This page contains my tests for the various directives in the meta viewport tag.
The @viewport construct is not part of this research. I’ll phase it in later when I know how it should behave.
The meta viewport tag contains instructions to the browser in the matter of viewports and zooming. In particular, it allows web developers to set the width of the layout viewport relative to which CSS declarations such as width: 20% are calculated.
viewport元信息标签向浏览器指明了viewport大小和页面缩放比例的信息。而且,它允许web开发人员设置layout viewport的宽度,这个宽度可以是相对于CSS声明(如width:20%)的计算结果。
The meta viewport has the following syntax:
<meta name="viewport" content="name=value,name=value">
Every name/value pair is a directive. (The word is my own invention.) There are six of them in total:
width. Sets the width of the layout viewport.
width:用于设置layout viewport(布局视口)的宽度
initial-scale. Sets the initial zoom of the page AND the width of the layout viewport.
initial-scale:设置页面的初始缩放比和 layout viewport(布局视口)的宽度
minimum-scale. Sets the minimum zoom level (i.e. how much the user can zoom out).
maximum-scale. Sets the maximum zoom level (i.e. how much the user can zoom in).
height. Is supposed to set the height of the layout viewport. It is not supported anywhere.
height:应该是用于设置layout viewport(布局视口)的高度,但该属性无效
user-scalable. When set to no prevents the user from zooming. This is an abomination that MUST NOT be used.
There is one special value: device-width for the width directive. It sets the layout viewport width to the ideal viewport width.
width规则下有一个特殊的值device-width,通过设置width=device-width可以将layout viewport(布局视口)的宽度等于 ideal viewport(理想视口)的宽。
In theory there’s a similar device-height value, but it doesn’t seem to work EXCEPT.
Ages ago I reported that mobile browsers have two viewports: the visual one and the layout one. Re-read this article if necessary; I assume knowledge of these two viewports in what is to follow.
几年前,我在一篇文章中说过“手机浏览器有2个viewport:visual viewport(可视视口)和layout viewport(布局视口)”。如果大家觉得有必要,请再阅读一下这篇文档:
It turns out that there’s a third viewport, which I decided to call the ideal viewport. It gives the ideal size of a web page on the device. Thus, the dimensions of the ideal viewport differ per device.
事实证明,还有第三个viewport,我称之为理想视口( ideal viewport)。它给出了移动设备上一个网页的理想大小。因此,理想视口( ideal viewport)的尺寸在每一个设备上都是不同的。
On old or cheap devices with non-retina screens the ideal viewport is equal to the physical number of pixels, but that’s not a requirement. Newer devices with higher physical pixel densities may well retain the old ideal viewport, because it’s ideally suited to the device.
在一些老旧或者低端的非Retina屏的移动设备上,理想视口( ideal viewport)的大小等于其物理像素,但这并非一定正确。拥有较高的物理像素密度的一些新设备也可能保留了老版本手机的理想视口( ideal viewport)大小,因为这个尺寸很适合这些设备。
Up to and including the 4S, the iPhone ideal viewport is 320x480, regardless of whether it has a retine screen or not. That’s because 320x480 is the ideal size for web pages on these iPhones.
包括4S在内的早期IPhone手机,不论它们是否有Retina屏,它们的理想视口( ideal viewport)都是320x480。这是因为320x480是这些手机设备上网页的理想尺寸。
There are two important things about the ideal viewport:
1、The layout viewport can be set to ideal viewport values. The width=device-width and initial-scale=1 directives do so.
2、All scale directives are relative to the ideal viewport, and not to whatever width the layout viewport has. So maximum-scale=3 means the maximum zoom is 300% of the ideal viewport.
关于理想视口( ideal viewport),有如下2个重要的说明:
1、使用 width=device-width 和initial-scale=1两个规则,可以将 layout viewport的值设置为 ideal viewport的大小。
2、所有的缩放规则都是相对于 ideal viewport而言的,而与layout viewport多宽无关。因此maximum-scale=3的含义就是页面最多放大到 ideal viewport的3倍。
It might occasionally be useful to be able to read out the ideal viewport dimensions. Tough luck.
