current ln -s ${WORKABLE_PROGRAM} ${WORKDIR}/current # Remake conf and logs symbolic link to current [ -d ${WORKDIR}/share/conf ] && ln -s ${WORKDIR}/share/conf ${WORKDIR}/current [ -d ${WORKDIR}/share/logs ] && ln -s ${WORKDIR}/share/logs ${WORKDIR}/current # backup remote host config files [ -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && backup_remote_host_config_files # scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${WORKDIR}/current/ ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${WORKDIR}/current/*;do scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} # rollback remote host config files [ -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && rollback_remote_host_config_files if test ! -z "${user_defined_project_conf_directory}" -a -d ${user_defined_project_conf_directory}; then saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${user_defined_project_conf_directory}/*;do scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} fi # Start service or validate status if [[ -e ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh ]]; then ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip "$user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host/bin/startup.sh restart" RETVAL=$? else test -z ${user_defined_docker_container_name} || restart_docker_container $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip ${user_defined_docker_container_name} # TODO(Guodong Ding) external health check RETVAL=$? fi # if started ok, then create a workable program to a file if [[ ${RETVAL} -eq 0 ]]; then echo_g "Rollback successfully! " echo_g "current workable version is $WORKABLE_PROGRAM" fi } # rollback to any workable version which user wished by manually function rollback_manual(){ echo_b "This function will rollback to any workable version which user wished by manually." # TODO(Guodong Ding) linux shell trap command several ctrl+c echo_p "Enter ‘reset‘ command to reset terminal when something go wrong." read -e -s -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue or Press ‘Ctrl+C‘ exit." if test -d $WORKDIR/release -a "$(ls -A $WORKDIR/release 2>/dev/null)" ;then # judge a directory if is empty echo_b "Current workable releases( Latest 5 ) are here: " # Alternative implementation: ls -u -1 -d $WORKDIR/release/* | tail -n6 | sed -n ‘1,4p‘ ls -u -1 -d $WORKDIR/release/* | tail -n6 | head -n4 read -p "Which release do you want rollback? Press Enter after input. " user_input_release_to_rollback if test -d $user_input_release_to_rollback; then rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/current ln -s ${user_input_release_to_rollback} ${WORKDIR}/current # Remake conf and logs symbolic link to current [ -d ${WORKDIR}/share/conf ] && ln -s ${WORKDIR}/share/conf ${WORKDIR}/current [ -d ${WORKDIR}/share/logs ] && ln -s ${WORKDIR}/share/logs ${WORKDIR}/current # backup remote host config files [ -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && backup_remote_host_config_files # # rollback remote host config files # [ -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && rollback_remote_host_config_files if test ! -z "${user_defined_project_conf_directory}" -a -d ${user_defined_project_conf_directory}; then saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${user_defined_project_conf_directory}/*;do \cp -rf $file ${WORKDIR}/current done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} fi saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${WORKDIR}/current/*;do # TODO(Guodong Ding) scp timeout scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} # Start service or validate status if [[ -e ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh ]]; then # ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh restart ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip "$user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host/bin/startup.sh restart" RETVAL=$? else test -z ${user_defined_docker_container_name} || restart_docker_container $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip ${user_defined_docker_container_name} # TODO(Guodong Ding) external health check RETVAL=$? fi # if started ok, then create a workable program to a file if [[ ${RETVAL} -eq 0 ]]; then echo_g "Rollback successfully! " echo_g "current workable version is $user_input_release_to_rollback" cat >${WORKDIR}/share/workable_program.log <<eof ${user_input_release_to_rollback} eof fi else echo_r "The release you want to rollback is not present, Please try again! " fi else echo_r "Error: Can NOT find workable release version! Please check if it is first deployment! " exit 1 fi } # backup remote hosts config files only, # use this function when you modify some config files on remote host function backup_manual(){ set -o errexit echo_b "backup