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HoloLens开发手记 - Unity之Spatial Sounds 空间声音

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Enabling Spatial Sound in Unity 在Unity中启用空间声音


我们需要在Unity中使用声音插件来实现空间声音。这个插件(audio spatalizer plugin)被打包到了Unity,所以只需要在设置菜单中 Edit > Audio > Spatializer 启用Microsoft HRTF拓展就好。因为微软空间声音组件目前取样频率只支持到48000,所以你应该把System Sample Rate属性设为48000来避免在系统输出设备没有设置它为48000的罕见情况下发生HRTF组件错误。




注意:当在系统版本低于Windows 10的设备上使用Windows 10 SDK编译HoloLens应用时,空间声音将不会再编辑器和设备上工作。


Using Spatial Sounds in Unity 在Unity中使用空间声音


通过调整Audio Source组件的3个属性即可在Unity中使用空间声音。步骤如下:

  • 在项目面板中,选中一个附有Audio Source组件的对象
  • 在检视面板中,修改Audio Source组件属性:
    • 选中Spatialize属性
    • 设置Spatial Blend模式为3D
    • 展开3D Sound Settings,并将Volume Rolloff值为 Custom Rolloff





强烈推荐开发者要熟悉下空间声音设计指南(Spatial Sound design guidelines),它会帮准你快速的集成空间声音到项目中,同时能尽可能的提高空间声音的体验。


Setting Spatial Sound Settings 设置空间声音





Minimum Gain 最小增益



Maximum Gain 最大增益



Unity Gain Distance 单位增益距离



Room Size 空间大小





HoloToolkit项目提供了一个静态类来实现简单的空间声音设定。这个类在HoloToolkit\SpatialSound目录下,能被项目任何脚本调用。我们推荐你给每个Audio Source都设定一遍。下面代码演示了设置Audio Source空间大小:


AudioSource audioSource = gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>()

if (audioSource != null) {
    SpatialSoundSettings.SetRoomSize(audioSource, SpatialMappingRoomSizes.Medium);


Directly Acessing Parameters from Unity 直接从Unity访问以上参数


如果你不想使用HoloToolkit提供的工具,以下则是直接修改HRTF参数的方法。你可以把以下代码复制/粘贴进SetHRTF.cs脚本中,并将此脚本附加到任何Audio Source对象上。这允许你修改HRTF插件的重要参数。


using UnityEngine;
   using System.Collections;
   public class SetHRTF : MonoBehaviour    {
       public enum ROOMSIZE { Small, Medium, Large, None };
       public ROOMSIZE room = ROOMSIZE.Small;  // Small is regarded as the "most average"
       // defaults and docs from MSDN
       // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/mt186602(v=vs.85).aspx
       public float mingain = -96f; // The minimum gain limit applied at any distance, from -96 to + 12
       public float maxgain = 12f;  // The maximum gain applied at any distance, from -96 to + 12
       public float unityGainDistance = 1; // The distance at which the gain applied is 0dB, from 0.05 to infinity
       public float bypassCurves = 1; // if > 0, will bypass Unity‘s volume attenuation and make a more accurate volume simulation automatically in the plugin
       AudioSource audiosource;
       void Awake()
           audiosource = this.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
           if (audiosource == null)
               print("SetHRTFParams needs an audio source to do anything.");
           audiosource.spatialize = 1; // we DO want spatialized audio
           audiosource.spread = 0; // we dont want to reduce our angle of hearing
           audiosource.spatialBlend = 1;   // we do want to hear spatialized audio
           audiosource.SetSpatializerFloat(1, (float)room);    // 1 is the roomsize param
           audiosource.SetSpatializerFloat(2, mingain); // 2 is the mingain param
           audiosource.SetSpatializerFloat(3, maxgain); // 3 is the maxgain param
           audiosource.SetSpatializerFloat(4, unityGainDistance); // 4 is the unitygain param
           audiosource.SetSpatializerFloat(5, bypassCurves );    // 5 is bypassCurves, which is usually a good idea


HoloLens开发手记 - Unity之Spatial Sounds 空间声音



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