You should install some tools and thirdparty libraries. For Ubuntu users, you can use the following command(similar for other Linux users):
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config cmake qtbase5-dev qt5-default libfreetype6-dev
git clone https://github.com/xiangxw/mupdf-qt.git //克隆该版本到本地
cd mupdf-qt //进入该目录
git submodule update --init --recursive //把mupdf和一些第三方库都给克隆下来 方便编译
cd mupdf //首先进入该目录
make //进行make
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. //该步骤在mac下面可能会出现错误记得要设置cmake的CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH环境变量
//例如export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/Users/username/Qt-SDK-ALL/Qt5.5/5.5/clang_64/
git clone https://github.com/xiangxw/mupdf-qt.git
cd mupdf-qt
git submodule update --init --recursive
Go to platforms/win32, open mupdf.sln and build.
Install Qt5 and add path of qmake.exe to PATH
Launch CMake(gui version), set source code directory and build directory. Configure and generate mupdf-qt.sln. Open mupdf-qt.sln and build it.
git clone https://github.com/xiangxw/mupdf-qt.git
cd mupdf-qt
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install MSYS and MinGW (http://www.mingw.org/wiki/Getting_Started). Using the Graphical User Interface Installer, mingw-get-setup.exe, is recommended. During installation, “checking/ticking” the following in “Basic Setup” is recommended:
Add C:\MinGW\bin;
to your PATH system variables (at the beginning).
cd mupdf-qt
make build=debug NOX11=yes
For release, just change “debug” to "release". NOX11 is necessary since X11 headers are not available in Windows. Note that this will not build the “app” packaged with the MuPDF source.
Install CMake.
Open CMakeLists.txt with Qt Creator(Qt5 built with mingw), run cmake and build mupdf-qt
在windows编译mingw版本 需要特别注意
使用Mupdf-qt出错的话 可以参考 如下
INCLUDEPATH += /home/bertero/mupdf-qt/include/ LIBS += -L/home/bertero/mupdf-qt/build/lib -lmupdf-qt LIBS += -L/home/bertero/mupdf-qt/mupdf/build/debug/ -lmupdf -ljpeg -lfreetype -lz -ljbig2dec -lcrypto -ldl -lmujs -lopenjpeg