java的理念是结构不佳的的代码不能运行。代码的健壮性来自各个构件的健壮性,我们需要把异常想象成事务,其实它就是能把每一件事都当作了一个事务来处理。一般抛出异常可以这样,throw new NullPointerException,或者可以给他更添加参数throw new NullPointerException("t=null").。详细的概念就不废话了,提供一些容易被忽视的细节:
ps:Error 是 Throwable 的子类,表示仅靠程序本身无法恢复的严重错误,用于指示合理的应用程序不应该试图捕获的严重问题。
在执行该方法期间,无需在方法中通过throws声明可能抛出但没有捕获的 Error 的任何子类,因为Java编译器不去检查它,也就是说,当程序中可能出现这类异常时,即使没有用try...catch语句捕获它,也没有用throws字句声明抛出它,还是会编译通过
3、异常说明:你可能开发一个程序库,但并没有与源代码一起发布,在异常抛出的时候客户端程序猿无法查看具体的异常相关信息,java提供了异常说明的方法去告知客户端程序猿某个方法会抛出的异常类型,例如:void f() throws XXXException{...} ,或者说对于处理不了的异常或者要转型的异常,在方法的声明处通过throws语句抛出异常。我们看看java处理异常的步骤:
——finally语句在任何情况下都必须执行的代码,这样可以保证一些在任何情况下都必须执行代码的可靠性。finally语句唯一不被执行的情况是方法执行了System.exit()方法。System.exit()的作用是终止当前正在运行的 Java 虚拟机。finally语句块中不能通过给变量赋新值来改变return的返回值,也建议不要在finally块中使用return语句,没有意义还容易导致错误。当抛出异常时,throw之后的语句是不会被执行的
public interface Null {} public class Person { public final String first; public final String last; public final String address; public Person(String first, String last, String address) { super(); this.first = first; this.last = last; this.address = address; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person:"+first+" "+last+" "+address; } //利用嵌套类描述一个空的Person //注意嵌套类如果没有被外围类使用到是不会被初始化的 public static class NullPerson extends Person implements Null{ public NullPerson() { super("None", "None", "None"); } @Override public String toString() {return "NullPerson";} } public static final Person Null = new NullPerson(); } //我们分别在各个构造方法、setPerson方法里面检查并放入NULL对象 public class Position { private String title; private Person person; public Position(String title, Person person) { this.title = title; this.person = person; if(person==null){ //写到这里突然想到内部类的初始化问题 //顺便记一下,如果不是嵌套类不能这么new:person = new Person.NullPerson(); person = Person.Null; } } public Position(String title){ this.title = title; person = Person.Null; } public String getTitle() {return title;} public void setTitle(String title) {this.title = title;} public Person getPerson() {return person;} public void setPerson(Person person) { this.person = person; if(person==null){person = Person.Null;} } public String toString(){return "Position:"+title+" "+person+"\n";} } //这个是位置类,他包括一系列的位置, public class Staff extends ArrayList<Position> { public void add(String title,Person person){ add(new Position(title,person)); } public void add(String... titles){ for(String title:titles){add(new Position(title));} } //添加位置 public Staff(String... titles){add(titles);} //判断这个位置是否可用 public boolean positionAvailable(String title){ for(Position position:this){ if(position.getTitle().equals(title)&& position.getPerson() == Person.Null){ return true; } } return false; } public void fillPosition(String title,Person hire){ for(Position position:this){ if(position.getTitle().equals(title) && position.getPerson() == Person.Null){ position.setPerson(hire); return; } } throw new RuntimeException( "Position"+title+"not available"); } public static void main(String[] args) { //首先创造出位置 Staff staff = new Staff("President","CTO","Marketing Manager" ,"Product Manager","Product Lead","Software Engineer" ,"Software Engineer","Software Engineer","Software Engineer" ,"Test Engineer","Technical Writer"); //填充位置 staff.fillPosition("President", new Person("Me","Last","The Top,lonely At")); staff.fillPosition("Product Lead", new Person("Janet","Planner","The Burbs")); if(staff.positionAvailable("Software Engineer")){ staff.fillPosition("Software Engineer", new Person("Bob","Coder","Bright Light City")); } //输出位置 System.out.println(staff); } } //[Position:President Person:Me Last The Top,lonely At //, Position:CTO NullPerson //, Position:Marketing Manager NullPerson //, Position:Product Manager NullPerson //, Position:Product Lead Person:Janet Planner The Burbs //, Position:Software Engineer Person:Bob Coder Bright Light City //, Position:Software Engineer NullPerson //, Position:Software Engineer NullPerson //, Position:Software Engineer NullPerson //, Position:Test Engineer NullPerson //, Position:Technical Writer NullPerson //]这仅仅是空对象的一个例子(有时候也把这种算上一种模式,适当使用空对象会剩下很多时候检查null情况的精力)
