Javassist 通用工具之CodeInjector
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在使用Javassist过程中,最常用的方法有CtMethod(或者CtConstructor)的insertBefore,insertAfter,addCatch,另外还有一种是injectAround(这种是需要自己来完成的)。可以参考:Spring:Aop before after afterReturn afterThrowing around 的原理
在代码里引入了before,beforeAround,beforeAfter,beforeThrowing,beforeReturning的概念,是取材于Spring AOP配置中的叫法。
package org.fjn.frameworkex.javassist; import javassist.CtClass; import javassist.CtConstructor; import javassist.CtMethod; import javassist.CtNewMethod; /** * Code Inject Tool * * @author <a href="mailto:fs1194361820@163.com">fs1194361820@163.com</a> * */ public class CodeInjector { public static final String METHOD_RUTURN_VALUE_VAR = "__FJN__result"; public static final String METHOD_EXEC_EXCEPTION_VAR = "ex"; public static final String CONSTRUCTOR_DELEGATE_PREFIX = "__FJN__DOC__"; public static final String METHOD_DELEGATE_PREFIX = "__FJN__DOM__"; public static final String PROCEED = "$proceed"; public static final String CRLF = "\n"; public static final String CRLF_TAB = "\n\t"; public static final String CRLF_2TAB = "\n\t\t"; public static final String CRLF_3TAB = "\n\t\t\t"; public static final String CRLF_4TAB = "\n\t\t\t\t"; public static final String getDelegateMethodNameOfConstructor(String constructorName) { return CONSTRUCTOR_DELEGATE_PREFIX + constructorName; } public static final String getDelegateMethodNameOfMethod(String methodName) { return METHOD_DELEGATE_PREFIX + methodName; } /** * Inject around code to the specified method * * @see #injectInterceptor(CtClass, CtMethod, String, String, String, * String, String) */ public void injectAround(CtMethod method, String beforeAround, String afterAround, String afterThrowing, String afterReturning) throws Exception { CtClass clazz = method.getDeclaringClass(); injectAround(clazz, method, beforeAround, afterAround, afterThrowing, afterReturning); } /** * Inject around code to the specified method * * @see #injectInterceptor(CtClass, CtMethod, String, String, String, * String, String) */ public void injectAround(CtClass clazz, CtMethod method, String beforeAround, String afterAround, String afterThrowing, String afterReturning) throws Exception { injectInterceptor(clazz, method, null, beforeAround, afterAround, afterThrowing, afterReturning); } /** * Inject around code to the specified method * * <pre> * <code> * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">before block ... </span> * try{ * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">beforeAround block ... </span> * $procced($$); * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">afterAround block ... </span> * }catch (Throwable ex){ * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">afterThrowing block ... </span> * }finally{ * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">afterReturning block ... </span> * } * </code> * </pre> * */ public void injectInterceptor(CtClass clazz, CtMethod method, String before, String beforeAround, String afterAround, String afterThrowing, String afterReturning) throws Exception { clazz.defrost(); int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); CtClass returnType = method.getReturnType(); CtClass[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes(); CtClass[] exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes(); String methodName = method.getName(); String delegateMethod = getDelegateMethodNameOfMethod(methodName); method.setName(delegateMethod); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(256); boolean hasReturnValue = (CtClass.voidType == returnType); buffer.append("{" + CRLF_TAB); { if (hasReturnValue) { String returnClass = returnType.getName(); buffer.append(returnClass + " " + METHOD_RUTURN_VALUE_VAR + ";"); } if (before != null) { buffer.append(before); } buffer.append(CRLF_TAB); buffer.append("try {" + CRLF_2TAB); { if (beforeAround != null) { buffer.append(beforeAround); } buffer.append(CRLF_2TAB); if (hasReturnValue) { buffer.append(METHOD_RUTURN_VALUE_VAR + " = ($r)" + delegateMethod + "($$);"); } else { buffer.append(delegateMethod + "($$);"); } if (afterAround != null) { buffer.append(CRLF_2TAB); buffer.append(afterAround); } if (hasReturnValue) { buffer.append(CRLF_2TAB); buffer.append("return " + METHOD_RUTURN_VALUE_VAR); } } buffer.append(CRLF_TAB); buffer.append("} catch (Throwable ex) {"); { buffer.append(CRLF_2TAB); if (afterThrowing != null) { buffer.append(afterThrowing); } buffer.append(CRLF_2TAB); buffer.append("throw ex;"); } buffer.append(CRLF_TAB); buffer.append("}"); if (afterReturning != null) { buffer.append(CRLF_TAB); buffer.append("finally {"); { buffer.append(CRLF_2TAB); buffer.append(afterReturning); } buffer.append(CRLF_TAB); buffer.append("}"); } } buffer.append(CRLF); buffer.append("}"); System.out.println(methodName + " will be modified as :\n" + buffer.toString()); CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.make(modifiers, returnType, methodName, parameters, exceptions, buffer.toString(), clazz); clazz.addMethod(newMethod); } /** * Inject around code to the specified constructor * * @see #injectAround(CtClass, CtConstructor, String, String, String, * String) */ public void injectAround(CtConstructor constructor, String beforeAround, String afterAround, String afterThrowing, String afterReturning) throws Exception { CtClass clazz = constructor.getDeclaringClass(); injectAround(clazz, constructor, beforeAround, afterAround, afterThrowing, afterReturning); } /** * Inject around code to the specified constructor * * <pre> * <code> * try{ * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">beforeAround block ... </span> * $procced($$); * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">afterAround block ... </span> * }catch (Throwable ex){ * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">afterThrowing block ... </span> * }finally{ * <span style="font-size:12px; color:green;">afterReturning block ... </span> * } * </code> * </pre> * */ public void injectAround(CtClass clazz, CtConstructor constructor, String beforeAround, String afterAround, String afterThrowing, String afterReturning) throws Exception { clazz.defrost(); String delegateMethodName = getDelegateMethodNameOfConstructor(constructor.getName()); CtMethod delegateMethod = constructor.toMethod(delegateMethodName, clazz); clazz.addMethod(delegateMethod); injectAround(clazz, delegateMethod, beforeAround, afterAround, afterThrowing, afterReturning); constructor.setBody("{" + PROCEED + "($$);", "this", delegateMethodName); } /** * Copy form the src method‘s body to a overrid method‘s body in target * class. * * @param targetClass * overrid the method in the target class * @param srcMethod * the overrid from will copy from the src method. If the target * class has not owner overrid method , you should specified the * srcMethod in the super class. * @param body * the body of the override method * @param delegateObject * the delegate object default value is "this". * @param delegateMethod * @throws Exception */ public void overrideMethod(CtClass targetClass, CtMethod srcMethod, String body, String delegateObject, String delegateMethod) throws Exception { targetClass.defrost(); System.out.println(body); if (delegateObject == null) { delegateObject = "this"; } // override method in a super class of the target class if (srcMethod.getDeclaringClass() != targetClass) { CtMethod destMethod = CtNewMethod.copy(srcMethod, targetClass, null); if (body != null && !body.isEmpty()) { if (delegateMethod != null && !delegateMethod.isEmpty()) { destMethod.setBody(body, delegateObject, delegateMethod); } else { destMethod.setBody(body); } } targetClass.addMethod(destMethod); } // override method in the target class else { if (delegateMethod != null && !delegateMethod.isEmpty()) { srcMethod.setBody(body, delegateObject, delegateMethod); } else { srcMethod.setBody(body); } } } }
injectInterceptor()的 实现原理:将原来的方法改名为一个delegateMethod,重新创建一个target method,方法体是织入代码,并调用delegateMethod。