--数据库的创建一定要在master数据库当中 use master go --判断在数据库中是否含有该数据库 --如果有,则删除 if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name=‘stuDB‘) drop database stuDB go --创建数据库 create database stuDB on ( name=‘stuDB_mdb‘,--逻辑名称 filename=‘e:\DB\stuDB_mdb.mdf‘,--文件物理路径 --size=5,--初始大小,可以不写,默认为1MB maxsize=10,--增长最大限制,不写为无限 filegrowth=1--增长率,可以是数据,可以是百分比 ), ( name=‘stuDB_ndb‘, filename=‘e:\DB\stuDB_ndb.ndf‘ ) log on ( name=‘stuDB_ldb‘, filename=‘e:\DB\stuDB_ldb.ldf‘, size=5, maxsize=10, filegrowth=1 ) go /* --添加数据文件 --alter database stuDB add file --( -- name=‘stuDB_ndb2‘, -- filename=‘e:\db\stuDB_ndb2.ndf‘ --) go --修改数据库名称 --alter database stuDB_T modify name=stuDB go --删除数据库文件 --alter database stuDB remove file stuDB_ndb2 --go ----修改数据文件的参数 --alter database stuDB modify file --( -- name=‘stuDB_ndb‘, -- --size=5,--初始大小,可以不写,默认为3MB -- maxsize=10,--增长最大限制,不写为无限 -- filegrowth=50%--增长率,可以是数据,可以是百分比 --)*/ go /* --exec sp_detach_db ‘stuDB‘--分离数据库 go --附加数据库 --exec sp_attach_db ‘stuDB‘,‘e:\DB2\stuDB_mdb.mdf‘ -- ,‘e:\DB2\stuDB_ndb.ndf‘ -- ,‘e:\DB2\stuDB_ldb.ldf‘ */ go --对数据库里面的数据进行操作 use stuDB go if exists(select * from sysobjects where name=‘stuInfo‘) drop table stuInfo go create table stuInfo ( stuNo int identity(1,1) primary key,--学号 stuName varchar(10) not null,--姓名 stuAge int not null,--年龄 stuSex varchar(2) not null,--性别 stuId char(18) not null,--身份证号码 stuTel char(11),--电话号码 stuAddress varchar(50) default(‘地址不详‘),--家庭地址 stuGroup int --学习小组组长id ) go --成绩表 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name=‘stuMarks‘) drop table stuMarks go create table stuMarks ( Mid int identity(1,1) primary key, stuNo int foreign key references stuInfo(stuNo), LabExam int, WritterExam int ) go --添加约束 --主键约束 --alter table stuInfo -- add constraint PK_stuNo primary key(stuNo) --唯一约束 --alter table stuInfo -- add constraint UQ_stuId unique(stuId) --检查约束 --alter table stuInfo -- add constraint CK_stuAge check(stuAge>=15 and stuAge<=30) --默认约束 alter table stuInfo add constraint DF_stuSex default(‘男‘)for stuSex --外键约束 --alter table stuMarks -- add constraint FK_stuNo foreign key(stuNo) references stuInfo(stuNo) go --删除约束 --alter table stuInfo -- drop constraint DF__stuInfo__stuAddr__0519C6AF go --select * from stuInfo insert into stuInfo (stuName,stuAge,stuSex,stuId,stuTel,stuAddress,stuGroup) values(‘罗*‘,18,‘男‘,‘430981111111111111‘,‘15999999999‘,‘广东湛江‘,1) insert into stuInfo values(‘赖*‘,19,‘男‘,‘430981111111111112‘,‘15999999998‘,‘江西赣州‘,1) --批量插入,可以查询表格中的数据 insert into stuInfo select ‘向*‘,17,‘男‘,‘430981111111111113‘,‘15999999997‘,‘四川成都‘,1 insert into stuInfo select ‘陈*‘,21,‘女‘,‘430981111111111114‘,‘15999999995‘,‘湖南常德‘,4 insert into stuInfo select ‘虞*‘,18,‘男‘,‘430981111111111115‘,‘15999999996‘,‘江西上饶‘,4 insert into stuInfo select ‘蓝*‘,19,‘男‘,‘430981111111111116‘,‘15999999998‘,‘广东阳江‘,4 insert into stuInfo select ‘向*‘,17,‘男‘,‘430981111111111117‘,‘15999999997‘,‘四川成都‘,1 go insert into stuMarks values(1,80,68) insert into stuMarks values(2,50,90) insert into stuMarks values(3,70,40) insert into stuMarks values(4,80,80) insert into stuMarks values(5,70,80) go --查询并将数据插入一个新表,该表结构与原表一样, --请注意,是重新创建一个新表 select * into stuInfoBack from stuInfo go select * from stuinfoBack