public interface Null {} //如果看作命令模式,会发现这里的接口其实充当的就是一个Command接口 public interface Operation { String description(); //execute void command(); } //实际执行者 public interface Robot { String name(); String model(); List<Operation> operations(); //利用嵌套类进行测试 class Test{ public static void test(Robot r){ if(r instanceof Null){System.out.println("[Null Robot]");} System.out.println("Robot name:"+r.name()); System.out.println("Robot model:"+r.model()); for(Operation operation:r.operations()){ System.out.println(operation.description()); operation.command(); } } } }尽管看起来命令模式并不是那么严格,同时这里我们可以利用嵌套类测试一下,结果写在了注释语句上
public class SnowRemovalRobot implements Robot { private String name; public SnowRemovalRobot(String name) {this.name = name;} @Override public String name() {return name;} @Override public String model() {return "SnowBot Series 11";} @Override public List<Operation> operations() { return Arrays.asList( new Operation(){ @Override public String description() {return name+"can shovel snow";} @Override public void command() {System.out.println(name+"shoveling snow");} }, new Operation() { @Override public String description() {return name+"can chip ice";} @Override public void command() { System.out.println(name+"chipping ice"); } }, new Operation() { @Override public String description() {return name+"can clear the roof";} @Override public void command() { System.out.println(name+"clearing roof"); } }); } public static void main(String[] args) { Robot.Test.test(new SnowRemovalRobot("Slusher")); } } //Robot name:Slusher //Robot model:SnowBot Series 11 //Slushercan shovel snow //Slushershoveling snow //Slushercan chip ice //Slusherchipping ice //Slushercan clear the roof //Slusherclearing roof假设存在许多不同的Robot,我们想对每一种的Robot都创建一个空对象去执行某些操作,这里的动态代理不做过多解释(忘掉了),后面会在另一篇博文总结
public class NullRobotProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler { private String nullName; private Robot proxied = new NRobot(); public NullRobotProxyHandler(Class<? extends Robot> type) { nullName = type.getSimpleName()+"NullRobot"; } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { //invoke的却是NRobot这个对象 return method.invoke(proxied, args); } private class NRobot implements Null,Robot{ @Override public String name() {return nullName;} @Override public String model() {return nullName;} @Override public List<Operation> operations() {return Collections.emptyList();} } } public class NullRobot { public static Robot newNullRobot(Class<? extends Robot> type){ return (Robot)Proxy.newProxyInstance(NullRobot.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{Null.class,Robot.class}, new NullRobotProxyHandler(type)); } public static void main(String[] args) { Robot[] bots = { new SnowRemovalRobot("SnowBee"), //如果需要一个空Robot对象,只需要这样子调用,这使用类字面常量创建实例 newNullRobot(SnowRemovalRobot.class) }; for(Robot bot:bots){ Robot.Test.test(bot); } } }
Robot name:SnowBee
Robot model:SnowBot Series 11
SnowBeecan shovel snow
SnowBeeshoveling snow
SnowBeecan chip ice
SnowBeechipping ice
SnowBeecan clear the roof
SnowBeeclearing roof
[Null Robot]
Robot name:SnowRemovalRobotNullRobot
Robot model:SnowRemovalRobotNullRobot
try{ switch(type){ case 0:throw new FileNotFoundException(); case 1:throw new IOException(); case 2:throw new RuntimeException(); default:return; }catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } } //可以使用e.getCause()来获取具体类型的异常,然后catch出来10、使用原则:
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "hello world"; String str2 = new String("hello world"); String str3 = "hello world"; String str4 = new String("hello world"); System.out.println(str1==str2);//false System.out.println(str1==str3);//true System.out.println(str2==str4);//false } }笔者大概知道为什么,如果有需要可以看看jvm的内存机制:在str1、str3这里,在创建了str1之后,内容被保存在了运行时常量池,当创建str3的时候,jvm会先找常量池的内容是否有相同,而new的方式是在堆里面,当然不是相同的一份
