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这个接口的唯一实现类就是NetworkClient,它被用于实现Kafka的consumer和producer. 这个接口实际上抽象出来了Kafka client与网络交互的方式。

为了对它的API有清楚的认识,先要了解下Kafka protocol所要求的client和broker对于网络请求的处理规则。


The server guarantees that on a single TCP connection, requests will be processed in the order they are sent and responses will return in that order as well. The broker‘s request processing allows only a single in-flight request per connection in order to guarantee this ordering. Note that clients can (and ideally should) use non-blocking IO to implement request pipelining and achieve higher throughput. i.e., clients can send requests even while awaiting responses for preceding requests since the outstanding requests will be buffered in the underlying OS socket buffer. All requests are initiated by the client, and result in a corresponding response message from the server except where noted.




  • Messages sent by a producer to a particular topic partition will be appended in the order they are sent. That is, if a message M1 is sent by the same producer as a message M2, and M1 is sent first, then M1 will have a lower offset than M2 and appear earlier in the log.
  • A consumer instance sees messages in the order they are stored in the log.

为了实现这种顺序性保证,最简单可靠的行为就是"The broker‘s request processing allows only a single in-flight request per connection in order to guarantee this ordering. ", 也就是说对于一个TCP连接,broker的请求处理链条中只会有一个正在处理的(in-flight)消息.


首先,如果缓存请求的话,可能会占用大量内存.其次,如果缓存请求的话,在请求处理出错时,会使得Kafka client难以控制消息的顺序,因为本质上,这种缓存使得client的请求是异步处理的.而如果不进行缓存,那么broker的行为对于client而言更容易理解.

所以,broker是不会在本地缓存请求的.当它从某个连接读取一个请求之后,就会停止从这个连接继续读取请求.也就是说对于每个TCP连接,broker的处理流程是:接收一个请求 -> 处理请求 -> 发送响应 -> 接收下一个请求 -> ...

具体的做法,可以在kafka.network.Processor(也就是reactive模型里的subRactor) 找到,在其run方法中,对于已经完整读取的request和发送完毕的response, 有以下的处理

        selector.completedReceives.asScala.foreach { receive =>
          try {
            val channel = selector.channel(receive.source)
            val session = RequestChannel.Session(new KafkaPrincipal(KafkaPrincipal.USER_TYPE, channel.principal.getName),
            val req = RequestChannel.Request(processor = id, connectionId = receive.source, session = session, buffer = receive.payload, startTimeMs = time.milliseconds, securityProtocol = protocol)
            requestChannel.sendRequest(req) //把请求送入requestChannel,以后request handler会从中取出request来处理
            selector.mute(receive.source) //停止从这个request的来源(并不只用host来区分)读取消息
          } catch {
            case e @ (_: InvalidRequestException | _: SchemaException) =>
              // note that even though we got an exception, we can assume that receive.source is valid. Issues with constructing a valid receive object were handled earlier
              error("Closing socket for " + receive.source + " because of error", e)
              close(selector, receive.source)
        selector.completedSends.asScala.foreach { send =>
          val resp = inflightResponses.remove(send.destination).getOrElse {
            throw new IllegalStateException(s"Send for ${send.destination} completed, but not in `inflightResponses`")
          selector.unmute(send.destination) //将已发送完毕的response的源设为可读的



另一方面,对于client,如果它接收到上一个请求的响应之后,才开始生成新的请求,然后再发送新请求,那么在等待响应的过程中,client就处理等待状态,这样挺没效率.因此,"clients can send requests even while awaiting responses for preceding requests since the outstanding requests will be buffered in the underlying OS socket buffer",也就是说client可以在等待响应的过程中继续发送请求,因为即使broker不去通过网络读这些请求,这些请求也会被缓存在OS的socket buffer中,因此,当broker处理完之前的请求,就可以立即读出来新的请求.不过,如果client这么做的话,会使得它的行为更复杂(因为涉及到出错时的顺序性).

对于consumer,在接收到响应之前难以确定下一次fetch开始的offset,因此在收到前一个fetch respones之后才发送下一次fetch request是比较稳妥的做法.不过如果可以比较准确判断fetch响应包含消息的数目,比而提前发出fetch request,的确有可能会提交consumer的性能.

