The raw response data of the task. Included in the userInfo dictionary of the “AFNetworkingTaskDidFinishNotification” if response data exists for the task.
The serialized response object of the task. Included in the userInfo dictionary of the “AFNetworkingTaskDidFinishNotification” if the response was serialized.
The response serializer used to serialize the response. Included in the userInfo dictionary of the “AFNetworkingTaskDidFinishNotification” if the task has an associated response serializer.
The file path associated with the download task. Included in the userInfo dictionary of the “AFNetworkingTaskDidFinishNotification” if an the response data has been stored directly to disk.
Any error associated with the task, or the serialization of the response. Included in the userInfo dictionary of the “AFNetworkingTaskDidFinishNotification” if an error exists.