public class UsingStringBuilder { public static Random rand = new Random(47); public String toString(){ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("["); for(int i = 0;i<25;i++){ result.append(rand.nextInt(100)); result.append(", "); } result.delete(result.length()-2, result.length()); result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { UsingStringBuilder usb = new UsingStringBuilder(); System.out.println(usb.toString()); } }
String x="Strings Are "; String s=x; x+=" Immutable Objects!"; System.out.println("x= "+x); System.out.println("s= "+s);
x= Strings Are Immutable Objectss= Strings Are
——String str = "hello"+ "world"的效率就比 StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder().append("hello").append("world")要高。直接拼接来说,String的效率是较高的,如果经常对字符串本身进行操作,使用StringBuilder较好。
System.out.format(PrintStream/PrintWriter):System.out.format(“[%d %f]\n”,x,y) ;x=5,y=0.01输出[5 0.01]
Formatter类:例如,用new Formatter(System.out)的方式创建,f.format("%s %d %d",s,x,y) s=name,x=1,y=2输出name 1 2,Formatter也包含了一些转换类型,并且对空格与对齐提供强大的控制能力
//二进制转换十六进制 public static String format(byte[] data){ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int n = 0; for(byte b:data){ if(n%16==0) result.append(String.format("%0.5X:", n)); result.append(String.format("%02X:", n)); n++; if(n%16==0) result.append("\n"); } result.append("\n"); return result.toString(); }样例输出:00000:CA FE BA BE 00 00 00 31 00......
B | 指定字符B |
\xhh | 十六进制为oxhh的字符 |
\uhhhh | 十六进制表示为oxhhhh的Unicode字符 |
\t | 制表符Tab |
\n | 换行符 |
\r | 回车 |
\f | 换页 |
\e | 转义 |
[abc] | 包含a、b、c的任何字符 |
[^abc] | 除了a、b、c之外的任何字符 |
[a-zA-Z] | 从a到z或从A到Z的任何字符 |
[abc[hij]] | 任意a、b、c、h、i、j |
[a-z&&[hij]] | 任意h、i、j(交) |
\s | 空白符,空格、tab、换行、换页、回车 |
\S | 非空白符 |
\d | 数字0-9 |
\D | 非数字0-9 |
\w | 词字符a-zA-Z0-9 |
\W | 非词字符 |
//测试正则表达式,是否匹配一个输入字符串 //命令行输入字符串:abcabcabcdefabc "abc+" "(abc)+" "(abc){2,}" //输出: //Input:"abcabcabcdefabc" //Regular expression:"abcabcabcdefabc" //Match "abcabcabcdefabc" at position 0-14 //Regular expression:"abc+" //Match "abc" at position 0-2 //Match "abc" at position 3-5 //Match "abc" at position 6-8 //Match "abc" at position 12-14 //Regular expression:"(abc)+" //Match "abcabcabc" at position 0-8 //Match "abc" at position 12-14 //Regular expression:"(abc){2,}" //Match "abcabcabc" at position 0-8 public class TestRegularExpress { public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length<2){ System.out.println("Usage:\njava TestRegularExpress "+ "characterSequence regularExpression"); System.exit(0); } System.out.println("Input:\""+args[0]+"\""); for(String arg:args){ System.out.println("Regular expression:\""+arg+"\""); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(arg); Matcher m = p.matcher(args[0]); while(m.find()){ System.out.println("Match \""+m.group()+"\" at position "+ m.start()+"-"+(m.end()-1)); } } } }Matcher.find()
public class Finding { public static void main(String[] args) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\w+").matcher("Evening is full of the linnet's wings"); //这里输出每个单词 while(m.find()){ System.out.println(m.group()+" "); } int i = 0; //这里输出每个单词之后,还输出单词里面的每个字母 while(m.find(i)){ System.out.println(m.group()+" "); i++; } } }正则表达式组:组是用货号划分的正则表达式,可以根据组的编号来引用某个组
