func swap(chars:[Character], p: Int, q: Int) { var temp = chars[p] chars[p] = chars[q] chars[q] = temp } // Assume array is a character array and it has enough elements swap(array, p: 0, q: 1)
在第一个参数前应该加上 inout 关键字。因为在Swift中,struct都是按值传递,class是按引用传递;数组和字典都是struct。所以要改变原来的chars数组,在其前部加入inout关键字,表示是按引用传递。
p 和 q 之前应该加入下划线。Swift默认函数的第一个参数是局部(local)变量,而后续参数都是外部(external)变量,外部变量必须声明。如果在p和q前加上下划线,则在调用函数时无需声明外部变量,这样调用起来更简便。
func swap(inout chars:[Character], _ p: Int, _ q: Int) { let temp = chars[p] chars[p] = chars[q] chars[q] = temp } // Assume array is a character array and it has enough elements swap(&array, 0, 1)
func toZero(x: Int) -> Int { while x > 0 { x -= 1 } return x }
这里在 x -= 1 处会报错。原因是函数中所有的参数是常量(let),是不可以修改的。解决的方法是在函数中写上var x = x,之后就可以对 x 进行修改了
Swift循环分为for和while两种,注意他们的结构跟传统的 Java, C/C++有很大区别,笔者将其总结如下
// Assume names is an array holds enough Strings // for loop for name in names { } for i in 0 ... names.count - 1 { } for i in 0 ..< names.count { } for _ in 0 ..< names.count { } for name in names.reverse() { } for i in 0.stride(through: names.count - 1, by 2) { } for i in 0.stride(to: names.count, by: 2) { } // while loop var i = 0 while i < names.count { } repeat { } while i < names.count
以上代码非常简单。需要说明的有两个,一个是 for _ in 0 ..< names.count { } 。当我们不需要数组中每一个具体的元素值时,我们就可以用下划线来代表序号。
另一个是是 repeat { } while i < names.count 。这个相当于我们熟悉(java)的 do { } while (i < names.length)。
// Sort an Int array,ascending nums.sortInPlace({$0 < $1}) // Sort an Int array without mutating the original one, ascending var sortedNums = nums.sort({$0 < $1}) // Sort an array with custom-defined objects, ascending timeIntervals.sortInPlace({$0.startTime < $1.startTime}) // Sort keys in a dictionary according to its value, ascending let keys = Array(dict.keys) var sortedKeys = keys.sort() { let value0 = dict[$0] let value1 = dict[$1] return value0 < value1 }
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack, // or -1 if needle is not part of haystack func strStr(haystack: String, _ needle: String) -> Int { var hChars = [Character](haystack.characters) var nChars = [Character](needle.characters) if hChars.count < nChars.count { return -1 } if hChars.count == 0 { return -1 } for i in 0 ... hChars.count - nChars.count { if hChars[i] == nChars[0] { for j in 0 ..< nChars.count { if hChars[i + j] != nChars[j] { break } else { if j == nChars.count - 1 { return i } } } } } return -1 }
func strStr(haystack: String, _ needle: String) -> Int { var hChars = [Character](haystack.characters) var nChars = [Character](needle.characters) guard hChars.count >= nChars.count else { return -1 } if nChars.count == 0 { return 0 } for i in 0 ... hChars.count - nChars.count { guard hChars[i] == nChars[0] else { continue } for j in 0 ..< nChars.count { guard hChars[i + j] == nChars[j] else { break } if j == nChars.count - 1 { return i } } } return -1 }