如果幸运的话,偶尔读出来的 ideal viewport的尺寸是有用的。
Well, you can do it. Give a page the following meta tag and read out document.documentElement.clientWidth/Height:
在一个页面上使用下面的的meta标签,读取出document.documentElement.clientWidth document.documentElement.clientHeight
的值就是ideal viewport的尺寸。
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
If that’s not an option you have no way of reading out the ideal viewport dimensions. I hoped screen.width/height might be helpful here, but only BlackBerry gives the correct information. The other browsers resort to various shades of unhelpfulness.
如果没法读出 ideal viewport的尺寸不是你的选项(即必须要读出 ideal viewport的尺寸),通过screen.width/height的值来获取ideal viewport的尺寸也可以,但这种方式只有在黑莓(BlackBerry)设备上才有效,在其他浏览器上都是些无用值。
Open question: should screen.width/height give the ideal viewport dimensions?
Pro: the properties would at last contain useful information.
Con: ideal viewport size does not necessarily equate physical pixels on the device.
Open question:通过screen.width/height应该获取到ideal viewport的尺寸吗?
赞成:这个属性最终应该包含ideal viewport尺寸的有用信息
反对:ideal viewport的大小并不一定等同于设备的物理像素
ideal viewport的兼容性
Here is all of the above in easy table format.
Test | Devices |
ideal viewport 尺寸 | 这些值没有对错,它们都由设备本身决定,这些值都是正常的 |
是否通过设置width = device-width,layout viewport的宽等于ideal viewport | Safari上横屏模式和竖屏模式的宽都是竖屏模式的宽(portrait width)(即320 or 768) |
是否通过设置initial-scale=1,layout viewport的宽等于ideal viewport | IE10上横屏模式和竖屏模式的宽都是竖屏模式的宽(portrait width)(即320) |
是否通过screen.width/height可以获取理想视口的尺寸 | Safari总是给出竖屏的理想视口的尺寸; Chrome和Opera给出的是有效高度(屏幕高度减去工具栏等),但宽度是正确的; Android和IE给出的是屏幕的物理像素; |
Before rendering the page, the browser needs to know how wide the layout viewport is. This is the viewport relative to which CSS declarations such as width: 20% are calculated.
在渲染网页之前,浏览器得知道layout viewport的宽度。这个视口的宽度是根据CSS声明的宽度(例如width:20%)计算得出的。
Without any further instructions the browsers pick a width themselves. In six of the eight tested browsers this is 980px, in BlackBerry and IE10 it’s 1024px. There’s no right or wrong here; this is just the browser vendors making a choice.
当浏览器没有获得更详细的设置信息时,它们会自主决定layout viewport的宽度。在测试的8个浏览器中的6个上,这个值是980px,在BlackBerry 和IE10上是1024px。取哪个值由浏览器厂商决定,没什么对错之说。
When you use width=400 or another numerical value in the meta viewport tag, the layout viewport’s width is set to that value. We already knew that.
我们已经知道,当在viewport元信息标签中设置width=400或者其他数值时,layout viewport的宽度就等于这个数值。
However, Android WebKit’s and IE’s minimal viewport is 320px. When you go below 320px they revert to the ideal viewport width.
但是,在Android浏览器的webkit内核和IE上,layout视口的最小值是320px。当这个视口小于320px时,它们会恢复到ideal viewport的宽度。
Then there’s the case when the layout viewport becomes equal to the ideal viewport. This happens when you do width=device-width or initial-scale=1. It’s complicated, since there are bugs in Safari and IE10 and there’s a catch to using initial-scale, but this is the general rule.
因此,当layout viewport的尺寸等于ideal viewport时,会出现一种很复杂的情况(这种情况发生在当设置width=device-width 或者initial-scale=1时):在Safari和IE10上会有一个bug,它们只识别initial-scale(但这只是一般规律)。
The maximum width of the layout viewport is 10,000 pixels. I don’t entirely trust that number, since the browsers do not allow you to zoom out to this amount. Still, for now I accept this official value.
layout viewport的最大宽度是10,000px,我不完全相信这个数值,因为浏览器不允许页面缩放到这个大。但尽管不相信,目前我接受这个官方数值。
The minimum width of the layout viewport is about 1/10th of the ideal viewport, which is also the maximum zoom level. (I.e. the layout viewport never becomes smaller than the smallest possible visual viewport.) Exceptions: Android WebKit and IE, which never go below 320px.