public class Groups { static public final String POEM = "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\n"+ "Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.\n"+ "All mimsy were the borogoves,\n"+ "And the mome raths outgrabe.\n"+ "Beware the Jabberwock, my son,\n"+ "The jaws that bite, the claws that catch.\n"+ "Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun\n"+ "The frumious Bandersnatch."; public static void main(String[] args) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(?m)(\\S+)\\s+((\\S+)\\s+(\\S+))$").matcher(POEM); while(m.find()){ for(int j = 0;j<m.groupCount();j++) System.out.print("["+m.group(j)+"]"); System.out.println(); } } // [the slithy toves][the][slithy toves][slithy] // [in the wabe.][in][the wabe.][the] // [were the borogoves,][were][the borogoves,][the] // [mome raths outgrabe.][mome][raths outgrabe.][raths] // [Jabberwock, my son,][Jabberwock,][my son,][my] // [claws that catch.][claws][that catch.][that] // [bird, and shun][bird,][and shun][and] // [The frumious Bandersnatch.][The][frumious Bandersnatch.][frumious] }split()
public class SplitDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String input = "This!!unusual use!!of exclamation!!points"; System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Pattern.compile("!!").split(input))); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Pattern.compile("!!").split(input,3))); // [This, unusual use, of exclamation, points] // [This, unusual use, of exclamation!!points] } }扫描输入
public class SimpleRead { public static BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader( new StringReader("Sir Robin of Camelot\n22 1.61803")); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { System.out.println("What is your name?"); String name = input.readLine(); System.out.println(name); System.out.println("How old are you? What is your favorite double"); System.out.println("input:<age> <double>"); String numbers = input.readLine(); System.out.println(numbers); String[] numArray = numbers.split(" "); int age = Integer.parseInt(numArray[0]); double favorite = Double.parseDouble(numArray[1]); System.out.format("Hi %s.\n",name); System.out.format("In 5 years you will be %d\n", age+5); System.out.format("My favorite double is %f\n", favorite/2); } // What is your name? // Sir Robin of Camelot // How old are you? What is your favorite double // input:<age> <double> // 22 1.61803 // Hi Sir Robin of Camelot. // In 5 years you will be 27 // My favorite double is 0.809015 }
public class ThreatAnalyzer { static String threatData = "\n"+ "\n"+ "\n"+ "\n"+ "\n"+ "[Next log section with different data format]"; public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(threatData); String pattern = "(\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+)@"+"(\\d{2}/\\d{2}/\\d{4})"; while(scanner.hasNext(pattern)){ scanner.next(pattern); MatchResult match = scanner.match(); String ip = match.group(1); String date = match.group(2); System.out.format("Thread on %s from %s\n", date,ip); } } } //Thread on 02/10/2005 from //Thread on 02/11/2005 from //Thread on 02/11/2005 from //Thread on 02/12/2005 from //Thread on 02/12/2005 from
1、RTTI:(Run-Time Type Identification),通过运行时类型信息程序能够使用基类的指针或引用来检查这些指针或引用所指的对象的实际派生类型。(在运行时,识别一个对象的类型)注意RTTI跟反射不一样:java在运行时识别对象和信息提供的两种方式就是RTTI和反射。例如有这样一个容器:List<Pet>,容器只是把Pet对象当作Object持有,当从list里面取出元素时,java会将结果转化为Pet类型,这就是一种RTTI。又比如:
abstract class Shape { // this 调用当前类的toString()方法,返回实际的内容 void draw(){ System.out.println(this + "draw()"); } // 声明 toString()为abstract类型,强制集成在重写该方法 abstract public String toString(); } class Circle extends Shape { public String toString(){ return "Circle"; } } class Square extends Shape { public String toString(){ return "Square"; } } class Triangle extends Shape { public String toString(){ return "Triangle"; } } public static void main(String[] args){ // 把Shape对象放入List<Shape>的数组的时候会向上转型为Shape,从而丢失了具体的类型信息 List<Shape> shapeList = Arrays.asList(new Circle(), new Square(), new Triangle()); // 从数组中取出时,这种容器,实际上所有的元素都当成Object持有,会自动将结果转型为Shape,这就是RTTI的基本的使用。 for(Shape shape : shapeList){ shape.draw(); } } //Circledraw() //Squaredraw() //Triangledraw()
