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Linux Gvim shell case...esac语句

时间:2016-06-09 11:01:38      阅读:153      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


#case ..esac语句:与switch ..case类似,是一种多分支选择结构
#case 值 in
#    command1
#    ;;
#    command1
#    ;;
#    command1
#    ;;

 1 echo Input a number between 1 to 4
 2 echo -e Your number is:\c
 3 read aNum
 4 case $aNum in
 5         1)  echo You select 1
 6         ;;
 7         2)  echo You select 2
 8         ;;
 9         3)  echo You select 3
10         ;;
11         4)  echo You select 4
12         ;;
13         *)  echo You do not select a number between 1 to 4
14         ;;
15 esac

#测试输入xxx.sh -f index.html or xxx.sh -d unix 此时进入×)输出

 1 option="${1}"
 2 case ${option} in
 3    -f) FILE="${2}"
 4       echo "File name is $FILE"
 5       ;;
 6    -d) DIR="${2}"
 7       echo "Dir name is $DIR"
 8       ;;
 9    *) 
10       echo "`basename ${0}`:usage: [-f file] | [-d directory]"        #如果都不是,则执行xxx.sh#
11       exit 1 # Command to come out of the program with status 1
12       ;;
13 esac


Linux Gvim shell case...esac语句



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