将tableA 表中的所有title 用tableB中的titlename 更新掉,如果tableB中存在对应的关系
update tableA as a set a.title = (select b.titlename from tableB as b where a.id =b.xid)
我们可以使用函数变相 脚本
update tableA set title =fn_getXTitle(id)
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_getXTitle] ( @id nVARCHAR(50) ) RETURNS nVARCHAR (50) AS BEGIN declare @title nvarchar(50) set @title =select b.titlename from tableB as b where b.xid =@id RETURN @title end
create FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_getdatafromoldve] ( @OLDVE nVARCHAR(50) ,@Type nVARCHAR(50) ) RETURNS nVARCHAR (50) AS BEGIN declare @BO_ID nvarchar(50) declare @NEWVE nvarchar(50) declare @PjtNO_X nvarchar(50) IF @TYPE =‘M‘ BEGIN set @NEWVE =(select top 1 NEWVE from [XXXX].[dbo].[MIG_MAPPING1] where OLDVE =@OLDVE and FIELDNAME=‘PSPIX‘) if @NEWVE is not null begin set @BO_ID =(select top 1 BO_ID from [XXXX].[dbo].[MIG_ORDER_BASE] WHERE ORDER_ID =@NEWVE) if @BO_ID is not null begin RETURN @BO_ID end else begin RETURN @OLDVE end end else begin RETURN @OLDVE end END IF @TYPE =‘P‘ BEGIN set @NEWVE =(select top 1 NEWVE from [XXXX].[dbo].[MIG_MAPPING1] where OLDVE =@OLDVE and FIELDNAME =‘PSPID‘) if @NEWVE is not null begin RETURN @NEWVE end else begin RETURN @OLDVE end END IF @TYPE =‘PX‘ BEGIN set @PjtNO_X =(select top 1 NEWVE from [XXXX].[dbo].[MIG_MAPPING1] where OLDVE =@OLDVE and FIELDNAME =‘PSPIX‘) if @PjtNO_X is not null begin RETURN @PjtNO_X end else begin RETURN @OLDVE end END RETURN @OLDVE END
UPDATE [XXXX].[dbo].[tb_PrjMethod] set [PjtNo]=[dbo].[fn_getdatafromoldve](PjtNo,‘P‘)