public interface HasBatteries {} public interface Shoots {} public interface Waterproof {} public class Toy { Toy(){} Toy(int i){} } public class FancyToy extends Toy implements HasBatteries,Waterproof,Shoots{ public FancyToy() { super(1); } } public class ToySet { static void printInfo(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class cc){ System.out.println("Class name: "+cc.getName()+ " is Interface? ["+cc.isInterface()+"]"); System.out.println("Simple name: "+cc.getSimpleName()); System.out.println("Canonical name: "+cc.getCanonicalName()); } public static void main(String[] args) { Class c = null; try { c = Class.forName("test.FancyToy");//路径 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.exit(1); } printInfo(c); for(Class face:c.getInterfaces()){ printInfo(face); } Class up = c.getSuperclass(); Object obj = null; try { //相当于“不知道正确类型,但是请求编译器正确地创建他” //父类必须要有默认构造器,否则会抛出IllegalAccessException obj = up.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { System.exit(1); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { System.exit(1); } printInfo(obj.getClass()); } }
3、类字面常量:Class.forName()的另外一种形式创建引用,即形如:Class c = FancyToy.class;这种风格,这种形式更简单安全,高效(编译时会受到检查,所以不用放在try中)关于类字面常量的初始化特性在另一篇博文关于初始化的里面,这里不写了
比如说有一个List:List<Class<? extends Pet>> types;其中Pet是一堆宠物的父类,利用add方法去添加对象:
(1)、String[] typeNames = {"typeinfo.pets.Mutt","typeinfo.pets.Pug",......}其中typeinfo是包名,那么使用的时候:types.add((Class<? extends Pet>)Class.forName(name));
(2)、List<Class<? extends Pet>> types = Collections.unmodifiableList(Array.asList(Pet.class,Dog.class,Cat.class......));
public class GWBClassReference { public static void main(String[] args) { //Class<?> intClass = int.class;或者用这种形式 Class intClass = int.class; Class<Integer> genericIntClass = int.class; //genericIntClass = double.class 由于指定了类型,不能这样写 genericIntClass = Integer.class; intClass = double.class;//没有指定类型,所以能这样“赋值” //另一种情况 //Class<Number> genericNumberClass = int.class; //看上去是不会错的,因为Integer继承自Number,但是它其实无法工作 //正确方式 Class<? extends Number> genericNumberClass = int.class; genericNumberClass = double.class; genericNumberClass = Number.class; } }(newInstance)方式:
public class CountedInteger { private static long counter; private final long id = counter++; public String toString(){return Long.toString(id);} } public class FilledList<T> { private Class<T> type; public FilledList(Class<T> type){this.type = type;} public List<T> create(int nElements){ List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); try { for(int i = 0;i<nElements;i++){ result.add(type.newInstance()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { FilledList<CountedInteger> fl = new FilledList<CountedInteger>(CountedInteger.class); System.out.println(fl.create(15)); } } //[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]newInstance返回的是确切的类型,同时也不能直接使用getSuperClass的方法去定义一个形如Class<SuperClass>声明的类,而是Class<? super sonClass> xx = sonClass.getSuperClass();的形式
public class Building {} public class House extends Building{} public class Classcast { public static void main(String[] args) { Building b = new House(); Class<House> houseType = House.class; House h = houseType.cast(b); h = (House)b; } }
public class Test { static class Base{} static class Derived extends Base{} static void test(Object x){ System.out.println("Testing x of type " + x.getClass()); System.out.println("x instanceof Base " + (x instanceof Base)); System.out.println("x instanceof Derived " + (x instanceof Derived)); System.out.println("Base.isInstance(x) " + (Base.class.isInstance(x))); System.out.println("Derived.isInstance(x) " + (Derived.class.isInstance(x))); System.out.println("x.getClass() == Base.class " + (x.getClass() == Base.class)); System.out.println("x.getClass() == Derived.class " + (x.getClass() == Derived.class)); System.out.println("x.getClass().equals(Base.class) " + (x.getClass().equals(Base.class))); System.out.println("x.getClass().equals(Derived.class) " + (x.getClass().equals(Derived.class))); } public static void main(String[] args) { Test.test(new