layout viewport的最小宽度大约是ideal viewport的十分之一,这也是最大的缩放程度了。layout viewport永不会变得比最小的visual viewport更小。但有一个例外情况:Android WebKit内核和IE浏览器的layout viewport永不会小于320px。
Test | Devices |
默认layout viewport的大小 | 这些值没有对错,它们都由设备本身决定,它们都是正常的 |
通过设置width=10000,minimum-scale=0.01来获取layout viewport的最大宽度 | 当数值超过10000时,所有浏览器都保持为10000,除了android webkit内核浏览,它会恢复到默认的980px |
通过设置width=5来获取layout viewport的最小宽度 | 下面声明的320px宽度是Android WebKit内核和IE浏览器采用的ideal viewport尺寸 |
通过设置一些正常的值: width = 200 width=300 width=400 width=1200 |
浏览器会尽量使layout viewport的宽度和width属性定义的值相等 a、当设置了width=200,在IPad的横屏模式会是205px宽,这与它最小layout viewport宽是一致的 b、当小于320px时,Android WebKit内核和IE浏览器将会将ideal viewport的宽当作layout viewport的最小宽度 |
Zoom is tricky. In theory it sounds simple: determine the zoom factors that the user can zoom in or out to. The problem is two-fold:
1、We cannot directly read out the zoom factor. Instead, we have to read out the width of the visual viewport, which has an inverse relation to the zoom factor. The larger the zoom factor, the smaller the visual viewport width.
So the minimum zoom factor determines the maximum visual viewport width, and vice versa.
2、It turns out that all zoom factors are relative to the ideal viewport, no matter what the current size of the layout viewport is.
1、无法直接获取缩放因子。事实上,我们得先获得visual viewport的宽,它与缩放因子呈反比例关系。缩放因子越大,visual viewport的宽度越小。所以最小缩放因子决定了最大视觉视口的宽度,反之亦然。
2、事实证明,所有的缩放因子都与ideal viewport存在关系,而不论当时layout viewport的大小是多少。
Then there is the matter of the name. In Apple-speak, zoom is scale, and the meta viewport directives are thus called initial-scale, minimum-scale, and maximum-scale. The other browsers were forced to comply in order to retain compatibility with iPhone-specific websites.
还有一个关于名称的问题。在苹果系统上,zoom称为scale,所以在viewport meta标签中,规则就写成:initial-scale,minimum-scale和maximum-scale。其他浏览器被迫遵守这条规则,以兼容特定于IPhone端的网页。
The three directives expect a zoom factor, where for instance 2 means “zoom to 200% of the ideal viewport width.”
使用这三个规则规定了一个缩放因子。例如缩放因子为2表示缩放到ideal viewport宽的200%。
Let’s define the formulas first:
visual viewport width = ideal viewport width / zoom factor
zoom factor = ideal viewport width / visual viewport width
Thus, with a ideal viewport width of 320px and a zoom factor of 2 we get a visual viewport width of 160px. The width of the layout viewport plays no part in this calculation.
因此,已知ideal viewport的宽为320px,缩放因子为2,就可以算出visual viewport宽等于160px (=320px/2)。layout viewport的宽度在这个公式中没有作用。
What are the minimum and maximum zoom factors the browsers support?
First, a restriction. The visual viewport can never become wider than the layout viewport, so in most practical cases the minimum zoom factor is ideal viewport width / layout viewport width.
首先说一个约束:visual viewport永不会比layout viewport更宽。
在大多数实际情况下,最小缩放因子等于 ideal viewport的宽 / layout viewport的宽。
Still, in these tests I can use absurd layout viewport widths such as 5,000. I did so, and the results are:
然而在这些测试中,我用了一个荒诞的layout viewport宽度值—5000,得到如下结果:
1、Android WebKit’s minimum zoom factor is 0.25 and its maximum 4. This cannot be changed. HOWEVER, it uses 640 / 0.25 = 2,560px, which is correct for landscape, even in portrait mode.
2、IE’s maximum visual viewport width is 1024px. Its maximum zoom factor is 6 in portrait and 6 and 2/3 in landscape. This cannot be changed.
