1 //传递登陆的密码到一般处理程序 2 $.post("/index.ashx", { "username": username, "pwd": pwd,"option":option, "cmd": "login" }, function (data) { 3 //data是一般处理程序处理后的返回结果 4 //将Json变成js数组 5 var data = eval(‘(‘ + data + ‘)‘); 6 7 if (data.Success) { 8 layer.msg(data.Infor, { 9 icon: data.Ico 10 }, function () { 11 location.href = "../aspx/SerachBooks.aspx"; 12 }); 13 } 14 else { 15 layer.msg(data.Infor, { 16 icon: data.Ico 17 },function () { 18 location.href = "index.html"; 19 }); 20 } 21 });
1 using com.DAL.Base; 2 using DAL.library; 3 using Model.library; 4 using System; 5 using System.Collections.Generic; 6 using System.Linq; 7 using System.Web; 8 using System.Web.Script.Serialization; 9 10 namespace library_Update1 11 { 12 /// <summary> 13 /// index 的摘要说明 14 /// </summary> 15 public class index : IHttpHandler 16 { 17 /// <summary> 18 /// 前端提交的数据的程序入口 19 /// </summary> 20 /// <param name="context"></param> 21 Model.library.ReturnMessage rm = new Model.library.ReturnMessage();//登陆后的返回数据放在此类里面 22 string sResult = "";//返回结果-成功或者失败 23 HttpContext context = null;//上下文对象 24 string option = ""; //权限处理的依据 25 bool boption = true; 26 public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) 27 { 28 this.context = context; //HttpContext context是html传递过来的上下文 29 string cmd = context.Request.Form["cmd"].ToString(); 30 switch (cmd) 31 { 32 case "login": 33 sResult = UserLogin(); 34 break; 35 } 36 context.Response.Write(sResult);//向前台传递多个值的问题 37 38 } 39 40 /// <summary> 41 /// 登陆的处理函数并返回结果 42 /// </summary> 43 /// <returns></returns> 44 public string UserLogin() 45 { 46 string username = context.Request.Form["username"].ToString(); 47 string pwd = context.Request.Form["pwd"].ToString(); 48 option = context.Request.Form["option"].ToString(); 49 50 bool boption = true; 51 if (option == "普通用户") 52 { 53 boption = false; 54 } 55 else if (option == "管理员") 56 { 57 boption = true; 58 } 59 #region cookies 60 HttpCookie power = new HttpCookie("userrole"); 61 power.Values["option"] = option; 62 power.Expires.AddDays(1); 63 context.Response.Cookies.Add(power); 64 #endregion 65 66 67 68 List<dbParam> list = new List<dbParam>(){ 69 new dbParam(){ParamName="@NAME",ParamValue=username,ParamDbType=System.Data.DbType.String}, 70 new dbParam(){ParamName="@PASSWORD",ParamValue=pwd,ParamDbType=System.Data.DbType.String}, 71 new dbParam(){ParamName="@ISMANAGER",ParamValue=boption,ParamDbType=System.Data.DbType.Boolean} 72 }; 73 //与数据库查询用户名和密码 74 USER user = USERDAL.m_USERDAL.GetModel("NAME=@NAME and PASSWORD=@PASSWORD and ISMANAGER=@ISMANAGER", list); 75 if (user == null) 76 { 77 rm.Success = false; 78 rm.Infor = "登陆失败"; 79 rm.Ico = 5; 80 } 81 else 82 { 83 rm.Success = true; 84 rm.Infor = "登陆成功"; 85 rm.Ico = 6; 86 } 87 //转换为json格式 88 JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); 89 return jss.Serialize(rm); 90 } 91 92 /// <summary> 93 /// 必须要实现的一个接口IHttpHandler 94 /// </summary> 95 public bool IsReusable 96 { 97 get 98 { 99 return false; 100 } 101 } 102 } 103 }