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Python Django Learning Notes..

时间:2016-06-12 07:18:40      阅读:190      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


The first time I came across django was last month.. Since then I was considering it as the better choice of building/maintaining websites. Now I think it is its auto-gen sql and commitments of changes makes it convienient of making changes.

Only 3 steps is needed to make changes and whatever the database is..: more spec. languages check django official docs..

  1. making changes in models.py.. and of course this uses its spec. language characteristics...
  2. generating sql languages according to specific databases and waiting to be commited
  3. commit..

Such simple steps.. I can even type these commands before going to sleep...So I can put more thoughts on building the whole structures.. and if not great enough.. easy to change in the future ..

And there is seperate steps for making changes and applying changes is to render multiple people handling the database, to make version controls, to make developments easier.

Python Django Learning Notes..



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