3、In the other browsers, without any zoom directives, the minimum zoom factor is about 0.25 and the maximum about 5.
4、Adding directives such as a huge layout viewport width or a huge maximum-scale causes the minimum factor to go to about 0.1 and the maximum to about 10.
1、Android WebKit内核浏览器的最小缩放因子是0.25,最大值是4。这个值不可修改。通过640 / 0.25得到的2,560px这个值在横屏和竖屏模式下都是正确的。
2、IE浏览器的最大visual viewport宽是1024px,最大缩放因子在竖屏下是6,在横屏下是20/3。这个值不可修改。
3、在其他浏览器, 不写任何缩放规则时,最小缩放因子大约是0.25,最大大约是5。
4、增加这样一条缩放规则:当layout viewport无限宽或maximum-scale无限大的情况下,最小缩放因子约是0.1,最大约10
There are slight differences in these factors; see the table below.
So in theory the iPhone’s visual viewport width can be anything between 32px (zoom factor 10) and 3200px (zoom factor 0.1).
因此,理论上IPhone的visual viewport宽可以是介于32px(缩放因子为10)和3200px(缩放因子为0.1)之间的任意值。
I did some extra tests on the Huawei C8813, Android 4.1.1, because it has a landscape ideal viewport width of 569.
Here, too, the minimum and maximum zoom factors were 0.25 and 4. So these powers of 4 are actually a general Android WebKit rule, and not just an artifact of the specific 640px width of the Samsung and HTC test phones.
The maximum visual viewport width here is 2277px, which is about 4 x 569.
我额外在Huawei C8813, Android 4.1.1上做了些测试。因为它们横屏模式下的ideal viewport宽是569。同样,它们最小和最大缩放因子也是0.25和4。因此,上述4条规则是Android WebKit内核浏览器的通用规则,而不只是三星、HTC等测试手机在640px这个特定宽度下结果。
同样,最大visual viewport宽是2277px,大体上等于4 x 569。
Setting the initial-scale directive actually does two things:
1.It sets the initial zoom factor of the page to the defined value, calculated relative to the ideal viewport. Thus it generates a visual viewport width.
2.It sets the layout viewport width to the visual viewport width it just calculated.
设置 initial-scale这条规则实际上做了如下2件事:
1、将页面初始缩放因子设置为给定的值,计算出相对于ideal viewport,得到visual viewport的宽。
2、设置layout viewport的宽等于刚刚计算出来的visual viewport的宽
So let’s say we have an iPhone in portrait mode and give it an initial-scale=2 without any further instructions. By now, it shouldn’t surprise you that this sets the visual viewport width to 160px (= 320 / 2). That’s how the scaling directives work.
如果一个IPhone手机处于竖屏模式,设置其initital-scale=2并且没有其他设置。那么不要奇怪,它其实是设置了visual viewport的宽为160px (=320px/2),这就是缩放规则的工作方式。
However, it also sets the width of the layout viewport to 160px. So we now have an 160px wide page in minimum zoom. (The visual viewport cannot become larger than the layout viewport, so zooming out is not possible.)
而且,它同时也设置了layout viewport的宽度为160px。因此我们现在拥有一个在最小缩放比例下160px宽的网页。(visual viewport不能比layout viewport大,所以页面不可能放大了)
And now, this doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense. If asked for my candid opinion I’d probably mumble something like “completely fucking batshit insane.” Still, there’s no doubt that browsers behave like this.
Except for Android WebKit. Obviously. Android WebKit allows initial-scale to set the layout viewport width only if the value is 1 AND there is no width directive. So only initial-scale=1 without any other directives works.
As to IE, it applies the wrong ideal viewport (320x320 instead of 320x480), and also pretends any value is 1. So the value you give to the initial-scale doesn’t matter in IE.
很明显Android WebKit浏览器是个例外,它允许使用initial-scale设置layout viewport的宽,当且仅当其值为1并且没有其他宽度设置规则。即Android WebKit浏览器的规则中仅有initial-scale=1起作用。
对于IE,会获取一个错误的ideal viewport(320x320而不是320x480),并且会将任意值都当作成1,所以在IE上initial-scale取什么值都无所谓。
Since initial-scale sets the layout viewport width, you can now create conflicting directives:
由于initial-scale是设置layout viewport的宽度的,所以可以利用如下的代码制造指令冲突:
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,width=400">
What happens now? The browser gets conflicting orders. Let’s return to the iPhone 4S once more:
1.initial-scale=1 tells it to set the layout viewport width to 320px portrait and 480px landscape.