go insert into stuinfoBack select stuName,stuAge,stuSex,stuId,stuTel,stuAddress,stuGroup from stuInfo go --修改数据 --upate update stuInfo set stuSex=‘男‘,stuAge=15 where stuNo=1 go --查询 select * from stuInfo --查询前3条记录 select top 5 * from stuInfo --查询百分比的记录 select top 5 percent * from stuInfo -- select stuName+‘_‘+stuSex+‘_‘+stuAddress as new from stuInfo -- select* from stuInfo order by stuAge,stuId desc --分组统计 select stuGroup, COUNT(1) num from stuInfo group by stuGroup having COUNT(1)>=3--having用作分组统计后的数据筛选 -- go --联合查询 select * from stuInfo select * from stuMarks go --最基本的联合查询 select I.stuName,stuSex,LabExam,WritterExam from stuInfo I,stuMarks M where I.stuNo=M.stuNo and M.LabExam>=60 and M.WritterExam>=60 go --查询所有参加了考试的同学的信息 select I.stuName,stuSex,LabExam,WritterExam from stuInfo I inner join stuMarks M on I.stuNo=M.stuNo where M.LabExam>=60 and M.WritterExam>=60 go --查询所有同学的信息,并且加上该同学的考试成绩 select I.stuName,stuSex,LabExam,WritterExam from stuMarks M right join stuInfo I on I.stuNo=M.stuNo --全外连接 select I.stuName,stuSex,LabExam,WritterExam from stuMarks M full outer join stuInfo I on I.stuNo=M.stuNo --交叉连接 --数据行为两 表行数的乘积 select I.stuName,stuSex,LabExam,WritterExam from stuMarks M cross join stuInfo I --自连接 --查询学生的信息,以及该学生所在学习小组的组长名字 select I1.stuName,I1.stuSex,I2.stuName,I2.stuSex from stuInfo I1,stuInfo I2 where I1.stuGroup=I2.stuNo go --联合查询,两表的字段类型必须一致 select * from stuInfo union all select * from stuInfoBack go select * --,(select LabExam from stuMarks M where M.stuNo=I.stuNo) lab from stuInfo I where stuNo not in ( select stuNo from stuMarks where LabExam>=60 and WritterExam>=60 ) go select * --,(select LabExam from stuMarks M where M.stuNo=I.stuNo) lab from stuInfo I where exists ( select * from stuMarks M where M.stuNo=I.stuNo ) go --any,some,all --select * from stuInfo where stuAge>any(15,18,19) go --第五章 T-SQL编程 --声明局部变量 declare @name varchar(10) declare @age int --set赋值用于普通的变量赋值 set @name=‘华*‘ set @age=20*2 --select用于查询表中的数据 select @name=‘麦*‘ select @name=stuName from stuInfo --where stuNo=1 print @name go --查找相关岁数的同学的信息 declare @name varchar(10) declare @age int set @name=‘虞*‘ select @age=stuAge from stuInfo where stuName=@name print @age select * from stuInfo where stuAge=@age+1 or stuAge=@age-1 go --全局变量(系统变量@@) --@@ERROR select @@ERROR --错误产生后的值 print ‘aa‘+@age --@@identity select @@identity go --IF...ElSE... declare @age int select @age=stuAge from stuInfo where stuName=‘虞*‘ if (@age>20) --begin print ‘你成熟了‘ --end else begin print ‘屁大点‘ end go --if..else..的用法 declare @avg int select @avg=avg(WritterExam) from stuMarks if(@avg>70) begin print ‘全校成绩优秀‘ select top 3* from stuMarks order by WritterExam desc end else begin print ‘全校成绩较差‘ select top 3* from stuMarks order by WritterExam asc end go --while declare @len int set @len=1 while(@len<=10) begin print @len set @len=@len+1 if(@len=5) break end go --while实例 declare @count int while (1=1) begin select @count=COUNT(1) from stuMarks where WritterExam<60 if(@count>0) update stuMarks set WritterExam=WritterExam+2-- where WritterExam<60 else break end select * from stuMarks /* select * from stuInfo I left join stuMarks M on I.stuNo=M.stuNo*/ go /*case...when...then...else*/ --第一种用法,用于判断范围内的不确定值 select stuNo,LabExam, case when LabExam<60 then ‘不及格‘ when LabExam<70 then ‘及格‘ when LabExam<80 then ‘一般‘ when LabExam<90 then ‘良好‘ else ‘优秀‘ end Level from stuMarks --用于判断固定值 select stuNo,LabExam, case LabExam when 50 then ‘不及格‘ when 70 then ‘及格‘ when 80 then ‘一般‘ when 90 then ‘良好‘ else ‘优秀‘ end Level from stuMarks -- update stuMarks set WritterExam=WritterExam+ case when WritterExam<100 then 2 else 0 end go --waitfor delay time waitfor time ‘10:17:20‘ select * from stuInfo go --raiserror 错误显示 raiserror(‘错了%d‘,18,1,50) with log --添加错误信息到系统表中 sp_addmessage 50001,18,‘错了‘,‘us_english‘ --如何调用已有的错误信息 raiserror(50001,19,1) with log go select ABS(20),--绝对值 ascii(‘A‘),--求ASCII码 RAND(),--0-1的随机数,一旦放入整型参数,则随机值只初始化一次,所有的值相等 PI(), ROUND(50.688,1) --字符函数 select stuName,LEN(stuName),--求得字符串的长度,以字符数计量 DATALENGTH(stuName),--求得字符串字节的长度,以字节为计量 LEFT(stuName,2),--取得左边开始的2个字符 RIGHT(stuName,3),--取得右边开始的3个字符 SUBSTRING(stuName,1,2),--截取字符串,从第1个字符开始,取2个字符, --如果第一个参数为0,代表第1个字符行为表现前数一位 REPLICATE(stuName,2),--复制字符串,第二个参数为复制的个数 REPLACE(stuName,‘向‘,‘刘‘),--替换字符串,第二个参数为被替换的字符,第三个是替换以后的字符 CHAR(65),CHARINDEX(‘罗‘,stuName,1),--第一个参数是要找的字,第二个被查找的字符串值 PATINDEX(‘罗%‘,stuName)--可以用通配符 from stuInfo go --日期函数 select GETDATE(),DATEPART(WEEKDAY,GETDATE()), DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE())--日期的运算 go --格式转换 select CONVERT(varchar(20), GETDATE(),101) go --系统函数 select USER,USER_ID(‘dbo‘),DB_ID(‘stuDB‘),OBJECT_ID(‘stuInfo‘) --if OBJECT_ID(‘stuInfo‘)<>null --drop table stuInfo go use master go select * from sysdatabases go --自定义函数 --标量 alter function fn_Test ( @one int,@two int ) returns int as begin return @one+@two end go alter function fn_Level( @LabExam int,--参数1,@名字,数据类型 @WritterExam int ) returns varchar(10)--返回值的数据类型 as begin declare @avg int declare @level varchar(10) set @avg=(@LabExam+@WritterExam)/2 select @level= case when @avg<60 then ‘不及格‘ when @avg<70 then ‘及格‘ when @avg<80 then ‘一般‘ when @avg<90 then ‘良好‘ else ‘优秀‘ end return @level --最后必须要返回一个值 end go select * from stuMarks --函数的使用可以结合数据的查询,并能将表格中的字段当成参数传递 select dbo.fn_Test(LabExam,WritterExam), dbo.fn_Level(LabExam,WritterExam) level from stuMarks m go --表值函数 create function fn_Table (@age int) returns table as return select * from stuInfo where stuAge>@age go --表值函数的使用,作为一个数据源 select * from dbo.fn_Table(18) go --多语句表值函数的定义 create function fn_Table_2 ( @age int,@sex varchar(2) ) --首先字义一个变量,数据类型为table --在table中字义该临时表的数据字段 returns @table table(stuNo int,stuName varchar(10),stuAddress varchar(50)) as begin --将数据从表中取出插入到临时表中,数据字段的数据类型必须与临时表一致 insert into @table select stuNo,stuName,stuAddress from stuInfo where stuAge>@age and stuSex=@sex return --最后返回,不需要写其它值 end go --使用的方法与内嵌表值函数的调用一致 select * from dbo.fn_Table_2(18,‘女‘) go --第六章 视图、索引和事务 go --索引 create unique index index_stuId on stuInfo(stuId) go --重新生成索引 alter index index_stuAge on stuInfo rebuild go go --删除索引,必须表名.