remote host config files..." scp_remote_files_to_local_host ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} "${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host}/*" ${WORKDIR}/backup # get config files [ "$(ls -A ${WORKDIR}/backup)" ] && find ${WORKDIR}/backup/. -type f ! -name . -a ! -name ‘*.xml*‘ -a ! -name ‘*.properties*‘ -a ! -name ‘*.version*‘ -exec rm -f -- ‘{}‘ \; # remove empty directory, ‘for + rmdir‘ find ${WORKDIR}/backup/. -empty -type d -delete # TODO(Guodong Ding) improvements here echo_g "backup remote host config files finished." echo "`date +%Y%m%d`" > ${WORKDIR}/backup/.backup_operation_once.log set +o errexit } # distribute current workable files to remote hosts function deploys() { # do make_current_workable_source before deploy every time make_current_workable_source echo_b "Do deploy on $user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list ..." for remote_host_ip in $user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list;do echo_b "Do deploy on $remote_host_ip ..." saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${WORKDIR}/current/*;do scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${remote_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} # rollback remote host config files [ -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && rollback_remote_host_config_files if test ! -z "${user_defined_project_conf_directory}" -a -d ${user_defined_project_conf_directory}; then saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for file in ${user_defined_project_conf_directory}/*;do scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${remote_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} fi # Start service or validate status on remote host if [[ -e ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh ]]; then # ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh start ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host $remote_host_ip "$user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host/bin/startup.sh start" RETVAL=$? else test -z ${user_defined_docker_container_name} || restart_docker_container $remote_host_ip ${user_defined_docker_container_name} # TODO(Guodong Ding) external health check RETVAL=$? fi if [[ ${RETVAL} -eq 0 ]]; then echo_g "Deploy successfully on $remote_host_ip! " else echo_r "Error: Deploy failed! on $remote_host_ip! " echo_p "Try modify $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip and using standalone deployment mode" exit 1 fi done # if started ok, then create a workable program to a file if [[ ${RETVAL} -eq 0 ]]; then # Note cat with eof must start at row 0, and with eof end only, such as no blank spaces, etc cat >${WORKDIR}/share/workable_program.log <<eof ${new_release_just_created} eof echo_g "Deploy finished! on $user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list " echo_g "current workable version is $(cat ${WORKDIR}/share/workable_program.log)" # ls --color=auto -l ${WORKDIR}/current # ls --color=auto -l ${WORKDIR}/current/ else echo_r "Error: Deploy failed! " ${WORKDIR}/`basename $0` rollbacks fi } function rollbacks(){ echo_b "This function will rollback to any workable version which user wished by manually." # TODO(Guodong Ding) linux shell trap command several ctrl+c echo_p "Enter ‘reset‘ command to reset terminal when something go wrong." read -e -s -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue or Press ‘Ctrl+C‘ exit. Enter ‘reset‘ command to reset terminal when something go wrong." if test -d $WORKDIR/release -a "$(ls -A $WORKDIR/release 2>/dev/null)" ;then # judge a directory if is empty echo_b "Current workable releases( Latest 5 ) are here: " # ls -d -1 $WORKDIR/release/* ls -u -1 -d $WORKDIR/release/* | tail -n5 read -p "Which release do you want rollback? Press Enter after input. " user_input_release_to_rollback if test -d $user_input_release_to_rollback; then rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/current ln -s ${user_input_release_to_rollback} ${WORKDIR}/current # Remake conf and logs symbolic link to current [ -d ${WORKDIR}/share/conf ] && ln -s ${WORKDIR}/share/conf ${WORKDIR}/current [ -d ${WORKDIR}/share/logs ] && ln -s ${WORKDIR}/share/logs ${WORKDIR}/current # backup remote host config files [ -z ${user_defined_project_conf_directory} ] && backup_remote_host_config_files # scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${WORKDIR}/current/ ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} saved_IFS=$IFS IFS=‘ ‘ cd ${WORKDIR}/current for host_ip in $user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list;do for file in ${WORKDIR}/current/*;do scp_local_files_to_remote_host ${file} ${user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip} ${user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host} done