Base()); System.err.println("----------------------------"); Test.test(new Derived()); } } //Testing x of type class Test$Base //x instanceof Base true //x instanceof Derived false //Base.isInstance(x) true //Derived.isInstance(x) false //x.getClass() == Base.class true //x.getClass() == Derived.class false //x.getClass().equals(Base.class) true //x.getClass().equals(Derived.class) false //---------------------------- //Testing x of type class Test$Derived //x instanceof Base true //x instanceof Derived true //Base.isInstance(x) true //Derived.isInstance(x) true //x.getClass() == Base.class false //x.getClass() == Derived.class true //x.getClass().equals(Base.class) false //x.getClass().equals(Derived.class) true
public class ShowMethods { private static String usage = "usage:\n"+ "ShowMethods qualified.class.name\n"+ "To show all methods in class or:\n"+ "ShowMethods qualified.class.name word\n"+ "To search for methods involving 'word'"; private static Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\w+\\."); public static void main(String[] args){ if(args.length<1){ System.out.println(usage); System.exit(0); } int lines = 0; try { Class<?> c = Class.forName(args[0]); Method[] methods = c.getMethods(); Constructor[] ctors = c.getConstructors(); if(args.length==1){ for(Method method:methods){ System.out.println(p.matcher(method.toString()).replaceAll("")); } for(Constructor ctor:ctors){ System.out.println(p.matcher(ctor.toString()).replaceAll("")); } lines = methods.length+ctors.length; }else{ for(Method method:methods){ if(method.toString().indexOf(args[1])!=-1){ System.out.println(p.matcher(method.toString()).replaceAll("")); lines++; } } for(Constructor ctor:ctors){ if(ctors.toString().indexOf(args[1])!=-1){ System.out.println(p.matcher(ctor.toString()).replaceAll("")); lines++; } } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} } } //public static void main(String[]) //public final void wait() throws InterruptedException //public final void wait(long,int) throws InterruptedException //public final native void wait(long) throws InterruptedException //public native int hashCode() //public final native Class getClass() //public boolean equals(Object) //public String toString() //public final native void notify() //public final native void notifyAll() //public ShowMethods()
既然能提取方法,那么我们也能通过反射在运行时确定一个类并调用他的方法,事先是你知道方法名,但是方法名也能从.class文件中,通过javap -private C得到
package typeinfo.interfacea; public interface A { void f(); } package typeinfo.packageaccess; import typeinfo.interfacea.A; public class C implements A{ public void g(){System.out.println("public C.g()");} @Override public void f() {System.out.println("public C.f()");} void u(){System.out.println("package C.u()");} protected void v(){System.out.println("protected C.v()");} private void w(){System.out.println("private C.w()");} } package typeinfo.packageaccess; import typeinfo.interfacea.A; public class HiddenC { public static A makeA(){return new C();} } package typeinfo; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import typeinfo.interfacea.A; import typeinfo.packageaccess.C; import typeinfo.packageaccess.HiddenC; public class HiddenImplementation { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { A a = HiddenC.makeA(); a.f(); System.out.println(a.getClass().getName()); //利用反射,我们可以通过方法名达到调用所有方法,甚至是private方法 //即使把接口时限为一个匿名类、私有内部类,反射仍然可以达到目的 //既有安全性问题,也有解决一些特定问题的好处 //命令行进入workspace的目录下找到C.class,输入javap -private C命令 //能得到所有方法的名字 callHiddenMethod(a, "g"); callHiddenMethod(a, "u"); callHiddenMethod(a, "v"); callHiddenMethod(a, "w"); } static void callHiddenMethod(Object a,String methodName)throws Exception{ Method g = a.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName); g.setAccessible(true); g.invoke(a); } } //public C.f() //typeinfo.packageaccess.C //public C.g() //package C.u() //protected C.v() //private C.w()