标签:des style blog color 使用 io 2014 art
select a.bs_sn, a.bs_bd_no, a.bs_bk_code, a.bs_kind_no, a.bs_flag, b.det_flag, c.bp_in_no, c.bp_name, c.bp_sex, c.bp_age, c.bp_age_unit, c.bp_dept, c.bp_bed_no, d.inf_date, d.inf_type, e.sta_date, e.sta_user from bd_stock as a left join (select row_number() over (partition by det_bs_sn order by det_flag DESC) as rownum,det_bs_sn,det_id,det_flag from dbo.bd_match_detail where det_flag!=-1) as b on a.bs_sn=b.det_bs_sn and b.rownum=1 left join bd_patients as c on b.det_id=c.bp_id left join (select row_number() over (partition by inf_bp_id,inf_bd_sn order by inf_date DESC) as rownum,inf_bp_id,inf_bd_sn,inf_type,inf_date from bd_infusion where inf_type = 1) as d on b.det_id = d.inf_bp_id and b.det_bs_sn=d.inf_bd_sn and d.rownum=1 left join (select row_number() over (partition by sta_code,sta_sta_code order by sta_date DESC) as rownum,sta_code,sta_sta_code,sta_user,sta_date from dbo.bd_status where sta_sta_code=‘10600‘) as e on a.bs_bd_no=e.sta_code where b.det_flag=6 and d.inf_date>=‘2013-12-02‘ and d.inf_date<=‘2014-12-02‘
sql partition by 的使用,布布扣,bubuko.com
标签:des style blog color 使用 io 2014 art