done cd ${WORKDIR} IFS=${saved_IFS} # Start service or validate status if [[ -e ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh ]]; then # ${WORKDIR}/current/bin/startup.sh restart ssh_execute_command_on_remote_host $user_defined_deploy_target_host_ip "$user_defined_project_top_directory_to_target_host/bin/startup.sh restart" RETVAL=$? else test -z ${user_defined_docker_container_name} || restart_docker_container ${user_defined_docker_container_name} # TODO(Guodong Ding) external health check RETVAL=$? fi # if started ok, then create a workable program to a file if [[ ${RETVAL} -eq 0 ]]; then echo_g "Rollback successfully on $user_defined_deploy_targets_host_ip_list! " echo_g "Current workable version is $user_input_release_to_rollback" cat >${WORKDIR}/share/workable_program.log <<eof ${user_input_release_to_rollback} eof fi else echo_r "The release you want to rollback is not present, Please try again! " fi else echo_r "Error: Can NOT find workable release version! Please check if it is first deployment! " exit 1 fi } function destroy() { # echo a Warning message echo_y "Warning: This action will destroy all this project, and this is unrecoverable! " user_input_answer_want_do_destroy="n" echo_y "Do you want to destroy this project? " read -p "(Default no,if you want please input: y ,if not please press the enter button):" user_input_answer_want_do_destroy case "$user_input_answer_want_do_destroy" in y|Y|Yes|YES|yes|yES|yEs|YeS|yeS ) # delete all file expect for this script self # find: warning: Unix filenames usually don‘t contain slashes (though pathnames do). That means that ‘-name `./deploy.sh‘‘ will probably evaluate to false all the time on this system. You might find the ‘-wholename‘ test more useful, or perhaps ‘-samefile‘. Alternatively, if you are using GNU grep, you could use ‘find ... -print0 | grep -FzZ `./deploy.sh‘‘. # echo $WORKDIR/ #find -L $WORKDIR -type f ! -name "$(basename $0)" -exec ls --color=auto -al {} \; # find -L . -type f ! -name "deploy.sh" -exec ls --color=auto -al {} \; # find -L . -type d -exec ls --color=auto -al {} \; # find -L ./ -maxdepth 1 ! -name "deploy.sh" ! -wholename "./" # ls | grep -v "filename" | xargs rm -rf find -L ${WORKDIR} -maxdepth 1 ! -name "$(basename $0)" ! -wholename "$WORKDIR" -exec rm -rf ‘{}‘ \; if [ $? -eq 0 ];then test -f ${WORKDIR}/.capistrano_ds_lock && \rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/.capistrano_ds_lock echo_g "Destroy this project successfully! Now will exit with status 0. " exit 0 else echo_r "Error: something go wrong! Please check or alter to Admin user! " exit 1 fi ;; n|N|No|NO|no|nO) echo_g "destroy action is cancel" exit 0 ;; *) echo_r "Are you kidding me? You are a bad kid! " exit 1 ;; esac } function usage(){ cat - << eof "$WORKDIR/`basename $0` deploy new deploy/ update one remote target host "$WORKDIR/`basename $0` rollback_manual rollback to any workable version to one remote target host by manual "$WORKDIR/`basename $0` deploys new deploy/ update more then one remote target host "$WORKDIR/`basename $0` rollbacks rollback to any workable version to more than one remote target host by manual "$WORKDIR/`basename $0` backup_manual backup conf files to local by manual when you add/delete/update conf files on remote target host eof } function main(){ lock_filename="lock_$$_${RANDOM}" # lock_filename_full_path="/var/lock/subsys/$lock_filename" lock_filename_full_path="/var/lock/$lock_filename" if ( set -o noclobber; echo "$$" > "$lock_filename_full_path") 2> /dev/null;then trap ‘rm -f "$lock_filename_full_path"; exit $?‘ INT TERM EXIT [ ! -x ${WORKDIR}/`basename $0` ] && chmod +x ${WORKDIR}/`basename $0` [ -n "$header" ] && echo "$header" # if exist file ‘.capistrano_ds_lock‘, then this is not first deployment, and unset if test -f $WORKDIR/.capistrano_ds_lock; then unset user_defined_project_conf_directory user_defined_project_conf_directory="" fi if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then ${WORKDIR}/`basename $0` help exit 0 fi case $1 in deploy) deployment_mode="1" deploy ;; rollback) rollback ;; rollback_manual|rollbackup_manual) rollback_manual ;; backup_manual) backup_manual ;; deploys) deployment_mode="0" deploys; ;; rollbacks|rollbackups) rollbacks ;; destroy) destroy ;; help|*) echo "Usage: $0 {deploy|rollback_manual|deploys|backup_manual} with $0 itself" usage exit 1 ;; esac rm -f "$lock_filename_full_path" trap - INT TERM EXIT else echo "Failed to acquire lock: $lock_filename_full_path" echo "held by $(cat ${lock_filename_full_path})" fi } main $@ # debug option if $DEBUG ; then export PS4=$old_PS4 ${_XTRACE_FUNCTIONS} fi
本文出自 “通信,我的最爱” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://dgd2010.blog.51cto.com/1539422/1784390
自动化部署java maven项目到多个目标主机的Shell脚本