而且,"收到fetch respone"和"用户处理完fetch到的消息"这两个时间点还是有所不同的,在收到fetch response之后,把抓取到的消息交给用户处理之前,发出下一个fetch request,这样可以提高consumer抓取的效率.新的consumer-KafkaConsumer的确是这么做的.这是KafkaConsumer的poll方法里的一段代码(用户通过执行这个poll方法来获取消息)

 do {
                Map<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>>> records = pollOnce(remaining);
                if (!records.isEmpty()) {
                    // before returning the fetched records, we can send off the next round of fetches
                    // and avoid block waiting for their responses to enable pipelining while the user
                    // is handling the fetched records.
                    // NOTE that we use quickPoll() in this case which disables wakeups and delayed
                    // task execution since the consumed positions has already been updated and we
                    // must return these records to users to process before being interrupted or
                    // auto-committing offsets
                    return this.interceptors == null
                        ? new ConsumerRecords<>(records) : this.interceptors.onConsume(new ConsumerRecords<>(records));

                long elapsed = time.milliseconds() - start;
                remaining = timeout - elapsed;
            } while (remaining > 0);


首先,如果pollOnce得到的records不为空,就要把这些records返回给用户,所以在此之前要先发送一批fetch rquest(利用Fetcher#sendFetches).如果为空的话,在do-while循环里的pollOnce会发送新的fetch request. 

其次,由于Fetcher的sendFetches并不会执行网络IO操作,而只是生成并且缓存fetch request,所以还需要利用ConsumerNetworkClient的quickPoll方法来执行一次IO操作把这些fetch request发出去.但是由于此时用户还没有得到这次pollOnce返回的records, 因此不能进行auto-commit操作,否则就会把还没返回给用户的records给commit了,并且也不能使得处理的过程被别的线程中断,因为这样用户也拿不到这些records了.所以,这里调用quickPoll,quickPoll会禁止wakeUp,并且不执行DelayedTasks(因为AutoCommitTask就是通过DelayedTask机制执行的).





public boolean isReady(Node node, long now) 查看某个结点是否准备好发送新请求了。由于是给client用的,因此这里的“node"就是broker


public boolean ready(Node node, long now)是到指定node的连接已经被创建好并且可以发送请求。如果连接没有创建,就创建到这个node的连接。


public long connectionDelay(Node, long now) 基于连接状态,返回需要等待的时间。连接的状态有三种:disconnected, connecting, connected.  如果是disconnected状态,就返回reconnect的backoff time。当connecting或者connected,就返回Long.MAX_VALUE,因为此时需要等待别的事件发生(比如连接成功,或者收到响应)


public long connectionFailed(Node node)  查看到这个node的连接是否失败。


public void send(ClientRequest request, long now) 把这个request放入发送队列。如果request是要发给还没有连接好的node的,那么就会抛出IllegalStateException异常, 这是一个运行时异常。


public List<ClientResponse> poll(long timeout, long now) 对于socket进行读写操作。


public void close(String nodeId) 关闭到指定node的连接


public Node leastLoadedNode(long now) 选择有最少的未发送请求的node,要求这些node至少是可以连接的。这个方法会优先选择有可用的连接的节点,但是如果所有的已连接的节点都在使用,它就会选择还没有建立连接的节点。这个方法绝对不会选择忆经断开连接的节点或者正在reconnect backoff阶段的连接。


public int inFlightRequestCount() 所有已发送但还没收到响应的请求的总数

public int inFlightRequestCount(String nodeId) 对于某个特定node的in-flight request总数


public RequestHandler nextRequestHanlder(ApiKeys key) 为某种请求构造它的请求头。按照Kafka Protoocl, request包括以下部分:

RequestMessage => ApiKey ApiVersion CorrelationId ClientId RequestMessage
  ApiKey => int16
  ApiVersion => int16
  CorrelationId => int32
  ClientId => string
  RequestMessage => MetadataRequest | ProduceRequest | FetchRequest | OffsetRequest | OffsetCommitRequest | OffsetFetchRequest

而这个方法构造了ApiKey, ApiVersion, CoorelationId和ClientId,作为请求的头部,request handler在源码里有对应类org.apache.kafka.common.requests.RequestHandler。

ApiKey表示请求的种类, 如produce request, fetch request, metadata request等。

puclic RequestHandler nextRequestHandler(ApiKey key, short version)  构造请求的头部,使用特定版本号。

public void wakeup() 如果这个client正在IO阻塞状态,就唤醒它。


Kafka protocol的一些细节,在Kafka client的接口设计中得到了体现.并且,有一些小细节是挺有意思的.






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