2.width=400 tells it to set the layout viewport width to 400px in both portrait and landscape.
那么浏览器得到相互冲突的指令后会发生什么呢?让我们再次回到IPhone 4S上看看:
1、initial-scale=1告诉浏览器要将layout viewport的宽度设置为320px(竖屏模式)和480px(横屏模式)
2、width=400告诉浏览器要将layout viewport的宽度在横屏和竖屏模式下都设置为400px
The browser solves the problem by obeying the largest width in portrait or landscape. In our example the portrait layout viewport width becomes 400px (the larger of 320 and 400), and the landscape layout viewport width 480px (the larger of 480 and 400).
在我们的例子中,竖屏模式下layout viewport的宽度将变为400px(取320和400中的较大值),横屏模式下layout viewport的宽度将变为480px(取480和400中的较大值)。
Makes sense? Actually it doesn’t, but browsers do it anyway.
In any case, what we have here is a min-width for the layout viewport. The meta tag above sets the min-width to 400px, but allows the browser to grow the layout viewport beyond that if device size and orientation require it.
在任何情况下,我们这里说一个layout viewport的min-width的情况。如果在上面的meta标签设置了min-width为400px,但允许浏览器增加layout viewport的宽度并超过这个值,只有设备尺寸或者设备旋转需要。
I’m not sure if there’s any practical use for a min-width for the layout viewport, but if you need one, hey, it’s there!
我不清楚是否有layout viewport的min-width的实际应用,但如果你需要,就在这里。
Android WebKit does not follow these rules. If the width equals device-width or is smaller than 320, Android WebKit always applies the ideal viewport width to the layout viewport. Above 320 it always obeys the width directive.
Android WebKit内核浏览器不遵循这条规则。如果width等于device-width或者小于320px,Android WebKit内核浏览器总会采用ideal viewport的宽作为layout viewport的宽。超过320都会遵循这个规律。
IE does not follow these rules above width=480, when it sets the layout viewport width to 1024px.
在width=480以上,IE不遵循这些规则,如当设置了layout viweport宽为1024px
I found a minor bug in the iPhone, but not the iPad:
1.If a combination of width and initial-scale causes the browser to automatically zoom in in landscape mode (i.e. visual viewport is smaller than layout viewport)
2.AND the user zooms out in landscape mode and then switches to portrait mode
3.the minimum-scale for portrait equals the minimum-scale for landscape (i.e. the viewport width) times the portrait/landscape ratio. (So a landscape viewport width of 400 causes a portrait minimum-scale of 268.)
4.Solution: zoom in as much as possible in portrait. The bug disappears.
3、竖屏模式下的最小缩放比等于横屏模式下的最小缩放比(即viewport宽) * 竖屏/横屏比率(因此,横屏viewport宽)。
Try it here. Hold your iPhone in landscape, go to the page, and follow the instructions above.
I did only one small series of tests for minimum-scale and maximum-scale. They generally seem to work quite well, except on Android WebKit, which doesn’t support minimum-scale, and IE, which makes a horrific mess of things — so badly, in fact, that I’ve given up trying to understand what’s going on.
我只是做了一系列关于minimum-scale和maximum-scale的小测试,测试结果都很正常,除了在Android WebKit(因为它不支持minimum-scale)和IE(因为它制造出一系列糟糕的问题)上,所以我放弃了尝试搞懂它们的工作原理。
What’s supposed to happen in the tests below is that the layout viewport width is calculated as described above, and after that zooming is restricted to between 50% and 200%, i.e. the visual viewport can become from twice as large to twice as small as the ideal viewport.
当layout viewport的宽按照上述计算,然后缩放被限制在50%和200%之间,即视觉视口可以变为从理想视口的一倍大到两倍小。猜猜会发生什么?(答案如下图)
One exception: the visual viewport can never become smaller than the layout viewport.
一个例外情况是:visual viewport永不会变得比layout viewport小。
[an error occurred while processing this directive]