索引 drop index stuInfo.index_stuId drop index index_stuAge on stuInfo go --视图 select * from stuInfo go select * from view_Temp where stuAge>18 go alter view view_Temp2 --with encryption --加密当前的视图创建语句 --with schemabinding --提示,如果你修改表中字段的结构,将会提出警告 as SELECT dbo.stuInfo.stuNo AS 学号, stuName, stuAge, stuSex, LabExam, WritterExam FROM dbo.stuInfo INNER JOIN dbo.stuMarks ON dbo.stuInfo.stuNo = dbo.stuMarks.stuNo go select * from view_Temp2 go alter view view_Temp3 as select stuNo,stuName from stuInfo go select* from view_Temp3 go --原则上是可以在视图上进行数据的增删改 --条件:不能引起基础表的错误 update view_Temp3 set stuName=‘罗*‘ where stuNo=1 go --能否在视图的基础上再创建视图呢? create view view_Temp4 as select * from view_Temp3 go select * from view_Temp4 go--with check option create view view_Temp5 as select * from stuInfo where stuName like ‘赖%‘ with check option --表示不能在视图上修改我的条件 go update view_Temp5 set stuName=‘赖海不清‘ go --删除视图 drop view view_Temp5 go-- --查看视图的信息 exec sp_help view_Temp4 exec sp_helptext view_Temp4 go /***************事务****************/ CREATE TABLE bank ( customerName CHAR(10), --顾客姓名 currentMoney MONEY --当前余额 ) GO ALTER TABLE bank ADD CONSTRAINT CK_currentMoney CHECK(currentMoney>=1) GO INSERT INTO bank(customerName,currentMoney) VALUES(‘张三‘,1000) INSERT INTO bank(customerName,currentMoney) VALUES(‘李四‘,1) go select * from bank go /*--转账测试:张三转账1000元给李四--*/ --我们可能会这样这样编写语句 --张三的账户少1000元,李四的账户多1000元 UPDATE bank SET currentMoney=currentMoney-1000 WHERE customerName=‘张三‘ UPDATE bank SET currentMoney=currentMoney+1000 WHERE customerName=‘李四‘ GO --再次查看转账后的结果。 SELECT * FROM bank go --开始创建事务 begin tran-- transaction --tran declare @error int --用于记录错误,请记住,是累积 UPDATE bank SET currentMoney=currentMoney-1000 WHERE customerName=‘张三‘ set @error=@error+@@ERROR UPDATE bank SET currentMoney=currentMoney+1000 WHERE customerName=‘李四‘ set @error=@error+@@ERROR --累积 if (@error>0)--一旦出现错误,则变量大于0 begin --抛出错误,并且回滚数据 raiserror(‘对不起,转帐出现错误,请联系柜台!‘,6,1) rollback-- transaction end else begin print ‘转帐成功,请查询帐户余额!‘ --成功则提交 commit end go --关闭或找开自动提交 --记住,每条sql语句都是一个隐性事务,会自动提交 set implicit_transactions on-- off -- --on是不自动提交,需要手动写commit --off是自动提交事务 go /****************触发器*****************/ create table bank ( cardId char(9) primary key, customerName CHAR(10), --顾客姓名 currentMoney MONEY default(1) check(currentMoney>0) --当前余额 ) go create table transInfo ( cardId char(9) references bank(cardId) , transType varchar(10) not null, transMoney MONEY not null ) go INSERT INTO bank(cardId,customerName,currentMoney) VALUES(‘1001 0001‘,‘张三‘,1000) INSERT INTO bank(cardId,customerName,currentMoney) VALUES(‘1001 0002‘,‘李四‘,1) go alter trigger trig_Trans on transInfo for insert as declare @money money declare @cardId char(9) select @cardId=cardId,@money=case transType when ‘支出‘ then -transMoney else transMoney end from inserted update bank set currentMoney=currentMoney+@money where cardId=@cardId if(@@error>0) begin raiserror(‘交易失败‘,5,1 rollback end else begin print(‘交易成功‘) --commit end go create trigger trig_Bank on bank for update as declare @newMoney money declare @oldMoney money declare @money money declare @cardId char(9) select @cardId=cardId,@newMoney=currentMoney from inserted select @oldMoney=currentMoney from deleted set @money= abs(@newMoney-@oldMoney) if(@money>20000) begin raiserror(‘每笔交易金额不能超过20000元,交易失败‘,6,1) print(‘交易金额:‘+convert(varchar(20),@money)) rollback end else begin print(‘交易成功!交易金额:‘+convert(varchar(20),@money)) print(‘帐号:‘+convert(varchar(20),@cardId)+‘帐户余额:‘+convert(varchar(20),@newMoney)) end go /************第七章 存储过程和触发器************/ --系统存储过程 exec sp_databases --列出所有的数据库 execute sp_renamedb ‘stuNewDB‘,‘stuDB‘ EXEC xp_cmdshell ‘mkdir d:\bank‘, NO_OUTPUT go --用户自定义存储过程 --函数 create function fn_temp ( @name varchar(10) ) returns int as begin return 10 end go create procedure proc_Temp @name varchar(10) as select * from stuInfo go select dbo.fn_temp(‘a‘) exec proc_Temp ‘A‘ go --例题 alter proc proc_Level @num int output, @good int, @score int=60 --参数可以设置为默认值 as declare @labExam float declare @writterExam float select @labExam=AVG(LabExam) ,@writterExam=AVG(WritterExam) from stuMarks print(‘机试平均分是‘+convert(varchar(10),@labExam)) print(‘笔试平均分是‘+convert(varchar(10),@writterExam)) if(@labExam>=@good and @writterExam>=@good) print(‘全班成绩优秀‘) else print(‘继续努力‘) print(‘------------‘) print(‘参加了考试,但是不及格的同学有‘) select * from stuInfo I inner join stuMarks M on I.stuNo=M.stuNo where labExam<@score or writterExam<@score --统计未及格的人数 select @num=COUNT(*) from stuMarks where labExam<@score or writterExam<@score go --存储过程的调用 exec proc_level 70,80 exec proc_Level @good=70,@score=80 exec proc_Level @good=80 --有默认值的,可以不带该参数 go --调用output参数 declare @num int exec proc_Level @num output,70,80 print ‘未及格人数:‘+Convert(varchar(10),@num) go --触发器 go create trigger trigger_Trans on transInfo for insert as declare @money money declare @type varchar(10) declare @card varchar(10) select @card=cardId,@type=transType,@money=transMoney from inserted if(@type=‘支取‘) begin update bank set currentMoney=currentMoney-@money where cardId=@card end else begin update bank set currentMoney=currentMoney+@money where cardId=@card end go alter trigger trigger_Trans on transInfo for insert as declare @money money declare @type varchar(10) declare @card varchar(10) select @card=cardId,@type=transType, @money=case transType when ‘支取‘ then -transMoney else transMoney end from inserted update bank set currentMoney=currentMoney+@money where cardId=@card go alter trigger trigger_Bank on bank for update as begin declare @newMoney money declare @oldMoney money declare @money money --新数据放在inserted表中 select @newMoney=currentMoney from inserted --旧数据放在deleted表中 select @oldMoney=currentMoney from deleted set @money=abs(@newMoney-@oldMoney) if(@money>20000) begin raiserror(‘每日单笔交易额度不能超过2万!‘,6,1) print(‘交易金额为:‘+convert(varchar(10),@money)) rollback end else begin print(‘交易成功!交易金额为:‘+convert(varchar(10),@money)) print(‘帐户余额:‘+convert(varchar(10),@newMoney)) end end go --删除帐户,判断,如果该帐户已有交易,则不能删除 alter trigger trigger_Delete on bank for delete as begin declare @cardId varchar(10) declare @count int select @cardId=cardId from deleted --删除的记录在deleted表中 select @count =count(1) from transInfo where cardId=@cardId if(@count>0) begin raiserror(‘不能注销该帐户,因为已经有交易行为产生!‘,6,1) rollback end else print(‘已经注销该帐户,帐户名:‘+@cardId) end go insert into transInfo values(‘1001 0001‘,‘支取‘,200) insert into transInfo values(‘1001 0002‘,‘存入‘,20000) insert into transInfo values(‘1001 0002‘,‘支取‘,20001) go delete bank where cardId=‘1001 0003‘ select * from bank select * from transInfo 6+8=14 6-8=-2 6+-8=-2 INSERT INTO bank(cardId,customerName,currentMoney) VALUES(‘1001 0003‘,‘王五‘,1000)